INTEGRAL Press Releases Archive - INTEGRAL
INTEGRAL Press Releases Archive
Press Releases and Info Notes Archive
ESA missions team up to map cosmic rays across Solar System, ESA Enabling & Support, 12 November 2019
Europe is designing satellites that 'surf' their way past space debris, Satnews Daily, 8 July 2019
Scientists get to the bottom of a 'spitting' black hole, ESA Science, 29 April 2019
Team of telescopes finds X-ray engine inside mysterious supernova, ESA Space Science, 10 January 2019
INTEGRAL X-rays Earth's aurora, ESA space in images; 19 November 2018
ESA’s Dr Erik Kuulkers discusses the INTEGRAL mission, SciTech Europa Quarterly, Issue 28, 17 July 2018
INTEGRAL joins mult-messenger campaign to study high-energy neutrino source, ESA Science & Technology, 12 July 2018
Donor star breathes life into zombie companion, ESA Space Science, 5 March 2018
La aventura de INTEGRAL cumple 15 años, ESA in your country, Spain, 9 November 2017
Exceptional operations enable exceptional science, ESA Rocket Science Blog, 16 October 2017
ESA satellites supporting ground-based search for gravitational waves, ESA Science & Technology, 16 October 2017
INTEGRAL sees blast travelling with gravitational waves, ESA Science & Technology, 16 October 2017
Solar Antics, ESA Space Situational Awareness, 19 September 2017
INTEGRAL sets limits on gamma rays from merging black holes, ESA Science & Technology, 30 March 2016
INTEGRAL X-rays Earth's aurora, ESA Space Science, 26 January 2016
How INTEGRAL was 'lost' and became a space rock, ISOC, 15 December 2015
Astronomers use cosmic gravity to create a 'black-hole-scope', ESA Space Science, 6 July 2015
NASA Missions Monitor a Waking Black Hole , NASA | Black Holes, 30 June 2015
Monster black hole wakes up after 26 years, ESA Space Science, 25 June 2015
INTEGRAL manoeuvres for the future, ESA Science & Technology / ESA Operations, 23 Jan 2015.
Working life extensions for ESA's science missions, Director's Desk, 20 Nov 2014.
`Lo mejor del cielo' en rayos gamma, ESA in your country, Spain, 18 Nov 2014.
INTEGRAL catches dead star exploding in a blaze of glory, ESA Science & Technology, 27 Aug 2014.
Debris from stellar explosions in the galaxy's fast lane, ESA Science & Technology, 19 Nov 2013.
Missing link found between X-ray and radio pulsars, ESA Space Science, 25 Sep 2013.
Black hole wakes up and has a light snack, ESA Science & Technology, 2 Apr 2013.
High mass X-ray binaries trace the Milky Way's spiral arms, ESA Science & Technology, 4 Mar 2013.
Astronomers develop new method to determine neutron star mass, ESA Science & Technology, 9 Nov 2012.
INTEGRAL celebrates a decade of discoveries, ESA Science & Technology, 17 Oct 2012.
Integral: a decade revealing the high-energy sky, ESA Space Science, 17 Oct 2012.
INTEGRAL finds titanium in supernova remnant 1987A, ESA Science & Technology, 17 Oct 2012.
Explore the high-energy universe - competition results, ESA Science & Technology, 31 May 2012.
Massive glitch moves magnetar modelling forward, ESA Science & Technology, 12 April 2012.
INTEGRAL reveals new facets of the Vela pulsar wind nebula, ESA Science & Technology, 25 January 2012.
INTEGRAL deciphers diffuse signature of cosmic-ray electrons, ESA Science & Technology, 21 December 2011.
ESA spacecraft reveal new anatomy around a black hole, ESA News, 29 September 2011.
L'environnement d'un trou noir supermassif révélé, CNRS, 29 September 2011.
INTEGRAL observations suggest unified model for Active Galactic Nuclei requires a rethink, ESA Science & Technology, 2 August 2011.
