Presentations - 52nd ESLAB Symposium
ESLAB 52 ORAL Presentations
Monday 14 May 2018
- Introduction - D. Titov
- Welcome - A. Parmar, Head of Science Support Office
Keynote Lectures
- History of Planetary Aeronomy - A. Nagy, University of Michigan
- Thermospheres of Terrestrial Planets including Coupling with the Lower Atmosphere - S. Bougher, University of Michigan
- Magnetospheres of Planets in the Inner Solar System. Sixty Years of the Space Age - Lessons Learned - L. Zelenyi, Space Research Institute Russian Academy of Science
- Living with the Sun - J. Luhmann, University of California
Upper Atmospheres
- Mars Dayglow, Nightglow and Aurora observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph - M. Crismani, LASP, University of Colorado
- Variability of UV dayglow in the Martian thermosphere from measurements by SPICAM/Mars Express and global simulations - F. Gonzalez-Galindo, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC
- Metastable oxygen O(1S) Martian airglow: observations and model - J.-C. Gérard, LPAP, Université de Liège
- Complex Molecules in Titan’s Upper Atmosphere (invited) - P. Lavvas, GSMA/CNRS
- Parameterizing Gravity Waves and Understanding their Impacts on Venus’ Upper Atmosphere - A. Brecht, NASA Ames Research Center
- MAVEN/IUVS Observations of Martian Mesospheric Clouds in 2017: A Persistent Longitudinal Asymmetry at Southern Mid-Latitudes - M. Stevens, Naval Research Laboratory
- September 10-11, 2017 Solar Flare Event: Rapid Enhancement of the Martian Neutral Exosphere from the X-class flare as observed by MAVEN - M. Elrod, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Protonated Ions and the Seasonal Variation of Hydrogen Observed by the MAVEN Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer - S. Stone, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona
Tuesday 15 May 2018
- Ionospheres of the Terrestrial Planets (keynote) - T. Cravens, University of Kansas
- Hybrid plasma modelling of the planetary atmospheres and ionospheres (invited) - R. Modolo, LATMOS/IPSL, UVSQ Université Paris-Saclay, UPMC Sorbonne Université, CNRS
- Radio Sounding of the Mars Ionosphere over a full Solar Cycle by the Mars Express RadioScience Experiment (MaRS) - M. Pätzold, Rheinisches Institut für Umweltforschung Cologne
- Spatial, seasonal and solar cycle variations of the total electron content (TEC): Is the TEC a good tracer for atmospheric cycles? - B. Sanchez-Cano, University of Leicester
- Variability of the Martian upper ionosphere and factors controlling this variability - E. Dubinin, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
- Variability of the Venusian and Martian nightside ionosphere after solar storms - C. Gray, Apache Point Observatory
- Characterization of Mars’ Persistent Meteoric Ion Layer - M. Crismani, LASP, University of Colorado
- Comparison of Terrestrial and Martian TEC at Dawn and Dusk during Solstices - A. Burrell, University Of Texas At Dallas
- Observations and Modeling of Low-Altitude Ionospheric Responses to 2017 Sept Solar Flare at Mars - S. Xu, University of California
- MAVEN observations of solar wind driven magnetosonic waves heating the Martian dayside Ionosphere - C. Fowler, LASP, University of Colorado
- Control of the Nightside Structure of the Venusian Ionosphere - S. Brecht, Bay Area Research Corp.
- Small scale excess electron densities in the lower ionosphere of Mars: Interpretation of Mars Express radio science observations in combination with MAVEN measurements - K. Peter, Rheinisches Institut für Umweltforschung Cologne
Aeronomy and Plasma Environment of Exoplanets
- Are "Habitable" Exoplanets Really Habitable? - A perspective from atmospheric loss (invited) - C. Dong, Princeton University
- Using Hybrid Simulations to Understand How Ion Loss Varies with Planetary Radius - H. Egan, University of Colorado
Wednesday 16 May 2018
Magnetospheres and Space Weather
- Comparison of induced magnetospheres (invited) - Y. Ma, EPSS, UCLA
- Earth’s magnetosphere and its interaction with the solar wind (invited) - S. Milan, University of Leicester
- The Complex Martian Magnetosphere: Recent Insights Based on MAVEN Magnetometer Observations - J. Espley, Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center
- Momentum Transfer and Boundary Layer Structure at Mars - J. Halekas, University of Iowa
- Magnetic topology during quiet and extreme conditions at Mars - S. Curry, UC Berkeley, SSL
- Impact ionization of neutrals by foreshock electrons at Mars - C. Mazelle, RAP/CNRS, University of Toulouse, UPS, CNES
