Events - BepiColombo MercuryTransit
Affiliation | Location | Info |
Open University | Milton Keynes, UK | School parties by arrangement from 1100. Open to the public from 1600 for viewing opportunities, talks and fun science demonstrations. Entry free, but registration appreciated. Details here. |
INAF | Padova, Italy | Event being run jointly by INAF, Observatorio Astronomico di Padova and University of Padova: Department of Physics and Astronomy. More info |
Observatoire de Paris | Meudon, France | The public area of the site of Meudon will be open to the general public. More info |
Volkssterrenwacht Antwerpen | Hove, Belgium | Sterrenwacht van Antwerpen. |
The Planetary Society group Venezuela | Maracaibo, Venezuela | |
Aerolite Europe | Chesieres, Switzerland | Aiglon college astronomy group |
Royal Astronomical Society | Burlington House, London, UK | Viewing from courtyard, teacher activity pack available. |
Hanwell Community Observatory | Oxon, UK |
We will be running two simultaneous events, one in Oxford and one in Banbury, both running from midday to 3pm. We will have a range of ways to safely view the transit, including projections of the sun, telescopes with professionally made solar filters and solar telescopes designed specifically for observing the sun. The Oxford event will take place in the public play area by Keeble Gate, University Parks, Oxford:
Highlands Astronomical Observatory | Inverness, UK | At Culloden Battlefield, H-Alpha and white light solar scopes will be set up. |
Verein Kuffner-Sternwarte | Vienna, Austria | website |
Eastbourne Astronomical Society | Redoubt Fortress, Seafront, Eastbourne, UK | Public observing from historic fortress, observing in H-Alpha |
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna | Bologna, Italy | More info |
Astronomy Ireland | Unit4, Centrepoint, Rosemont Business Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin, Ireland | More info |
Baker Street Irregular Astronomers | Cwmdu, Brecon Beacons, Wales, UK | website |
Flamsteed Astronomy Society | Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London, UK | website |
The Knowledge Observatory | Confolens, 16500, France | website. free public event for schools and local people. Free solar filter for cameras and telescopes. |
National Space Centre | Exploration Drive, Leicester, UK | website |
Museum of the History of Science | University Parks, Oxford, UK | A joint, free event with the Museum of the History of Science and Hanwell Community Observatory in the University Parks, with telescopes. 12noon - 3pm |
Cardiff University | National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, UK | Event location : National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Other information : Hosted by the National Museum of Wales, and organised along with Cardiff University and the Institute of Physics, we will provide equipment to view the transit, along with a live-stream of the event and astronomy-themed activities. Click For more information |
Orpington Astronomical Society | The Glades, Bromley High Street, London, UK | A small group of observers from Orpington Astronomical Society will be running a "Pavement Astronomy event" using White light and H Alpha scopes to view the transit on Bromley High Street near to the entrance of The Glades shopping centre. Weather dependent of course. Please access our web site nearer to the date to get exact times. Click For more information |
DASH ASTRO | Dunwich Car Park, Suffolk, UK | White light filter and hydrogen alpha scopes will be available for the public to look through. Beginners/first timers more than welcome |
Hampstead Scientific Society | Hampstead Observatory, London, UK | We'll open our doors to the general public free of charge (donations gratefully recieved) on May 9th 2016 from 12am until the Sun is lost from our location (sometime around 19:00). If the weather is bad we may not open so see Facebook: Hampstead Observatory on the evening of the 8th May for updates. For more info on Hampstead Observatory; our normal openings and how to find us, see our website. |
Mexborough & Swinton Astronomical Society | JA Jones Hoober Observatory, Rotherham, UK | Viewing open to the public. White light and Ha telescope available for viewing |
Royal Observatory Greenwich | Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, SE10 8XJ, UK | The Royal Observatory Greenwich will be providing the public with opportunities to see the transit of Mercury through a range of telescopes. There will be free telescope viewings next to the Astronomy Centre (in conjunction with Flamsteed Astronomy Society), plus special ticketed sessions to view the event through the largest lensed telescope in the United Kingdom, the Great Equatorial Telescope, for the first time since 1927. More information and booking via the Royal Observatory website. |
Headlands International Dark Sky Park | Mackinaw City, MI, USA | Participants are invited to join us in viewing the transit through our new Lunt solar telescope, and to a celebration of our 5th year an Internationally-designated dark sky park! Event is free, a limited amount of refreshments will be served; drop in anytime throughout (7:12 am to 2:42 pm EDT) |
High Legh Community Observatory | High Legh, Cheshire, UK | More info. |
Estação Astronômica PieGis | Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará - Brazil | Free public event for students and residents near the Estação Astronômica. Two telescopes will be available for the observation of transit. |
University of California, Riverside | Riverside, CA, USA | More info. |
HINSPIRIA science centre | Sarpsborg Norway | H-Alpha and white light solar scopes will be set up. More info. |
LYRA | Royal Green, Marine Parade, Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK | Full range of H Alpha scopes plus White Light filtered Telescopes. 12:00 till 5:00pm weather permitting. |
The Observatory Science Centre | The Observatory Science Centre, Herstmonceux, Hailsham, East Sussex, UK | The Observatory Science Centre will be open until 8:00pm on May 9th and viewing of the transit will take place from midday. We will be using a 90mm solar telescope, a 40mm solar telescope and Sunspotters. We will also have some solar viewing glasses for visitors to borrow. Members of the local astronomical society will have their own solar viewing equipment and will be on hand to answer any questions about the transit. More info. |
