Acronyms - Athena
Acronym | Description | |
Athena Independent Science Review |
1g | Earth's gravity | |
3E | Electrical, Electronic, and Electro-mechanical, sometimes referred to as triple E (components) | |
A (duplicate) |
Abell (galaxy cluster) | |
A (duplicate) |
Acceptance (testing) | |
A (duplicate) |
Analysis | |
A64 | Ariane-6.4 (launcher) | |
AA | Alignment Acceptance | |
AAD | Attitude-Anomaly Detector | |
AAP | Active-Archival Phase | |
AAT | Advanced Analysis Tool | |
AB | Abstract | |
ABCL | As-Built Configuration List | |
ABS | ABSolute | |
AC (duplicate) |
Active Cascode | |
AC (duplicate) |
Alternating Current | |
a-C | amorphous Carbon | |
AC (duplicate) |
Analytical Calculator (within SIMPOSiuM) | |
AC (duplicate) |
Anti-Coincidence | |
ACC | ACCelerometer | |
ACD | Anti-Coincidence Detector | |
ACE | Advanced Composition Explorer (spacecraft) | |
ACO | Athena Community Office | |
ACP | Athena Calibration Plan | |
ACPTF | Athena Calibration Plan Task Force | |
ACS (duplicate) |
Activity Control Sheet | |
ACS (duplicate) |
Attitude Control System | |
ACSS | Athena Common Software System | |
ACSST | Athena Common Software System Team | |
AD (duplicate) |
Adjusted Derivative (pulse detection) | |
AD (duplicate) |
Analogue to Digital | |
AD (duplicate) |
Applicable Document | |
ADA | Athena Data Analysis | |
ADC | Analogue to Digital Converter | |
ADE | Actuator Drive Electronics | |
ADF | Attitude Determination Frame | |
ADPM | Antenna Deployment and Pointing Mechanism | |
ADR (duplicate) |
Adiabatic Cooler | |
ADR (duplicate) |
Adiabatic Demagnetisation Refrigerator | |
ADS | Airbus Defence and Space | |
AE (duplicate) |
ArianEspace | |
AE (duplicate) |
Astro-E | |
AE8/AE9 | NASA trapped electron/proton environment models | |
AFE | Analogue Front End | |
AFM | Atomic Force Microscope | |
AFT | Abbreviated Functional Test | |
AGH | Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza (University of Science and Technology, Kraków) | |
AGN | Active Galactic Nucleus | |
AH | Astro-H | |
AHEAD | (Integrated) Activities in the High Energy Astrophysics Domain | |
AHEPaM | Athena High-Energy Particle Monitor | |
AI | Artificial Intelligence | |
AIB | Analogue Interface Board | |
AIT | Assembly, Integration, and Test | |
AIT/V | Assembly, Integration and Test/Verification | |
AIV | Assembly, Integration, and Verification | |
AKE | Absolute Knowledge Error | |
AL | Acceptance (test) Load | |
Al | Aluminium | |
ALAT | Air Liquide Advanced Technologies | |
ALBA | synchrotron radiation facility in Barcelona, Spain (meaning “sunrise”) | |
ALD | Atomic Layer Deposition | |
aLIGO | Advanced LIGO | |
ALM | Additive Layer Manufacturing | |
AMA | Athena Mirror Assembly | |
AMBER | Active Monitor Box of Electrostatic Risk (radiation monitor) | |
AMOLF | (instituut voor) Atoom- en MOLecuulFysica (institute for atomic and molecular physics) | |
AMS | Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (ISS) | |
AMXP | Accretion-powered Millisecond X-ray Pulsar | |
AO | Announcement of Opportunity | |
AOB | All Other Business | |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control Sub-system | |
AOS | Acquisition Of Signal | |
AOT | Astronomical Observation Template | |
AP | As Proposed | |
ApC | Aperture Cylinder | |
APC | AstroParticule and Cosmologie (Paris) | |
APDB | Athena Parameter DataBase | |
APE | Absolute Performance (Pointing) Error | |
APEC | Astrophysical Plasma Emission Code | |
APM (duplicate) |
Ammonia Peroxide Mix | |
APM (duplicate) |
Antenna Pointing Mechanism | |
APME | Antenna Pointing Mechanism Electronics | |
APR | Array Power Regulator | |
