Membership of the INTEGRAL Users Group (IUG)


The IUG is composed of (i) five external members, (ii) the chair of the Time Allocation Committee (TAC), (iii) members of the former ISWT, and (iv) ESA staff.

  1. External IUG members should be active researchers in the field of high-energy astrophysics and be regularly using INTEGRAL scientific data. They should not formally be affiliated with INTEGRAL PI teams (neither instruments nor ISDC). From the beginning in 2005, when the IUG was formed, external members served on the IUG for a duration of two years. As of 2011, until end of Science Operations, the term has been four years, and external IUG members have been appointed by ESA's Director of Science, after consultation with the Astronomy Working Group, the outgoing IUG members and the Project Scientist.

  2. The chair of the Time Allocation Committee (TAC)

  3. IUG members from the former ISWT are: The Co-PIs for IBIS and SPI, PIs for JEM-X, OMC, and ISDC, respectively; Mission Scientists and the Russian representative for the PROTON launcher.

  4. IUG members from ESA are: The Project Scientist (PS), and the Mission Manager, as well as the INTEGRAL SOC Coordinator as secretary.

  5. Externals by invitation to specific meetings

With the end of Science Operations, 1 March 2025, a User Group is formally no longer needed. However, it was decided and agreed that the IUG members of the last mandate (see below) will serve as an advisory body during the Post-Operations phase to help with the creation of the legacy archive.

Current members of the IUG





Miguel Mas-Hesse Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC-INTA), Madrid (E)
(mm [at]
IUG Chair & PI OMC July 2022 - December 2026
Margarita Hernanz CSIC Institut de Ciencies de l'Espai, Barcelona (E) External scientist July 2020 - December 2026
Julien Malzac IRAP/CNRS, Université de Toulouse (F) External scientist July 2020 - December 2026
Francesca Panessa IASF-INAF, Roma (I) External scientist July 2023 - December 2026
Lara Sidoli IASF-INAF, Milano (I) External scientist July 2020 - December 2026
Roman Krivonos IKI, Moscow (RF) External scientist July 2023 - December 2026
Ed van den Heuvel University of Amsterdam (NL) TAC chair  
Brad Cenko GSFC (USA) Mission Scientist  
Sergei Grebenev IKI, Moscow (RF) Mission Scientist  
Wim Hermsen SRON, Utrecht (NL) Mission Scientist  
Julie McEnery GSFC (USA) Mission Scientist  
Pietro Ubertini INAF-IAPS, Roma (I) Co-PI IBIS  
Philippe Laurent IRFU/Département d'Astrophysique, CEA Saclay Co-PI IBIS  
Jean-Pierre Roques IRAP, Toulouse (F) Co-PI SPI  
Jochen Greiner MPE, Garching (D) Co-PI SPI  
Jérôme Chenevez DTU Space, Lyngby (DK) PI JEM-X  
Carlo Ferrigno ISDC, Versoix (CH) PI ISDC  
Rashid Sunyaev IKI Moscow (RF), MPA Garching (D) Repr. PROTON Launcher  
Jan-Uwe Ness ESA ESAC, Madrid (E) Project Scientist  
Matthias Ehle ESA ESAC, Madrid (E) Mission Manager  
Norbert Schartel ESA ESAC, Madrid (E) Dep. Proj. Scientist  
Guillaume Belanger ESA ESAC, Madrid (E) ISOC Coordinator & IUG Secretary  


Last update 16 Jan 2025

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