INTEGRAL challenges physics beyond Einstein, ESA News, 30 June 2011.
INTEGRAL spots matter a millisecond from doom, ESA News, 24 March 2011.
INTEGRAL discovers gamma rays originating from black hole jets, ESA Science & Technology, 24 March 2011.
The Crab nebula: standard candle no more ?, ESA Science & Technology, 12 January 2011.
NASA satellites find high-energy surprises in 'constant' Crab nebula, NASA-FERMI News, 12 January 2011.
INTEGRAL helps unravel the tumultuous recent history of the solar neighbourhood, ESA Science & Technology, 26 November 2010.
Europe maintains its presence on the final frontier, ESA Space Science, 22 November 2010.
INTEGRAL completes the deepest all-sky survey in hard X-rays, ESA Science & Technology, 11 August 2010.
New INTEGRAL catalogue expands gamma-ray horizons, ESA Science & Technology, 07 July 2010.
INTEGRAL researcher scoops Zeldovich Medal, ESA Science & Technology, 23 June 2010.
The turbulent past of the Milky Way's black hole, 27 May 2010
Integral disproves dark matter origin for mystery radiation, ESA News, 22 July 2009.
Galactic positron annihilation not a signal of dark matter, ESA Science & Technology, 22 July 2009.
At last! After 10 years a new Soft Gamma Repeater is observed, ESA Science & Technology, 16 June 2009.
Giant eruption reveals 'dead' star, ESA Space Science News, 16 June 2009.
Galaktisches Röntgenlicht stammt aus Sternen, Max-Planck Gesellschaft, 29 April 2009.
Integral détecte pour la première fois la polarisation d'un sursaut gamma, CNRS, 23 April 2009.
INTEGRAL sees variable polarization from GRB041219A, ESA Science & Technology, 03 April 2009.
Dissecting a stellar explosion, ESA Space Science News, 03 April 2009.
Magnetar observed during outburst thanks to rapid response of INTEGRAL, ESA Science & Technology, 27 January 2009.
XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL clues on magnetic powerhouses, ESA Space Science News, 14 November 2008.
Faint gamma-ray bursts do actually exist, ESA Space Science News, 13 October 2008.
INTEGRAL locates origin of high-energy emission from Crab Nebula, ESA Space Science News, 29 August 2008.
Origin of high energy emission from the Crab Nebula identified, ASI, 28 August 2008.
Astronomers may have glimpsed tiny star's surface, ESA Space Science News, 17 June 2008.
INTEGRAL reveals exotic and dusty binary systems, ESA Space Science News, 05 June 2008.
Cosmic supermagnet spreads mysterious Morse code, SRON Press Release, 20 May 2008.
INTEGRAL: Stellar winds colliding at our cosmic doorstep, ESA Space Science News, 20 February 2008.
X-rays betray giant particle accelerator in the sky, ESA Space Science News, 24 January 2008.
Anti-Elektronen in der Galaxis, Max-Planck Gesellschaft, 10 January 2008.
Le satellite Intégral révèle une fabrique d'antimatière au sein de la Voie lactée, CNRS, 09 January 2008.
INTEGRAL discovers the galaxy's antimatter cloud is lopsided, ESA Space Science News, 09 January 2008.
Understanding our neighbourhood in the universe, ESA Space Science News, 17 December 2007.
Extension of ESA's INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton missions approved, ESA Space Science News, 14 November 2007.
New scientific riches from INTEGRAL, ESA Space Science News, 07 November 2007.
Science with INTEGRAL - five years on, ESA Space Science News, 17 October 2007.
Gamma-ray lighthouse at the edge of our universe, ESA Space Science News, 03 October 2007.
Radioaktives Eisen - Fenster ins Innere der Sterne, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, SP /2007 (89), 26 June 2007.
Radioactive iron, a window to the stars, ESA Space Science News, 25 June 2007.
INTEGRAL expands our view of the gamma-ray sky, ESA Space Science News, 20 February 2007.
