6th Meeting: 28 September 2021 (together with the Venus flyby group) - Bepicolombo YSSG-CS
14:00 |
Welcome |
14:05 |
Part I: Updates from VFB2 |
Instrument PIs/reference person from: ISA, SERENA, MAG, SIXS, BERM, PHEBUS, MERTIS, MGNS, BERM, MDM, MGF, MPPE, PWI 2 minutes each |
Instrument updates on VFB2 data to report on: 1. Data status and type (science, calibration…) 2. Data availability (to other groups, rules, sites...) 3. Need to interact with other groups (to increase/validate science return, or other reasons...) 4. Leader/contact person (to help interactions in the next future on VFB2) |
14:40 |
Fedorov, Livi, Kelly/Verscharen |
Solar Orbiter/SWA sensors report on VFB2 |
14:55 |
Hadid, Sanchez-Cano, Mangano |
Summary of ongoing study groups and activities of VFBs: an overview |
15:05 |
Coffee break |
Part II: Scientific talks |
15:10 |
Rosenn Robiden (LATMOS, France) |
"PHEBUS distant observations of Venus and first results of VSB#2" |
15:25 |
Hadid, Aizawa, Harada |
VFB2 studies from MPPE+MAG |
15:55 |
Final Communications |
Next VFB+CSSG meeting, website updates, etc |
16:00 |
End of meeting |
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