- The Structure and Properties of Martian Magnetosphere at ~ 70° Solar-Zenith Angle in MSE Coordinates as Observed on MAVEN Spacecraft - O. Vaisberg, Space Research Institute Russia
- Study of ICME effects at Mars: energy deposition and feedback from enhanced thermosphere - L. Regoli, University of Michigan
- Magnetospheres of the Giant Planets (invited) - A. Masters, Imperial College London
- The Strange Menagerie at the Magnetopause: High-Resolution Magnetospheric Multiscale Data Reveals Diverse Phenomena near the Boundary with the Magnetosheath - C. Russell, University of California
- Comparative planetary foreshocks: Results from recent studies - K. Meziane, University of New Brunswick
- Mass loading influence on the structure of Martian bow shock - S. Shuvalov, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy Of Sciences
- A Generalized Magnetospheric Disturbance Index: Initial Application at Unmagnetized Bodies - J. Gruesbeckm, University of Maryland
Solar wind interaction with atmosphereless bodies
- The solar wind interaction with the Moon (invited) - S. Fatemi, Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- The Solar Wind Interaction with Ceres (invited) - M. Villarreal, University of California
- The Solar Wind Interaction with Vesta and Ceres: Implications for their Magnetic Moments - C. Russell, University of California
- To What Extent Does Solar Wind Forcing Affect the Occurrences of Energetic Electron Events in the Hermean Magnetosphere? - C. Lentz, University of Colorado
Thursday 17 May 2018
Atmospheric Escape
- Ion and neutral gas escape from the terrestrial planets (invited) - S. Barabash, Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Atmospheric Escape from Mars (invited) - D. Brain, University of Colorado
- Signatures of sputtering at Mars: a first evidence? - F. Leblanc, LATMOS/IPSL, UPMC Univ. Paris 06 Sorbonne Universités, UVSQ, CNRS
- Cold Ion Escape from Mars - Observations by Mars Express and MAVEN - M. Fraenz, MPI for Solar System Research
- The Origin and Evolution of Nitrogen in Outer Planet Atmospheres through Comparative Planetology - K. Mandt, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
- Cold Ion Outflow and Magnetic Topology in Mars’ Magnetotail - D. Mitchell, University of California
- Estimating the Escape of Hydrogen and Deuterium from the Atmosphere of Mars - J. Clarke, Boston University
- Seasonal Variability of Mars H Escape in the MAVEN IUVS dataset - M. Chaffin, LASP, University of Colorado
- Solar cycle dependence on the H+/O+ flux ratio in Venus’ magnetotail - M. Persson, Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Escape and precipitation rates at Venus - P. Kollmann, JHU / Applied Physics Laboratory
- Atmospheric Escape on Earth (invited) - R. Strangeway, University of California
- Ion Outflow from the Terrestrial Atmosphere: Sources, Mechanisms, Transport and Consequences (invited) - S. Haaland, Max-Planck-Institute
- Simultaneous detection of terrestrial ionospheric molecular ions in the Earth's inner magnetosphere and at the Moon - I. Dandouras, IRAP, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, CNES
- Atmospheric loss from Earth's plasma mantle and its dependence on solar wind conditions - A. Schillings, Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Evolution and Climates
- Mars Atmospheric Loss at the Present and Integrated Loss Through Time as Observed by MaVEN (invited) - B. Jakosky, University of Colorado
- The Role of Magnetic Fields in Terrestrial Planets Evolution (invited) - R. Lillis, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California
- Constraining the early evolution of terrestrial planets via noble gas isotope and K/U ratios (invited) - M. Scherf, Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Evolution of the Martian Climate (invited) - F. Forget, CNRS
Friday 18 May 2018
Missions and Data Archives
- Cluster observations of Earth atmospheric escape (invited) - C. Escoubet, ESA/ESTEC
- Geospace research contributions from ESA's Swarm constellation (invited) - R. Floberghagen, ESA/ESRIN
- Status of the MAVEN Mission at Mars - B. Jakosky, University of Colorado
- Mars Express science highlights and future plans - D. Titov, ESA/ESTEC
- Getting ready for BepiColombo: a modeling approach to infer the solar wind plasma parameters upstream of Mercury from magnetic field observations - S. Fatemi, Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Discussion: Where do we go from here?
