Star Formation Across Space and Time, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 11-14 November 2014 - Herschel
Star Formation Across Space and Time
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 11-14 November 2014
The objective of this meeting is to bring together astronomers interested in all aspects of star formation, from local galactic to extreme extra-galactic high-z conditions. Recent advances on the subject suggest various communities can benefit from each other, and the meeting aims to facilitate cross-fertilization between researchers with different observational and theoretical backgrounds to further our understanding of star formation as observed across the spectrum. The meeting poses the fundamental question: Are there universal processes of star formation across space and time?
Workshop Generalities
Oral Presentations
Session 1: Where and how do stars form?
- Welcome - Pilbratt, Göran
- The Formation of Molecular Clouds and Galactic Star Formation - Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro
- The Role of Interstellar Filaments in Regulating the Star Formation Efficiency on GMC Scales - André, Philippe
- The Magnetic Field Structure of Interstellar Filaments and their Environment Inferred from Dust Polarization Observed by Planck - Arzoumanian, Doris
- Understanding the Internal Substructure of Herschel Filaments - Hacar, Alvaro
- The star formation rate of molecular clouds - Padoan, Paolo
- Is the IMF Universal ? - Chabrier, Gilles
- A Complete Census of Dense Cores in Chamaeleon I: Results from an ALMA Cycle 1 Survey - Dunham, Michael (presented by John Tobin)
- Schmidt's Conjecture and Star Formation in Galactic Molecular Clouds and External Galaxies - Alves, Joao
- Cluster Formation Induced by Cloud-Cloud Collisions: The Case of Serpens South - Nakamura, Fumitaka
- The Role of Ridges in High Mass Star Formation - Hill, Tracey (presented by Sylvain Bontemps)
- Tracing Protostellar Environments from Low to High Mass with Herschel - Mottram, Joseph
- Dynamics of Ultracompact H II Regions: Confronting Theory with Observations - Peters, Thomas
- Formation of Massive Filamentary Cloud Cores behind Shock Wave - Inoue, Tsuyoshi
- Magnetized Prestellar Core Formation in Turbulent Cloud - Chen, Che-Yu
- The Fine Structure of the Web of Interstellar Filaments in the Gould Belt Regions - Men'shchikov, Alexander
- The Line-mass Power Spectrum of Interstellar Filaments - A Possible Link to the IMF ? - Roy, Arabindo
Session 2: Properties of star formation in the Milky Way, its satellites, and nearby galaxies
- HOBYS and W43, Two More Steps Towards a Galaxy-wide Understanding of High-mass Star Formation - Motte, Frédérique
- Formation of Extreme High-mass Star Clusters: Lessons on Galactic Mini-starbursts - Fukui, Yasuo
- Triggered Massive Star Formation in W49 - A Model for Extragalactic Starburst Activity - Brandl, Bernhard
- Star Formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Tracing an Evolution of Giant Molecular Clouds - Onishi, Toshikazu
- ALMA Imaging of Arp 220 and NGC 6240 -- HCN and Dust - Scoville, Nick
- Star Formation in GMCs: Lessons from Herschel Observations of the Aquila Complex - Könyves, Vera
- An Uncertainty Principle for Star Formation – the Failure of Galactic Star Formation Relations and a Solution for the Molecular Cloud Lifetime Problem - Kruijssen, Diederik
- Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies: Evolution in your Neighborhood - Calzetti, Daniela
- How Herschel is Revolutionizing what we know of the Dust and Gas Properties of low Metallicity Dwarf Galaxies - Madden, Suzanne
- The ISM Structure of Low-metallicity Star-forming Galaxies - Cormier, Diane
- Dust, Star-Formation and the ISM in the Outskirts of Galaxies - Smith, Matthew
- Different IMFs in Local Group Stellar Clusters - Zaritsky, Dennis
- HELGA: Star Formation and Dust Properties in Andromeda - Gear, Walter
- Atomic Gas Cycles and Global Star Formation in Local Galaxies - Jaskot, Anne
Session 3: The galaxy 'main sequence' and 'feedback'
