Ariel Science ground segment workshop - 2024 Logo

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The Ariel Science Operations Centre (SOC) is hosting at ESAC the Ariel Mission Consortium (AMC) for a workshop on 2, 3, 4 October 2024 to advance the on-going Science Ground Segment (SGS) activities in the development phase.

The Ariel SGS is being developed under responsibility of the ESA SOC and the Instrument and Operations Science Data Centre (IOSDC) team of the AMC. This workshop aims to bring together the teams to advance the development of the SGS in multiple areas.

This workshop will be held in hybrid mode, offering in-person attendance and participating via video conference.



The meeting will start on the morning of Wednesday 2 October (10:00am CEST), finishing at lunchtime on Friday 4 Oct (04:00pm CEST).

The prelimunary agenda is as follows. Presentations will be uploaded and linked here during the workshop.


Madrid (CEST) Duration Topic Speaker
09:00 09:40 ~40' Bus: Madrid to ESAC
09:40 10:00 ~20' Badges at ESAC Security Gatehouse
10:00 Start of Day 1
10:00 10:15 15' Welcome / logistics / agenda Anja
10:15 11:00 45'


  • Status updates:  SOC / IOSDC
Anja / Chris
11:00 11:30 30'
  • SGS schedule / upcoming milestones
  • SGS document tree / GSDR datapack
11:30 12:00 30' Coffee break
12:00 12:45 45' GSRQR IOSDC Actions update Pino / Chris
12:45 13:30 45' GSRQR SOC Actions update Anja / Rocio
13:30 15:00 90' Lunch at ESAC canteen + 30' informal discussion
15:00 15:30 30' EIDHS - common interface to exchange data products Rocio / Andreas?
15:30 16:30 60'

Products Definition WG:

  • ToR presentation / discussion
  • Membership proposal
  • Way forward
16:30 17:00 30' SGS PA update Julio / Stephen
17:00 End of Day 1
17:00 22:00 300' Evening social event : guided trip to Segovia including dinner
22:00    23:00   60'         Bus Shuttle to the hotel



Madrid (CEST) Duration Topic Speaker
08:00 08:40 ~40' Bus: Madrid to ESAC
09:00 Start of Day 2
09:00 09:15 15' Brief welcome / announcements Anja
09:15 10:15 60'

IOSDC subsystem updates - LTPT

  • Demo of new version
  • Installation trouble-shooting (if required)
Juan Carlos
10:15 11:15 60'

GSSEWG Meeting #31 part 1

optional: breakout sessions where required, e.g. for PIPL or LTPT hands-on demonstrations Rocio
11:15 11:45 30' Coffee break
11:45 12:45 60' GSSEWG Meeting #31 part 2 optional: breakout sessions where required, e.g. for PIPL or LTPT hands-on demonstrations Rocio
12:45 13:30 45' GS ICDs templates and contents Rocio
13:30 15:00 90' Lunch at ESAC canteen + 30' informal discussion
15:00 16:30 90'

GSRQR follow-up studies:

  • SOC-MOC interface, for implementation of the change at MOC from SCOS-2000 to EGOS-CC files and interfaces - due date is 15th of Oct, conclusion on the study is anticipated
  • Adaptation required to the SOC infrastructure and procedures to deal with export control processes for Data in the SOC system
16:30 17:00 30' Coffee break
17:00 17:30 30' Mission planning discussion
Status of SSO discussions
Charo / Juan Carlos
17:30 18:30 60'

How and to what extend are (partially) failed observation treated by the LTPT?

Charo / Juan Carlos / MOC?
18:30 End of Day 2
18:45 20:15 90' Evening social event: Cocktails at ESAC
20:30 21:15 ~45' Bus:  ESAC to Madrid



Madrid (CEST) Duration Topic Speaker
08:00 08:40 ~40' Bus: Madrid to ESAC
09:00 Start of Day 3
09:00 09:15 15' Brief welcome / announcements Anja
09:15 09:45 30'

IOSDC subsystem updates - Data processing / pipeline

Andrea L.
09:45 10:15 30' IOSDC subsystem updates - HMS / QLA Andreas
10:15 11:15 60'

IOSDC subsystem updates - ETC

11:15 11:45 30' Coffee break
11:45 12:45 60' IOSDC subsystem updates - Calibration (products / scripts) Chris
12:45 13:30 60' Afternoon session - AOB Anja
13:30     Let SOC know if you need a taxi to the airport before lunch
13:30 15:30 60' Lunch at ESAC canteen
14:30 End of Day 3
14:30     Buses:  ESAC to Madrid  +  ESAC to Aiport?




Registration will open at the 15th August 2024. Deadline for registration is 15th September 2024.

The registration will be free of charge.

The number of participants will be limited. The ESA and AMC team leads will inform you whether your registration is confirmed shortly after registering.


Entering the ESAC site

When arriving at the main gate (by bus, taxi or private transportation), you will need to present a valid photo ID to the security guards. Only participants who are on their checklist are allowed to enter the site. The checklist is based on the information you have entered during online registration.


Code of Conduct

As the Local Organising Committee of the workshop, we assume that all participants share our commitment to create a meeting environment that values diversity and inclusion and therefore is free from harassment. We want to promote a diverse environment with respectful and courteous behaviour and therefore we expect all participants to adhere to our Code of Conduct.


ESA Conference Privacy notice

We would like to inform you that the personal data, provided by you in the scope of the registration process below, will be processed by ESA, for the purpose of managing your registration. You can find more information about the processing of your personal data in our Privacy Notice:  Science Conference Privacy Note


Accommodation and Transport


Hotel availability in Madrid is can be limited and early booking is recommended. ESAC is located some 30 km west of Madrid and it will thus be best to search for a hotel in the western parts of Madrid. We will not block hotel rooms for the conference in any particular hotel.

Useful links to find budget hotels:


A shuttle bus service will be provided free of charge for transport between Madrid and ESAC and back to Madrid for the three days of the meeting. The departure location of the bus will be in front of the

Hotel Moncloa Exe
Arcipreste de Hita, 10
28015 Madrid


Please note that it is not required to stay at this hotel to make use of the shuttle bus. The location is also very near several metro stations, particularly Moncloa (exit: Arcipreste de Hita). Please note that the bus shuttle table below will be still updated and provided well in advance of the workshop. 

Departure times:

Wednesday 9:00
Thursday 8:00 
Friday 8:00


Return times to the Hotel Moncloa Exe:

Wednesday 22:00 from Segovia
Thursday 20:30 from ESAC
Friday 16:00 from ESAC


Please note that the times above are indicated as CEST.

On the last day, depending on demand, a bus may be arranged to go directly to the airport and/or hotel.

For participants needing a taxi to leave from ESAC, you will be given a dedicated form to fill to be assisted with booking at the start of the workshop.


Lunch breaks

Lunch breaks will take place from 13:30 to 14:30 (and 15:00 respectively) every day. During this time, a meal can be purchased in the ESAC canteen. Microwaves are also available for heating up food brought from outside.


Social Activities

There are social gatherings foreseen for the 3rd and 4th of October after the meeting days including evening meals. Furhter details for both events will follow.



Anja Hofmann (ESA)

Tim Rawle (ESA)

Chris Pearson (UKRI STFC RAL Space)

Giuseppe Malaguti (INAF OAS Bologna)