Quick Data Release Q1 - Euclid
Euclid Q1 Contents
Information on Euclid Quick Data Release 1 contents.
Euclid Q1 Papers
Papers related to Euclid Quick Data Release 1.
Euclid Q1 Documentation
The documentation for Euclid Quick Data Release 1, describing the processing of the data from raw to Euclid Q1 data products.
Euclid Q1 Data Access
How to access the Euclid Quick Data Release 1.
Euclid Q1 Data Model
Information of the Euclid data model.
Euclid Q1 Known Issues
A list of the issues found with Euclid Q1 data after publication. If you find an issue with the data, please contact the Euclid Helpdesk.
Euclid Q1 Auxiliary Data
A list of Euclid mission reference data that is not contained in the Euclid Science Archive.
Help is available to guide you through the process of getting the data you need.
Euclid Q1 Data License, DOI, and Credits
When using Euclid Q1 data, please acknowledge the work of the people involved and provide credits and necessary citations. Each release comes with its own credit lines and Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Euclid Q1 Software Tools
There is no release of software of the EC for the Q1 data release.
Public Outreach Material
An overview of press releases and news on the ESA Euclid Mission and science.
Euclid Q1 Events
Events related to the Q1 data release.