Welcome to ESA SCIence Newsletter, the Newsletter of ESA's Directorate of Science.


The ESA Science Newsletter serves the scientific community and welcomes anyone interested in more programmatic and technical news from the Directorate of Science. Scheduled to appear roughly monthly, its primary aim is to inform scientists in ESA Member States and across the world about how to engage with the Directorate of Science. The newsletter contains calls for proposals, announcements of opportunity, news on developments of the Science Programme, research fellowship announcements, calls for memberships, job announcements, major mission updates, conference announcements, etc. It also succinctly informs about recent science highlights and upcoming conferences.

  • The first issue of the newsletter has been published on 14 May 2024.
  • ​​​​​​Please subscribe to the newsletter using the subscribe tab on this page or by clicking on this link.

You can contact the newsletter editorial team at SCInews[at]esa.int.



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ISSUE #01/2024 - 14 MAY 2024


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  ESA Patch  

ESA's First Director of Science Town Hall

It is our pleasure to invite all interested members of the scientific community to ESA's first Director of Science Town Hall, to be held virtually on 28 May, from 9:30 to 12:30 CEST.

The Town Hall will provide an opportunity for direct exchange between the Directorate's Executive and the broader scientific community, including current and future users of ESA's missions. It will allow us to introduce the long-term vision of ESA's Science Programme and provide a channel to listen to the views, ambitions, and requests from the scientific community.

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  Research Fellows 2024  

Research Fellows in Space Science 2024

ESA has selected 12 new Fellows to pursue their own independent research in space science in 2024.

Among the 2024 Research Fellows in Space Science are Alice Borghese, Louise Breuval, Sam Fayolle, Jack M. Jenkins, Eva Laplace, David O'Ryan, Erwan Quintin, Matilde Signorini, Lorenzo Speri, Domenico Trotta, and Bert Vander Meulen. Their research spans a broad range of exciting topics in the fields of heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics, and fundamental physics. For example, they model colliding black holes, investigate the orbit and interior of Jupiter's innermost Galilean Moon, Io, measure the expansion rate of the Universe, and work towards understanding solar prominences.

The next call for the ESA Research Fellowship in Space Science is expected to open in August 2024.

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IRIS Call for Science Planners AO#10

NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) is a Small Explorer (SMEX) mission that allows scientists to trace the flow of solar energy and plasma up through its atmosphere from the visible surface into the dynamic corona. IRIS has simultaneous spectroscopy and imaging to investigate the radiation, dynamics and spatial structure of the Sun's atmosphere in detail.

Since 2015, by agreement with NASA, ESA facilitates scientists working in its Member States to be trained and to act as science planners for IRIS, allowing them to learn the process of planning and to get access to time to run their own experiments with the mission. On 29th April, we issued ESA's 10th announcement of opportunity, and encourage the heliophysics community to submit their proposals. The due date is 3 June 2024.

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  Einstein Probe First Light  

Einstein Probe First Light

The first images captured by Einstein Probe were presented at the 7th workshop of the Einstein Probe consortium in Beijing. They illustrate the satellite’s full potential and show that its novel lobster eye optics are ready to monitor the X-ray sky.

Launched on 9 January 2024, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) spacecraft Einstein Probe joins ESA’s XMM-Newton and JAXA’s XRISM in their quest to discover the Universe in X-ray light. The mission is a collaboration led by CAS with ESA, the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) (Germany), and the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) (France).

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  22 Years of Integral  

Conference Announcement: 22 Years of Integral: Catching Results and Discoveries

Integral has been crucial in our understanding of astrophysical phenomena over a wide energy and temporal range. This conference is the occasion to discuss novelties in high-energy astrophysics, new instrumental facilities, and innovative data-analysis methods. Anticipated lively interactions among participants will be harnessed to refine the plan for maximizing data exploitation now and in the decades to come.

The conference will take place on 21-25 October 2024 at ESA/ESAC, Madrid, Spain. The abstract submission is open with a deadline on 6 September 2024. Registration is open until Monday 21st October, and no conference fee will be charged.

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  LISA Vacancy  

Vacancy: LISA Science Operations Development Manager

ESA is looking for a scientific project manager to lead the definition, design and implementation of the LISA Science Operations Centre at ESAC, supporting the first space-based observatory dedicated to studying gravitational waves. Application deadline is 28 May 2024.

If you wish to be directly informed about job opportunities at ESA, you can also set alerts at https://jobs.esa.int/

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Recent science highlights:





Upcoming ESA conferences:

4-7 June 2024, Kyoto, Japan

During this meeting all topics relevant to the exploration of Mercury - magnetosphere, exosphere, surface and interior and evolution - will be discussed. Topical tutorials and overview talks summarising recent studies in the field will be held each day.



European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 2024 - Lunch Sessions LS3 and LS4: ESA Archives and ESA Science Programme
3 July 2024 and 4 July 2024, Padua, Italy

During two dedicated lunch sessions, ESA's Science Directorate will present an overview over its programme aimed at early career researchers and update the European space science community on the services, tools, and assets offered by the ESA Space Science Archives.



European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 2024 - Special Session SS21: The PLATO mission: Towards new horizons in Exoplanet and Stellar Science
4 July 2024, Padua, Italy

PLATO will focus on the study of exoplanets orbiting up to the habitable zone of Sun-like stars. In this Special Session, the community will be informed about the status of the mission, the core science, the science preparatory activities, the data products, and the possibilities for community involvement. The second goal is to provide a forum for the community to present current research relevant for the preparation and exploitation of the PLATO mission.



Mercury Laboratory Workshop
16-18 September 2024, Berlin, Germany

The aim of the workshop is to bring together the Mercury community from different institutions and laboratories to: present laboratories, facilities and ongoing work on Mercury analogues, discuss Mercury surface composition studies (from MESSENGER to BepiColombo), design a plan of experiments on common samples, and prepare for the BepiColombo observations.



22 years of INTEGRAL: catching results and discoveries
21-25 October 2024, ESA/ESAC, Madrid, Spain

INTEGRAL has been crucial in our understanding of astrophysical phenomena over a wide energy and temporal range. This conference is the occasion to discuss novelties in high-energy astrophysics, new instrumental facilities, and innovative data-analysis methods. Anticipated lively interactions among participants will be harnessed to refine the plan for maximizing data exploitation now and in the decades to come.




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European Space Agency, D/SCI Directorate of Science