APS (duplicate) |
Active Phase Shift(er) | |
APS (duplicate) |
Active-Pixel Sensor | |
APSW | APplication SoftWare | |
AR (duplicate) |
Acceptance Review | |
AR (duplicate) |
Annual Review | |
AR (duplicate) |
Anomaly Review | |
AR (duplicate) |
Aspect Ratio (pixel) | |
AR64 | Ariane-6.4 (launcher) | |
ARB (duplicate) |
Acceptance Review Board | |
ARB (duplicate) |
Anomaly Review Board | |
ARBEB | Athena Red Book Editorial Board | |
ARCUS | Arcus MIDEX Explorer (NASA) | |
AREMBES | Athena Radiation Environment Models and X-Ray Background Effects Simulators (Athena Radiation Environment Modelling Background EStimator) | |
ARES | Analysis and Reporting System | |
ARF | Ancillary Response File | |
ARSE | Angular Resolution Sensitivity Exercise | |
ASA | Athena Science Archive | |
ASCA | Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics | |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | |
ASDC | Athena Science Data Centre | |
ASE | Athena System Engineering (Board) | |
ASF | AREMBES Simulation Framework | |
ASGS | Athena Science Ground Segment | |
ASH | Acquisition and Safe Hold Mode | |
ASI | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana | |
ASIC | Application-Specific Integrated Circuit | |
ASIE | Athena Science Impact Exercise | |
ASMB | Athena System Management Board | |
ASPHEA | Alignment of Silicon Pore optics for High-Energy Astronomy | |
ASSATF | Athena Science Sensitivity Analysis Task Force | |
ASST (duplicate) |
Athena Science Study Team | |
ASST (duplicate) |
ATHENA Science Support Team | |
ASST (duplicate) |
Athena Software and System Team | |
AST | Analysis STep | |
ASW | Application Software | |
AT | AusTria | |
ATAC | Athena Time Allocation Committee | |
ATB | Avionics Test Bench | |
ATHENA | Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics | |
ATP | Authorisation to Proceed | |
ATSAL | ATomic Spectral AnaLysis | |
ATV | Automated Transfer Vehicle | |
au | Astronomical Unit | |
AV | Advanced Variant | |
aVirgo | Advanced Virgo | |
AVM (duplicate) |
AVionics Model | |
AVM (duplicate) |
Avionic Verification Model | |
AWG | Astronomy Working Group (ESA) | |
AXB | Astrophysical X-ray Background | |
B | Belgium | |
B2CD | project phases B2, C, and D combined | |
B4C | Boron_4-Carbide | |
B4N | Boron Nitride | |
BAF | BAFfle | |
BAM | Background Analysis Module (SPM/WFI) | |
BAR | Background Assessment Report | |
BAT | BATtery sub-system | |
BB | Bread Board | |
BBFB | BaseBand FeedBack | |
BCB | BenzoCycloButene (coating) | |
BCDR | Battery Charge and Discharge Regulator | |
BCG | Brightest Cluster Galaxy | |
BCM | Battery Charge Management | |
BCR | Battery Charge Regulator | |
BD | Brown Dwarf | |
BDR | Battery Discharge Regulator | |
BDRF | Bi-Directional Reflectivity Function | |
BE | Background Estimate | |
BEAR | Bending magnet for Emission, Absorption, and Reflectivity (beam line) | |
BEaTriX | Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility | |
BEE | Back-End Electronics | |
BERT | BERTini cascade (model) | |
BESSY | Berlin Electron Storage Ring Society for Synchrotron Radiation | |
BEUR | Billion EURo | |
BF (duplicate) |
Best Focus | |
BF (duplicate) |
Blocking Factor | |
BGD | BackGrounD | |
B-H | magnetic induction and magnetic field | |
BHB | Black-Hole Binary | |
BHC | Black-Hole Candidate | |
BIC | BInary Cascade (model) | |
BIPR | Background Intellectual Property Right | |
BISPO | Baffled IXO SPO (mirror module) | |
BKG | BacKGround | |
BL | Boundary Layer | |
BLWN | Band-Limited White Noise | |
BND | Beam-Normalisation Detector | |
BoE | Back of (the) Envelope (calculation) | |
BoGEMMS | Bologna GEant4 Multi-Mission Simulator | |
