Useful links - Artist in Residence
Useful links
Read about ESTEC on the ESA website and see what it is like with these videos of an open day and a quick tour with artist Sarah Petkus. You can also explore ESTEC with this virtual tour.
Art and Science at ESA
Read about the latest discoveries and new developments in ESA's space science missions.
Art & Science @ ESA (This blog is in hibernation but you can find reports from some previous artists who joined us to explore topics in space science.)
Art & Culture in Space is a collection of stories and reports about a variety of artistic and cultural activities involving the European Space Agency.
Aoife van Linden Tol, was artist-in-residence in 2017, hosted jointly by Ars Electronica and the European Space Agency in the Framework of the European Digital Art & Science Network. In this video she talks about the collision of Art and Science and shares insights in the residency and her work in general.
Science Gallery Rotterdam
Find out more about Science Gallery Rotterdam and their activities, including their latest exhibition (R)EVOLUTION.
Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam is an international leading academic hospital and is recognized as a world-class scientific research organization.
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