ESLAB 52 ORAL Presentations

Monday 14 May 2018

Keynote Lectures

Upper Atmospheres


Tuesday 15 May 2018


Aeronomy and Plasma Environment of Exoplanets


Wednesday 16 May 2018

Magnetospheres and Space Weather

Solar wind interaction with atmosphereless bodies


Thursday 17 May 2018

Atmospheric Escape

Evolution and Climates


Friday 18 May 2018

Missions and Data Archives


Upper Atmospheres

01. Comparison between IUVS-MAVEN limb dayglow observations and modeling – L. Gkouvelis, University of Liege
02. Combining Observations and Modeling to Promote upper Atmospheres Research and Exploitation – P. Rosenblatt, ACRI-ST
03. Capabilities of the Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter to study the Mars' upper atmosphere - M. Lopez-Valverde, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC
04. The LMD-Mars Global Climate Model and the Mars Climate Database: applications for the study of the upper atmosphere - F. Gonzalez-Galindo, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía-CSIC
05. Synthetic Retrievals of H2O and CO2 in the Mars Upper Atmosphere Using Solar Occultation Spectra for the NOMAD and ACS Instruments of the ExoMars TGO Mission - B. Hill, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía
06. Comparison of the thermal structure derived using SOIR on board Venus Express with a 1-D non-LTE radiative transfer model - A. Mahieux, The University of Texas at Austin
07. Comparisons Between MAVEN/NGIMS Thermospheric Neutral Wind Observations and M-GITM Model Simulations - K. Roeten, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering Department, University of Michigan
08. Proton Aurora on Mars - B. Ritter, Université de Liège



09. The Ionospheric composition of Mars and its dependence on magnetic configuration – M. Fraenz, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
10. Wave Structures in the Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere of Mars as seen by the Mars Express Radio Science Experiment (MaRS) – S. Tellmann, Rheinisches Institut für Umweltforschung
11. Conductivity Structures in The Martian Ionosphere – A. AlShehhi, Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center
12. Energization of electrons trapped in the crustal magnetic field of Mars – H. Akbari, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado
13. Horizontal Magnetic Fields and Currents in the Ionosphere of Mars and Their Dependence on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field – M. Fillingim, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California
14. Empirical Model of Electron Impact Ionization on Mars’ Nightside – R. Lillis, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California
15. Seasonal Changes in the Polar Ionosphere and Thermosphere on Mars – M. Pilinski, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics


Magnetospheres and Space Weather

16. Magnetic structure and propagation of a solar flux rope from the Sun to Saturn – E. Palmerio, University of Helsinki
17. A statistical study of thermal, dynamic, and magnetic pressures on the dayside of the induced magnetosphere of Mars as observed by MAVEN – M. Holmberg, IRAP, University of Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, CNES
18. Modeling of energetic ions observations by MAVEN in the crustal field regions – A. Kotova, IRAP, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, CNES
19. Effects of the Crustal Magnetic Fields and Changes in the IMF Orientation on the Magnetosphere of Mars – N. Romanelli, Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux et Observations Spatiales (LATMOS), IPSL, CNRS, UVSQ, UPMC
20. Extracting hidden knowledge from data archives using machine learning and open data approaches for space weather effects autonomous investigation – R. Boumghar, ESA/ESOC
21. The Dependences of the Structure and Properties of Martian Dayside Magnetosphere on Solar Zenith Angle and IMF Clock Angle as observed on MAVEN – V. Ermakov, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
22. A multiscale structure of the cross-tail CSs and its relation to the ion composition according to MAVEN observations in the Martian magnetotail – E. Grigorenko, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
23. The solar wind interaction with Mars: current systems and electromagnetic fields in the Martian ionosphere – S. Ledvina, University of California
24. Effect of solar wind source variation events on planetary plasma environments – A. Opitz, Wigner RCP
25. Investigating space weather events at Mars with Mars Express housekeeping data – O. Witasse, ESA/ESTEC


Solar Wind Interaction with Atmosphereless Bodies

26. MESSENGER X-ray observations of electron precipitation events on the dayside surface of Mercury - S. Lindsay, University of Leicester
27. Sodium pick-up ion observations in the solar wind upstream of Mercury - J. Jasinski, University of Michigan
28. Solar wind-magnetosphere interaction at Mercury during passage of coronal mass ejections - R. Jarvinen, Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering


Atmospheric Escape, Evolution, and Climates

29. Atmospheric escape at early Mars and constraints on the evolution of the Martian atmosphere – M. Scherf, Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences
30. Dependence of O+ escape rates from Venus on the solar wind and the solar activity - M. Persson, Swedish Institute of Space Physics
31. 2-Dimensional Model of the Martian Exosphere Applied to HST Observations – D. Bhattacharyya, CSP, Boston University
32. Modeling deuterium from surface to space to understand Mars atmospheric evolution – E. Cangi, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
33. Modeling of Ion and Photochemical Losses to Space over the Martian History – C. Dong, Princeton University
34. A parametric study of Enceladus plumes based on DSMC calculations for retrieving the outgassing parameters as measured by Cassini instruments – A. Mahieux, The University of Texas at Austin
35. The terrestrial paleo-magnetosphere during the late Hadean and Archean: Implications on the evolution of the terrestrial atmosphere – M. Scherf, Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences
36. O+ escape at Earth during the magnetic storm on September 4th - 10th, 2017 – A. Schillings, Swedish Institute of Space Physics


Missions and Data Archives

37. A concept for permanent stations on Phobos and Deimos: Study of the Mars space environment - E. Sefton-Nash, ESA/ESTEC
38. The Mars Express/ASPERA-3 and Venus Express/ASPERA-4 Solar Wind Databases – M. Holmstrom, Swedish Institute of Space Physics
39. ESCAPE (European SpaceCraft for the study of Atmospheric Particle Escape): a planetary mission to Earth, proposed to ESA in response to the M5-call – I. Dandouras, IRAP
40. Solar SENTINEL: a satellite constellation mission concept for early forecasting of Coronal Mass Ejections – J. Rodrigues, University of Cambridge