INTEGRAL points to the fastest spinning neutron star, ESA Space Science News, 16 February 2007.
INTEGRAL sees the Galactic centre playing hide and seek, ESA Space Science News, 18 January 2007.
INTEGRAL catches a new erupting black hole, ESA Space Science News, 27 November 2006.
ESA steps towards a great black hole census, ESA Space Science News, 07 September 2006.
Where are the supermassive black holes hiding?, ESA Space Science News, 26 July 2006.
INTEGRAL sees a GRB out of the corner of its eye, ESA Space Science News, 16 June 2006.
INTEGRAL catches stellar 'corpses' by the tail, ESA Space Science News, 16 March 2006.
INTEGRAL grijpt âdode sterren' bij de staart , SRON Press Release, 16 March 2006.
INTEGRAL looks at Earth to seek source of cosmic radiation, ESA Space Science News, 13 February 2006.
Exceptional manoeuvres enable unique INTEGRAL science, ESA Space Science News, 10 February 2006.
INTEGRAL identifies supernova rate for Milky Way, ESA Space Science News, 05 January 2006.
ESA's INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton missions extended, ESA Space Science News, 05 Dec 2005.
INTEGRAL reveals new class of supergiant X-ray binary stars, ESA Space Science News, 16 November 2005.
INTEGRAL: three years of insight into the violent cosmos, ESA Space Science News, 17 October 2005.
Star eats companion, ESA Space Science News, 06 September 2005.
Three satellites needed to bring out one 'shy star', ESA Space Science News, 13 July 2005.
Gamma-Blitz traf die Erde, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, SP 8/2005 (26), 18 February 2005.
Un monstre cosmique, Université de Genève, communiqué de presse, 31 January 2005.
Ein Schwarzes Loch mit greller Vergangenheit, Max-Planck Gesellschaft, 26 January 2005.
INTEGRAL rolls back history of Milky Way's super-massive black hole, ESA SNR-2-2005, 26 January 2005.
Ungewöhnliche Gammastrahlenblitze entdeckt , Max-Planck Gesellschaft, 05 August 2004.
ESA's INTEGRAL detects closest cosmic gamma-ray burst, ESA SNR-18-2004, 05 August 2004.
ESA's high-energy observatories spot doughnut-shaped cloud with a black-hole filling, ESA SNR-16-2004, 20 June 2004.
Gamma-Observatorium INTEGRAL legt Herz der MilchstraÃe frei , Max-Planck Gesellschaft, 17 March 2004.
ESA's INTEGRAL solves thirty-year old gamma-ray mystery, ESA SNR-5-2004, 17 March 2004.
ESA's new view of the Milky Way - in gamma rays!, ESA SNR-23-2003, 10 November 2003.
ESA's INTEGRAL discovers hidden black holes, ESA SNR-21-2003, 17 October 2003.
A gamma-ray burst bonanza, ESA Space Science News, 24 March 2003.
INTEGRAL's first look at the gamma-ray Universe, ESA IN-10-2002, 18 December 2002.
ESA presents INTEGRAL's first images, ESA PR-79-2002, 11 December 2002.
Europe opens a window onto a violent Universe, ESA PR-66-2002, 17 October 2002.
ESA's INTEGRAL satellite ready for lift-off from Baikonur, ESA PR-63-2002, 4 October 2002.
INTEGRAL -tracking extreme radiation across the Universe, ESA IN-8-2002, 1 October 2002.
ESA Science Media Day: Rosetta and INTEGRAL getting ready for launch, ESA PR-42-2002, 7 June 2002.
INTEGRAL Science Data Centre to be presented to the press, ESA PR-20-2002, 27 March 2002.
Irish astronomers eager to use European gamma-ray space observatory, ESA PR-49-2001, 25 September 2001.
ESA presents INTEGRAL, its space observatory for Gamma-ray astronomy, ESA IN-30-1998, 9 September 1998.
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