- Discussion Summary
Upper Atmospheres
01. | Comparison between IUVS-MAVEN limb dayglow observations and modeling – L. Gkouvelis, University of Liege |
02. | Combining Observations and Modeling to Promote upper Atmospheres Research and Exploitation – P. Rosenblatt, ACRI-ST |
03. | Capabilities of the Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter to study the Mars' upper atmosphere - M. Lopez-Valverde, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC |
04. | The LMD-Mars Global Climate Model and the Mars Climate Database: applications for the study of the upper atmosphere - F. Gonzalez-Galindo, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC |
05. | Synthetic Retrievals of H2O and CO2 in the Mars Upper Atmosphere Using Solar Occultation Spectra for the NOMAD and ACS Instruments of the ExoMars TGO Mission - B. Hill, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía |
06. | Comparison of the thermal structure derived using SOIR on board Venus Express with a 1-D non-LTE radiative transfer model - A. Mahieux, The University of Texas at Austin |
07. | Comparisons Between MAVEN/NGIMS Thermospheric Neutral Wind Observations and M-GITM Model Simulations - K. Roeten, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering Department, University of Michigan |
08. | Proton Aurora on Mars - B. Ritter, Université de Liège |
09. | The Ionospheric composition of Mars and its dependence on magnetic configuration – M. Fraenz, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research |
10. | Wave Structures in the Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere of Mars as seen by the Mars Express Radio Science Experiment (MaRS) – S. Tellmann, Rheinisches Institut für Umweltforschung |
11. | Conductivity Structures in The Martian Ionosphere – A. AlShehhi, Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center |
12. | Energization of electrons trapped in the crustal magnetic field of Mars – H. Akbari, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado |
13. | Horizontal Magnetic Fields and Currents in the Ionosphere of Mars and Their Dependence on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field – M. Fillingim, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California |
14. | Empirical Model of Electron Impact Ionization on Mars’ Nightside – R. Lillis, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California |
15. | Seasonal Changes in the Polar Ionosphere and Thermosphere on Mars – M. Pilinski, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics |
Magnetospheres and Space Weather
16. | Magnetic structure and propagation of a solar flux rope from the Sun to Saturn – E. Palmerio, University of Helsinki |
17. | A statistical study of thermal, dynamic, and magnetic pressures on the dayside of the induced magnetosphere of Mars as observed by MAVEN – M. Holmberg, IRAP, University of Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, CNES |
18. | Modeling of energetic ions observations by MAVEN in the crustal field regions – A. Kotova, IRAP, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, CNES |
19. | Effects of the Crustal Magnetic Fields and Changes in the IMF Orientation on the Magnetosphere of Mars – N. Romanelli, Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux et Observations Spatiales (LATMOS), IPSL, CNRS, UVSQ, UPMC |
20. | Extracting hidden knowledge from data archives using machine learning and open data approaches for space weather effects autonomous investigation – R. Boumghar, ESA/ESOC |
21. | The Dependences of the Structure and Properties of Martian Dayside Magnetosphere on Solar Zenith Angle and IMF Clock Angle as observed on MAVEN – V. Ermakov, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
22. | A multiscale structure of the cross-tail CSs and its relation to the ion composition according to MAVEN observations in the Martian magnetotail – E. Grigorenko, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
23. | The solar wind interaction with Mars: current systems and electromagnetic fields in the Martian ionosphere – S. Ledvina, University of California |
24. | Effect of solar wind source variation events on planetary plasma environments – A. Opitz, Wigner RCP |
25. | Investigating space weather events at Mars with Mars Express housekeeping data – O. Witasse, ESA/ESTEC |
Solar Wind Interaction with Atmosphereless Bodies
26. | MESSENGER X-ray observations of electron precipitation events on the dayside surface of Mercury - S. Lindsay, University of Leicester |
27. | Sodium pick-up ion observations in the solar wind upstream of Mercury - J. Jasinski, University of Michigan |
28. | Solar wind-magnetosphere interaction at Mercury during passage of coronal mass ejections - R. Jarvinen, Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering |
Atmospheric Escape, Evolution, and Climates
29. | Atmospheric escape at early Mars and constraints on the evolution of the Martian atmosphere – M. Scherf, Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences |
30. | Dependence of O+ escape rates from Venus on the solar wind and the solar activity - M. Persson, Swedish Institute of Space Physics |
31. | 2-Dimensional Model of the Martian Exosphere Applied to HST Observations – D. Bhattacharyya, CSP, Boston University |
32. | Modeling deuterium from surface to space to understand Mars atmospheric evolution – E. Cangi, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics |
33. | Modeling of Ion and Photochemical Losses to Space over the Martian History – C. Dong, Princeton University |
34. | A parametric study of Enceladus plumes based on DSMC calculations for retrieving the outgassing parameters as measured by Cassini instruments – A. Mahieux, The University of Texas at Austin |
35. | The terrestrial paleo-magnetosphere during the late Hadean and Archean: Implications on the evolution of the terrestrial atmosphere – M. Scherf, Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences |
36. | O+ escape at Earth during the magnetic storm on September 4th - 10th, 2017 – A. Schillings, Swedish Institute of Space Physics |
Missions and Data Archives
37. | A concept for permanent stations on Phobos and Deimos: Study of the Mars space environment - E. Sefton-Nash, ESA/ESTEC |
38. | The Mars Express/ASPERA-3 and Venus Express/ASPERA-4 Solar Wind Databases – M. Holmstrom, Swedish Institute of Space Physics |
39. | ESCAPE (European SpaceCraft for the study of Atmospheric Particle Escape): a planetary mission to Earth, proposed to ESA in response to the M5-call – I. Dandouras, IRAP |
40. | Solar SENTINEL: a satellite constellation mission concept for early forecasting of Coronal Mass Ejections – J. Rodrigues, University of Cambridge |
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