- Galaxies on FIRE: Stellar Feedback Explains Inefficient Star Formation - Hopkins, Philip
- The Evolution of Star Formation and Galaxy Morphology Revealed by the Deepest and Shallowest Herschel Surveys - Eales, Stephen
- Compaction and Quenching in High-z Galaxies - Dekel, Avishai
- The Main Sequence from Stars to Galaxies - Elbaz, David
- The Role of Starbursts Across Cosmic Time - Hayward, Christopher
- Bulge Growth and Quenching since z = 2.5 in CANDELS/3D-HST - Lang, Philipp
- GOODS- & CANDELS-Herschel: On the Existence of the Main Sequence of Star Formation - Schreiber, Corentin
- Studying Stellar Feedback With Galactic Outflow Scaling Relations - Chisholm, John
- Towards a Complete Census of Star Formation in Massive Galaxies at z~4 - Wang, Tao
- Evolution of the Galaxy Main Sequence in Semi-Analytic Galaxy Formation Models - Mitchell, Peter
- Unveiling Obscured Star Formation and Dust Attenuation up to z=4 - Buat, Veronique (presented by Matthieu Bethermin)
- Co-evolution of Starburst and Obscured AGN Activity in the Mass-SFR Plane at z=2 - Rodighiero, Giulia
- Andromeda in All Colours: Dust Scaling Relations at Sub-kpc Resolution - Viaene, Sébastien
Session 4: Evolution of properties of star formation at cloud and galaxy scales with cosmic time
- Stars' turbulent birth across space and time - Renaud, Florent
- Beyond the Confusion: Enhancing our View of Star Formation at High Redshift via Cluster Lensing - Rawle, Tim
- The Reversal of the "Star Formation - Density Relation" in a High redshift Cluster ? - Altieri, Bruno
- The HI-to-H2 Transition in Galaxy Star-Forming Regions - Sternberg, Amiel
- The Evolution of the Dust and Gas Content in Galaxies - Santini, Paola
- Molecular gas, stellar, and Dust Content in Typical L* Galaxies at z=1-3 - Dessauges-Zavadsky, Miroslava
- Dust Obscured Star Formation Seen in the Far-Infrared - Inami, Hanae
- Dust Formation History with Galaxy Evolution - Takeuchi , Tsutomu
- Compact Starbursts: Extreme Star Formation and Feedback at High Density - Diamond-Stanic, Aleks
- CO/H2, C/CO, and OH/CO in the Early Universe: From High Ionization to Low Metallicity - Bialy, Shmuel
- Warm Molecular Gas in Luminous IR Galaxies: Views from Herschel - Lu, Nanyao
- The Birth of a Star Forming Clump in a Disk Galaxy at Redshift z = 2 - Zanella, Anita
- The Evolving Interstellar Medium of Star Forming Galaxies Over the Last 10 Billion Years - Magdis, Georgios
- The Cold Gas Reservoir in UV-bright Star-Forming Galaxies - Goncalves, Thiago
- Direct Constraints on Dust Emission, UV Attenuation, and Dust-obscured Star Formation of z=6.5-7.5 Galaxies - Schaerer, Daniel
Session 5: Symposium Wrap-up
- Wrap-up Session 1: Where and how do stars form? - Zinneker, Hans
- Wrap-up Session 2: Properties of star formation in the Milky Way, its satellites, and nearby galaxies - Kruijssen, Diederik
- Wrap-up Session 3: The galaxy 'main sequence' and 'feedback' - Hayward, Christopher
Session 1: Where and how do stars form?
- HII Regions and Star Formation Observed at their Edges in the Galaxy: Towards a Global Study - Andersen, Morten
- Far‐infrared and Submillimetre Studies of the Corona Australis Molecular Cloud - Bresnahan, David
- Water Observations with Herschel/HIFI toward Massive Star‐forming Regions - Choi, Yunhee
- Some like it Cold: Starless Cores in the Pipe Nebula - Forbrich, Jan
- A Dynamically Collapsing Core and a Precursor of a Core in a Filament Supported by Turbulent and Magnetic Pressures - Furuya, Ray
- The Atomic Gas Segregation at Different Galactocentric Distances - Gazol, Adriana
- Herschel PACS and SPIRE Spectral Mapping of the OMC 2 Region: Tracing the Morphology and Spatial Distribution of Shocked Gas in Outflows - González-García Beatriz
- Filamentary Cloud Formation by Gravitational Instability of Shocked Magnetized Gas Layers - Iwasaki, Kazunari
- The Cold Environments of FU Orionis-type Eruptive Stars - Kóspál, A´gnes
- Temperatures of Dust and Gas in the S140 High-mass Star-forming Region - Koumpia, E.