BoL | Beginning of Life | |
BoT | Beginning of Test | |
BOT | Beginning Of Track | |
BP | Base Plate | |
Br | Bracket (spectral line) | |
BS | BremsStrahlung | |
BSC (duplicate) |
Back-SCattering | |
BSC (duplicate) |
Bright Star Catalogue | |
BSCW | Basic Support for Cooperative Work | |
BSE | Back-Scattered Electron | |
BSR | Baseline Selection Review | |
BUSD | Billion US Dollar | |
BUT | Brno University of Technology | |
C (duplicate) |
Capacitor | |
C (duplicate) |
Carbon | |
C (duplicate) |
(degree) Celsius | |
CA | Conical(-approximation) Athena | |
CaC | Cost at Completion | |
CaCC | Cost-at-Completion Cap | |
CAD | Computer-Aided Design | |
CAF | Contiguous Area Fraction | |
CAP | Cooler Ancillary Panel | |
CAS (duplicate) |
Calibration ASsembly (X-IFU) | |
CAS (duplicate) |
Czech Academy of Sciences | |
CATIA | Computer-Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application | |
C/B | Clamp Band | |
CBE | Current Best Estimate | |
CBK | Centrum Badań Kosmicznych | |
CBUSH | specific element in NASTRAN | |
CC (duplicate) |
Cleanliness and Contamination | |
CC (duplicate) |
Cold Core (galaxy cluster) | |
CC (duplicate) |
Cooling Chain | |
CC (duplicate) |
Core Collapse (supernova) | |
CC (duplicate) |
Cost-Constrained (mission) | |
CCB | Configuration Control Board | |
CCCM | Channel-Cut Crystal Monochromator | |
CCCP | Cleanliness, Contamination, and Control Plan | |
CCD (duplicate) |
Charged Coupled Device | |
CCD (duplicate) |
Contract Closure Document | |
CCDR | Closed-Cycle Dilution Refrigerator | |
CCDS | Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems | |
CCE | Cooler Control Electronics | |
CCGA | Ceramic Column Grid Array | |
CCH | Cooler Cryo(genic) Harness | |
CCHP | Continuous Conductance Heat Pipe | |
CCM | Centre for Concepts in Mechatronics | |
CCN | Change-of-Contract Notice | |
CCP (duplicate) |
Component Control Plan | |
CCP (duplicate) |
Contamination Control Plan | |
CCSDS | Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems | |
CCU | Cryocooler Unit | |
CCW | Counter ClockWise | |
CD (duplicate) |
Compact Disc | |
CD (duplicate) |
Cool Down | |
CDA | Clean Dry Air | |
CDE | Cooler Drive Electronics | |
CDF (duplicate) |
Concurrent Design Facility (ESA) | |
CDF (duplicate) |
Cumulative Distribution Function | |
CDFS | Chandra Deep Field South | |
C&DH | Command and Data Handling | |
CDM | Code-Domain Multiplexing (Code-Division Multiplexing) | |
CDMS | Command and Data Management Sub-system | |
CDMU (duplicate) |
Central Data Management Unit | |
CDMU (duplicate) |
Command and Data Management Unit | |
CDR | Critical Design Review | |
CE (duplicate) |
Conducted Emission | |
CE (duplicate) |
Conformité Européenne | |
CEA | Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique | |
CEB | CEBreros (35-m ESA ground station near Madrid, Spain) | |
CELAS | specific element in NASTRAN | |
CER | Cost Estimating Relationship | |
CeSiC | Carbon-fiber-reinforced Silicon-Carbide | |
cf | confer / conferatur (compare with) | |
CF | Crest Factor | |
CFA | Coldfinger Assembly (for Cryocoolers) | |
CFDP | CCSDS File Delivery Protocol | |
CFE (duplicate) |
Control Front End | |
CFE (duplicate) |
Customer-Furnished Equipment | |
CFEE (duplicate) |
Cold Front End Electronics | |
CFEE (duplicate) |
Cold Front-End Electronics | |
Cfg | Configuration | |
CFI | Customer Furnished Item | |
CFRP | Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer | |
CG | Cut Gain | |
CGH | Computer-Generated Hologramme | |
CH (duplicate) |
Camera Head (WFI) | |
CH (duplicate) |
La CHuisse (Switzerland) | |
CHT | Cylindrical Hall Thruster | |
