
Data Processing and Analysis Consortium Executive (DPACE)


The Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium Executive (DPACE) was established in June 2006. One of the main responsibilities of DPACE is to oversee the DPAC activities in consultation with the Coordination Unit and Data Processing Centre leaders (see the DPAC response to the ESA AO for more information about the role and terms of reference of DPACE). The Chair and Deputy Chair were nominated by the DACC (the transient committee set up by the Gaia Science Team to propose a structure for the Consortium) and subsequently confirmed by the DPAC membership (comprising members of all Coordination Units). Both of these positions are for a three year renewable term. The managers of each of the Coordination Units are members of the executive, as is a representative of the CNES Data Processing Centre. The Gaia Project Scientist has the status of observer on the DPACE and the Project Coordinator has a standing invitation to meetings of the DPACE. The current composition of DPACE is as follows:


Members of the Gaia DPACE
Anthony Brown Chair
Antonella Vallenari Deputy chair
Jorgo Bakker Manager CU1 (System Architecture)
Carine Babusiaux Manager CU2 (Data Simulations)
Michael Biermann Manager CU3 (Core Processing)
Frédéric Arenou Manager CU4 (Object Processing) - Non-Single Stars
Christine Ducourant Manager CU4 (Object Processing) - Extended Objects
Paolo Tanga Manager CU4 (Object Processing) - Solar System Objects
Dafydd Wyn Evans Manager CU5 (Photometric Processing)
Paola Sartoretti Manager CU6 (Spectroscopic Processing)
Laurent Eyer Manager CU7 (Variability Analysis)
Orlagh Creevey Manager CU8 (Astrophysical Parameters)
Xavier Luri Manager CU9 (Catalogue Access)
Angelique Barbier CNES Data Processing Centre representative


From left to right, top row: Laurent Eyer, Dimitri Pourbaix, Antonella Vallenari, Chantal Panem, Uwe Lammers (Science Operations Manager), Orlagh Creevey, Fred Jansen (Mission Manager), Carine Babusiaux, Timo Prusi (Project Scientist), Dafydd Evans, Paola Sartoretti; front row: Gonzalo Gracia (DPAC Project Coordinator), Alexander Hutton, Xavier Luri, Anthony Brown, Michael Biermann.

DPAC Executive meeting #29 in Segovia



Former members of the Gaia DPAC Executive
Ronald Drimmel (2006-2012) deputy chair
François Mignard (2006-2012) chair
William O'Mullane (2006-2015) CU9, CU1
Coryn Bailer-Jones (2006-2018) CU8
David Katz (2006-2012) CU6
Floor van Leeuwen (2006-2018) CU5
Frédéric Thevenin (2009-2010)  
Dimitri Pourbaix (2006 - 2021) CU4
Ulrich Bastian (2006-2016) CU3
Alexander Hutton (2018-2024) CU1
Hassan Siddiqui (2014-2018) CU1
Uwe Lammers (2008-2013) CU1
Chantal Panem   (2016 - 2022) CNES
Veronique Valette (2011-2016) CNES
Xavier Passot (2007-2011) CNES
Claude Huc (2006-2007) CNES


DPACE meeting in 2017 with from left to right: Michael Biermann, Coryn Bailer-Jones, Timo Prusti (Gaia Project Scientist - DPACE Observer), Antonella Vallenari, Hassan Siddiqui, Chantal Panem, Anthony Brown, Francesca De Angeli (CU5 management team, not DPACE), Dimitri Pourbaix, Gonzalo Gracia (Project Coordinator - DPACE Observer), Laurent Eyer, Paola Sartoretti, Uwe Lammers (Science Operations Manager - DPACE Observer), Dafydd Evans, Xavier Luri). DPACE members missing from this group picture are Carine Babusiaux and Alexander Hutton.


DPAC Executive meeting 18 in Heidelberg (Haus der Astronomie). From left to right: Coryn Bailer-Jones, Anthony Brown, Ulrich Bastian, Xavier Luri, Laurent Eyer, Dimitri Pourbaix, Paola Sartoretti, Timo Prusti, Floor van Leeuwen, Carine Babusiaux, Antonella Vallenari, Veronique Valette, William O'Mullane, ...

image: courtesy of William O'Mullane


Below is a picture of DPACE in its composition on 16 July 2013 (Image courtesy: William O'Mullane):

with from left to right: Carine Babusiaux (CU2), Veronique Valette (CNES), Paola Sartoretti (CU6), Laurent Eyer (CU7), Pasquale Panuzzo (not DPACE), Xavier Luri (CU9), Ulrich Bastian (CU3), Timo Prusti (Gaia Project Scientist, DPACE Observer), Coryn Bailer-Jones (CU8), Dimitri Pourbaix (CU4), Antonella Vallenari (DPACE Deputy Chair), William O'Mullane (CU1), Anthony Brown (DPACE Chair) and Sebastian Els (Project Coordinator). Missing in the picture: Floor van Leeuwen (CU5).


More information about the Data Analysis Coordination Committee (DACC) which led the formation of the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium is available here.