Abstract submission - 53rd ESLAB Symposium

Late Abstract Submission
The abstract submission is officially closed. To allow a few people to still send in their abstracts as requested through the Gaia Helpdesk, the form below is open. This way they are able to submit the abstract in the same format as the others.
Please contact the Gaia Helpdesk before submitting an abstract. We can not guarantee your submission will still be taken into account. We will inform you about what is possible through a reply to your Gaia Helpdesk email/ticket.
Below you find the original information needed to fill out the abstract submission.
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Abstract submission
Abstract submission is closed now.
Instructions for the abstract submission
The following information is of importance when entering the abstract submission form:
- The applicant is considered to be the person that will make the presentation or poster, and the person that is the main contact point for the presentation or poster.
- Abstract title should be maximally 40 words. Title of the abstract will be used to announce the presentation or poster in the conference programme.
- Often abstracts have multiple authors. We ask you to fill out the first three author(s). If more authors are on the abstract, please check the option indicating this. Then we will add "et al" after the first three authors.
- Indicate your preference for a poster or presentation.
- Indicate your preference for the way to present your poster. The options are a physical poster to install on one of the poster boards and be present at your poster during the indicated poster session slot, or a one-minute pitch session of your poster combined with a link to your digital material in the form of a poster, article or slides.
- If you entered a preference for a presentation in the previous question, we still ask you to fill out your poster preference question. If too many participants prefer to give a presentation, a selection will be made by the organising committee.
- Abstracts should be maximum 300 words and need to be entered directly into the abstract submission form.
These instructions are mandatory. Abstracts not following these instructions will not be taken into account.
You will receive a confirmation email at the email address you provided, to inform you that we received your submitted abstract in good order. If you did not receive a confirmation email, make sure to go through the full process. So after pressing the "register" button for submitting the abstract, don't forget to also hit the "proceed" button to send in the abstract.
Conference proceedings
Participants presenting their work are encouraged to submit their presentations and posters for on-line publication in a custom Zenodo repository. In addition, written conference proceedings contributions will be accepted in the same repository. Zenodo submissions will receive a DoI and will be indexed at ADS.
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