Observing opportunities for European Users with ASTRO-F: Call for Letter of Intent
Dear Colleague, This mail is to inform you of upcoming observing opportunities with JAXA's ASTRO-F infrared sky survey satellite.
The "Observers' Fact-sheet " gives a concise summary of the relevant information. If you are interested in this opportunity, you should return a brief "Letter of Intent" to ESA before 31 May 2005. ASTRO-F is a Japanese infrared all-sky survey mission, scheduled for launch in January-February 2006 and with a foreseen operational lifetime of at least 1.5 years. In addition to the sky survey, part of the mission will be dedicated to pointed observations of specific astronomical targets. ASTRO-F has the capability for imaging and spectroscopy in 13 infrared bands from 2 to 180 microns. Resulting from ESA's participation in the mission, individuals and teams from institutes in ESA Member States may submit observing proposals for pointed observations in ASTRO-F's European Open Time programme (*). Further details on the ASTRO-F mission and the observing opportunities offered to European astronomers can be found at the ESA site: http://www.astro-f.esac.esa.int/ To enable ESA to gauge the interest in ASTRO-F observing opportunities (and, consequently, size the facilities needed), likely proposers are asked to send a brief "Letter of Intent" to the ESA Project Scientist at 'astro-f@sciops.esa.int' before 31 May 2005. The suggested format for this Letter is provided at the end of this mail. Current planning foresees issue of the 'Call for Observing Proposals' on 1 September 2005, with proposals being due two months thereafter. Proposals will be peer-reviewed by a European Time Allocation Committee, and then merged with those resulting from the parallel Japanese Call. Please note this is the last information on ASTRO-F sent to the ISO Data Archive users list. If you want to have your name added to our ASTRO-F mailing list for any future correspondence, please send a blank e-mail to astro-f@sciops.esa.int, with "subscribe" in the subject field. (*): Interested scientists outside Europe are encouraged to collaborate with PI's from ESA member state institutions. Best regards, Alberto Salama ESA's ASTRO-F Project Scientist European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) Villafranca, Madrid, Spain --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter of Intent - Format Proposer Information: --------------------- Name: Institute: E-Mail: Proposal Information (Repeat per foreseen proposal): ---------------------------------------------------- Scientific Category: One of the following: Solar System OR Interstellar Matter OR Stellar/Circumstellar Physics OR Extragalactic Systems OR Cosmology. Title (preliminary): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------