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum | Phoebe Waterman Haas Public Observatory, Washington, DC, USA | More info. The Observatory will have multiple solar-safe telescopes available for the public to view the transit of Mercury. There will also be a live online stream of the Observatory's view of the transit throughout the day at More info. Both the in-person observing and the online stream are weather-dependent. Check for the live stream link, photos of the transit in progress, and weather updates from the Observatory on Twitter via @SIObservatory. |
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Department of Physics, University of Athens, Athens, Greece | The Gerostathopoulio University Observatory organises a special public event devoted to the Mercury Transit on 9 May 2016. The event will take place at the Physics Department of the University of Athens. It will start at 4pm and will comprise solar observations with telescopes, public talks and games for children. See program. |
Institute for Physics / IGAM | University or Graz, Graz, Austria | Telescopes on the campus will allow a safe and sharp view on the transit. In addition, a livestream will be displayed in the foyer of the main building. For those interested in the history of the institute, guided tours to the historic refractor will be offered. |
Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica "M. Merlin" | Bari, Italy | Bari Local Committee of The AISF (Italian Association of Physics Students) invites students to watch a live streaming of Mercury Transit. The event will start at 1.30 pm and will take place at Physics Department of the University of Bari "M.Merlin" |
Stanion and Northants Astronomy Club | Stanion Village Hall, Stanion, Northants, UK | Members of Stanion and Northants Astronomy Club will be observing the transit with white light filtered telescopes. All are welcome to come down from 12:00BST to see this rare event as it happens first hand. More info |
Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge | Highland Road Park Observatory, Baton Rouge, LA USA | The Baton Rouge area will experience most of the Transit of Mercury. HRPO will be open to the public from 6am to 2pm Central Daylight Time. Personnel will have at least six telescopes (projection, optical and hydrogen-alpha) in operation, as well as a live feed from the Solar Dynamics Observatory. There will also be an opportunity for patrons to create their own projection devices! The event is for all ages and there is no admission fee. HRPO is located at 13800 Highland Road in Baton Rouge. HRPO's two other partners are Louisiana State University and the Baton Rouge Astronomical Society. |
Radboud University Nijmegen | Faculty of Sciences, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands | Public observation of the Transit of Mercury on May 9th. On Monday 9th May, Mercury will pass right between the earth and the sun and we will observe a transit. From 13:12 to 20:40, Mercury will appear as a small, dark dot against the bright solar disk. The size of the dark dot is seven times smaller than we can distinguish with naked eye, so a telescope is needed. At 16:56, the planet will reach the closest point to the centre of the solar disk, blocking about 0.003% of Sun's light. This transit of Mercury is visible in its entirety from Nijmegen (see the simulation). The next chances are in 2019 and 2032, but only a fraction of those transits will be visible. The Radboud University Observatory will be open for a public visit of the transit. Members of the Astronomische Kring Nijmegen (AKN) and the Radboud Sterrenkunde department will show visitors the transit of Mercury using our telescopes and will provide further explanation of this beautiful event. Remember that observing the sun without the proper equipment is extremely dangerous. It is possible that it is cloudy here, in that case we will connect with one of the live broadcasts from somewhere else. Visitors should book free tickets for one the nine 45-minutes sessions throughout the event. Tickets can be booked here. This is because the observatory has limited capacity, please be mindful of other visitors. The telescopes are at the roof the Huygensgebouw, Heyendaalseweg 135. Please note that the observatory is only accessible by stairs. If you have further question, please email English or Dutch |
Planetarium Bochum | Planetarium Bochum, Germany | There will be an introductory presentation in the dome at 12:00 CEDT, followed by observing with several telescopes, with more observing from 17:00 CEDT onwards.More information |
Aberystwyth University | Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Wales, UK | The Aberystwyth University Physics Department are running an event to view the transit of Mercury, Monday May 9th in the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, located in the top bar. The transit will be from 12 noon and we will be there with several solar telescopes and a live video stream from the ESA satellite. More information |
Dalgety Bay Astronomy Club | The Kabin, Dalgety Bay, Scotland, UK | Open, drop-in event. More information |
Louis Cruls Astronomy Club | Praça São Salvador, Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil | We are organizing a big event at the main public square of the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, located in Rio de Janeiro State, Brasil. We will have two solar telescopes and wil also project the image of the Trasit of Mercury in a big screen. Estamos organizando um grande evento para observação do Trânsito de Mercúrio na Praça São Salvador, na cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes, no estado do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil. Estaremos com dois telescópios solares e uma tenda onde serão projetados em uma grande tela as imagens do trânsito de Mercúrio. Durante o evento estaremos ministrando palestras no Museu Histórico de Campos dos Goytacazes. O evento está sendo organizado pelo Clube de Astronomia Louis Cruls com apoio do Charlie Bates Solar Asronomy Project. |
University of Oxford | Frideswide Square, Oxford, UK | Physicists from the University of Oxford will be on hand with solar telescopes to show you the transit of Mercury outside the Said Business School on Frideswide Square throughout the transit. |
Silesian Planetarium | Silesian Planetarium and Katowice main square, Poland | Observations are totally free. |
Wakefield and District Astronomical Society | Overton Cricket club, Middlestown, Wakefield, Yorkshire UK | From 12.00 noon right through until 8.00pm. We will have dedicated solar scopes and other scopes with white light solar film for use of anyone who wants to attend, with plenty of astronomers on hand to answer questions from members of the public. |