- Multi-Wavelength Study of Lynds 1340, an Intermediate Mass Star Forming Region - Kun, Maria
- Constraints on Star Formation in the Taurus L1495 Cloud from SPIRE/PACS Observations of Dense Cores As Part of the Herschel Gould Belt Survey - Marsh, Ken
- The Chemical Variation in the Orion A Cloud Cores - Ohashi, Satoshi
- Star Formation in the Cluster and Giant HII Region NGC 3603 - Paresce, Francesco
- On the Class II Methanol Maser Periodic Variability due to the Rotating Spiral Shocks in the Gaps of Disks Around Young Binary Stars - Parfenov, Sergey
- Prestellar Cores in the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud: A JCMT and Herschel Joint Analysis - Pattle, Kate
- The Role of Environment in Filament Formation and Evolution: Implications for Low and High-Mass Star Formation - Rivera-Ingraham, Alana
- Probing the growth of IC5146 by filamentary accretion - Shimajiri, Yoshito
- Molecular Line Modelling of IRDC Star-forming Cores - Shipman, Russell
- Construction and Origin of the Giant Star Forming Complex G173 - Sobolev, Andrey
- Disk Dissipation Timescale of Pre-main Sequence Stars - Takagi,Yuhei
- Characterizing a Herschel-detected Sample of Very Red Protostars in Orion - Tobin, John
- BoloSource() for the Analysis of Diffuse Emission and Crowded-field Photometry - Vavrek, Roland
- The Massive Star-forming Region NGC 6334 from Scales of Filaments down to Clusters cores: Molecular Gas Kinematics Derived from Submm Observations and Explored Using 3D Radiative Transfer Models - Zernickel, Alexander
- Studies of Star Formation with SOFIA - Zinnecker, Hans
Posters Session 2: Properties of star formation in the Milky Way, its satellites, and nearby galaxies
- Herbig Ae/Be disks: Linking Disk Geometry to Time-variability - Abraham, Peter
- An Atomic and Molecular View of the Diffuse/dense Interface in the local ISM - Bernard-Salas, Jeronimo
- The Roadmap for Star-forming Regions - Comito, Claudia
- Dust Structure and Star-formation in Nearby Edge-on Galaxies - Holwerda, Benne
- The star Formation Law in Tidal Dwarf Galaxies - Lisenfeld, Ute
- What Drives Star Formation in Bars? - Lisenfeld, Ute
- The Nature of the Herschel Clump Sources in the M16 Region and Ongoing Star Formation - Marston, Anthony
- An All-sky Selection of YSO Candidates - Marton, Gábor
- Origin and Excitation Mechanisms of the Warm CO, OH and CH+ in PDRs - Parikka, Anna
- Characterising the Protostellar Population of the Magellanic Clouds with VLT/SINFONI - Ward, Jacob
Posters Session 3: The galaxy 'main sequence' and 'feedback'
- The Molecular Gas Mass Function of Galaxies since z~3, and Indirect M(gas) Estimates - Berta, Stefano
- An Excess of Dusty Starbursts at z=2.2 - Dannerbauer, Helmut
- The Sub Lyman-alpha Explorer: Mapping the Most Massive Stars and their Environmental Feedback in the Low-redshift Universe - France, Kevin
- Gas-fuelling and Star-formation in Spiral Galaxies in the Group Environment - Grootes, Meiert
- The role of AGN in the SFR-M* Plane: an Herschel Perspective - Gruppioni, Carlotta
- Traces of Co-evolution in X-ray Absorbed QSOs with high SFR at z~2 - Khan Alí Franco, Anuar
- Combining Chemical Evolution and Spectral Synthesis Models to Constrain the Star Formation Properties of High-z Galaxy Populations - Lo Faro, Barbara
- Investigating the Star Formation - AGN Interplay Through the Lens of the Star Formation Reference Survey (SFRS) - Maragkoudakis, Alexandros
- 13C Fractionation in Photon-dominated Regions - Ossenkopf, Volker
- The Star-formation Rate Cookbook: Recipes at 1<z<3 - Talia, Margherita
Posters Session 4: Evolution of properties of star formation at cloud and galaxy scales with cosmic time
- What are the Dust Properties of z=3 Lyman Break Galaxies - Álvarez-Márquez, Javier
- The Star-formation Rate of Young, Sub-solar Metallicity z~3 LBGs in the CANDELS GOODS-South Field - Castellano, Marco
- Star-formation Indications from HST and Spitzer Observations of High-redshift Galaxies - Holwerda, Benne
- Can Weak Lensing Directly Probe the Stellar Mass of Galaxies? - Kobayashi, Masato
- The Herschel/PACS Point Source Catalogue - Marton, Gábor
- The Influence of Cluster Mergers on Galaxy Formation - Rawle, Tim
- The Herschel-SPIRE Point Source Catalog (SPSC) - Schulz, Bernhard
- Identification of z>2 Herschel 500µm Sources in the GOODS-North Using Color-deconfusion - Shu, Xinwen
- Constraining Star Formation Histories of IR-luminous High-z Galaxies with Herschel - Sklias, Panos
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