Herschel 'hands-on' Data Processing Workshops, ESAC, 24-25 March 2009 (Spectroscopy) and 26-27 March 2009 (Photometry/Mapping) - Herschel
Herschel 'hands-on' Data Processing Workshops

ESAC, 24-25 March 2009 (Spectroscopy)
ESAC, 26-27 March 2009 (Photometry/Mapping)
Workshop Generalities
- Herschel DP Spectroscopy Workshop agenda (PDF 11 kb)
- Herschel DP Photometry/Mapping Workshop agenda (PDF 11 kb)
- List of Participants - Spectroscopy workshop (PDF 14kb)
- List of Participants - Photometry/Mapping workshop (PDF 13kb)
- Herschel status update (G. Pilbratt) (PDF 7Mb)
- The Herschel Data Processing System: History, Status and latest Developments (S. Ott) (PDF 557Kb)
- Installing HIPE (M. Kidger) (PDF 744Kb)
- Getting familiar with the HIPE GUI (B. Merin) (PDF 1.5Mb)
- Help Documentation and Search Capabilities in the Herschel DP System (A. Marston) (PDF 506Kb)
- SPIRE FTS Pipelines (T. Fulton) (PDF 209Kb)
- SPIRE Spectrometer Data Products (E. Polehampton) (PDF 505Kb)
- SPIRE Photometer Pipelines (P. Panuzzo) (PDF 1.1Mb)
- SPIRE Photometer Products (B. Schulz) (PDF 359Kb)
- PACS Spectroscopy Pipeline and Data Products (R. Vavrek) (PDF 11Mb)
- PACS Photometer Pipeline Status (B. Altieri) (PDF 1.4Mb)
- HIFI Pipelines and Data Products (C. McCoey) (PDF 6.2Mb)
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