PACS and SPIRE Map-Making Workshop, 28-31 January 2013, ESAC, Madrid, Spain - Herschel
Workshop Generalities
- Herschel PACS and SPIRE Map-Making Workshop - Final Agenda
- Herschel PACS and SPIRE Map-Making Workshop - List of Participants
Session 0: Introduction
- Herschel Data Processing: Status and Outlook - (Stephan Ott)
- Introductory talk on PACS instrument - (Bruno Altieri)
- Introductory talk on SPIRE instrument - (Luca Conversi)
- Pointing accuracy: status and impact on inversion map making techniques (Herve Aussel)
Session I: Map making techniques for PACS & SPIRE
- PACS High-pass filtering (Bruno Atieri)
- Scanamorphos & JScanam (Michael Wetzstein)
- The SPIRE Destriper (Bernhard Schulz)
- MADMap pre-processing and signal drift mitigation (Babar Ali)
- MADMap for PACS (Ted Kisner)
- UNIMAP (Lorenzo Piazzo)
- SANEPIC for Herschel (Alexandre Beelen)
- Tamasis (Pierre Chanial)
- SUPREME: a high-resolution mapmaker (Hacheme Ayasso)
- SPIRE Superresolution Maps with the HiRes Maximum Correlation Methods (Dave Shupe)
Session II: Quality assessment of map making techniques for PACS
- PACS Benchmarking environment and comparison metrics (Roberta Paladini)
- PACS simulations (Roland Vavrek)
- PACS Power Spectrum Estimation - (Gabor Marton)
- PACS Point Source Photometry (Zoltan Balog)
- PACS Noise Statistics (Lorenzo Piazzo)
- Difference Matrix (Vera Konyves)
- Comparison with Ancillary Data I (Babar Ali)
- Comparison with Ancillary Data II (Roberta Paladini)
Session III : Quality assessment of map making techniques for SPIRE
- SPIRE Benchmarking environment and comparison metrics (Kevin Xu)
- SPIRE simulations (Kevin Xu)
- Deviation from the truth (Vera Konyves)
- SPIRE Power Spectrum Estimation (Luca Conversi)
- SPIRE Extended/Point Source Photometry (Kevin Xu)
- Metrics for super-resolution maps (Dave Shupe)
Session IV: Comparison with ancillary data sets (Spitzer/MIPS, ISO, COBE/DIRBE, IRAS, etc.)
- PACS calibration in KINGFISH survey & convolution kernels (Gonzalo Aniano)
Session V: Photometry of (mostly) extended sources: issues, and results
- ROMAGAL: the Hi-GAL data reduction pipeline (Alessio Traficante)
- Gould Belt Survey: map-making and selection of scientific results (Vera Konyves)
- Herschel Galactic Cold Cores: A Summary (Veli-Matti Pelkonen)
- EPoS: The Earliest Phases of Star Formation: Mapping and analysing extended emission and point sources (Markus Nielbock)
- HOBYS: data reduction, map-making and source extraction (Martin Henneman)
- Photometry in Crowded Regions: The Herschel Orion Protostar Survey (Will Fischer)
- Galactic Winds in NGC 4631 (Marcio Melendez)
- MESS: MESSy PACS images and Deconvolution (Roland Ottensamer)
- Hermes: stacking PACS maps. Inversion vs. high-pass filtering methods (Herve Aussel)
- Hermes: the SMAP extended emission mapper (Bernhard Schulz)
- PACS data reduction for the PEP deep extragalactic survey (Dieter Lutz/Stefano Berta)
- H-Atlas & HVCS: Map Making and Flux Extraction with Extragalactic Parallel Observations (Matt Smith)
Session VI: Other mapping techniques and strategies
- CMB map-making in the era of Planck (Julian Borrill)
- First generation map-making for SCUBA-2 (Ed Chapin)
- Map-making and Signal Estimation with Bolocam (Jack Sayers)
- boloSource: a new source subtraction technique for extended emission analysis (Roland Vavrek)
- Converted a total of (2) center to div.