CHX (duplicate) |
Cooler Heat eXchange(r) | |
CHX (duplicate) |
Cryocooler Heat Exchanger (for Joule-Thomson Cryocoolers) | |
CI (duplicate) |
Configuration Item | |
CI (duplicate) |
Conformance Inspection | |
CIC | Connector Identification Code | |
CIDL | Configuration Item Data List | |
CIL | Critical Items List | |
CIRSOS | Collaborative Iterative Radiation Shielding Optimisation System | |
CLA (duplicate) |
Cooler (connecting) Line Assembly | |
CLA (duplicate) |
Coupled-Load Analysis | |
CLS | Canadian Light Source | |
CM (duplicate) |
Chemical Manoeuvre | |
CM (duplicate) |
Common Mode | |
CM (duplicate) |
Compliance Matrix | |
CM (duplicate) |
Consortium Meeting | |
CM (duplicate) |
Ministerial Council (meeting) | |
CMA (duplicate) |
Cooler Mechanical Assembly | |
CMA (duplicate) |
Cost Model Accuracy | |
CMA (duplicate) |
Cryocooler Mechanical Assembly | |
CMCU | Common Mode Correction Unit | |
CME (duplicate) |
Coefficient of Moisture Expansion | |
CME (duplicate) |
Coronal Mass Ejection | |
CMG | Control Moment Gyro | |
CMMI | Capability Maturity Model Integration | |
CMP | Configuration Management Plan | |
CMRR | Common-Mode Rejection Ratio | |
CMZ | Central Molecular Zone | |
CN (duplicate) |
Change Notice | |
CN (duplicate) |
Classical Nova | |
CNC | Computer Numerical Controlled | |
CND | CircumNuclear Disk | |
CNES | Centre National d'Études Spatiales | |
CO | Chief Officer | |
CoB (duplicate) |
Close of Business | |
CoB (duplicate) |
(X-IFU) Consortium Board | |
CoC | Certificate of Conformance | |
CODEV | Code V optics / ray-tracing simulation software | |
CoDR | Conceptual Design Review | |
CoG | Centre of Gravity | |
CoM | Centre of Mass | |
COM | COMmunication sub-system | |
ConOps | Concept of Operations | |
CoP | Centre of Pressure | |
CORE | Cost-Oriented Reprogramming Exercise (Cost-driven Observation Reprogramming Exercise) | |
COSPAR | Committee On SPAce Research | |
COTS | Commercial Off The Shelf | |
COVID(-19) | COrona VIrus Disease (2019) | |
CP (duplicate) |
Calibration Plan | |
CP (duplicate) |
Commissioning Phase | |
CPA (duplicate) |
Compressor Assembly (for Cryocoolers) | |
CPA (duplicate) |
Cooler Compressor Assembly | |
CPD | Charged-Particle Diverter | |
CPF | Complex Pupil Function | |
CPM | Central Processing Module | |
CPPA | Coordinated Parts Procurement Agent | |
CPS (duplicate) |
Central Plasma Sheet | |
CPS (duplicate) |
Chemical Propulsion (Propellant) Sub-system | |
CPS (duplicate) |
Counts Per Second | |
CR (duplicate) |
Change Request | |
CR (duplicate) |
Clean Room | |
CR (duplicate) |
Cosine Research | |
CR (duplicate) |
Cosmic Ray | |
CR (duplicate) |
Count Rate | |
CR (duplicate) |
Czech Republic | |
CRD | Calibration Requirements Document | |
CReMA | Consolidated Report on Mission Analysis | |
CRS (duplicate) |
Cleanliness Requirement Specification | |
CRS (duplicate) |
Coarse Rate Sensor | |
CRV | (time-)Constant Random Variable | |
CS (duplicate) |
Conductive Susceptibility | |
CS (duplicate) |
Cooling System | |
CSD | Coordinate System Document | |
CSDE | Collaborative Software Development Environment | |
CSI | Customer Source Inspection | |
CSL | Centre Spatial de Liège | |
CSS (duplicate) |
Coarse Sun Sensor | |
CSS (duplicate) |
Core Science Survey | |
CSV | Comma-Separated Values | |
CSW | Central SoftWare | |
CT (duplicate) |
Compton Thick | |
CT (duplicate) |
Core Test | |
CTA | Cherenkov Telescope Array | |
CTE | Coefficient of Thermal Expansion | |
CTP | Core Technology Programme (ESA) | |
CTQ | Critical To Quality | |
CTR | Central Time Reference | |
CTTS | Classical T-Tauri Star | |
CV (duplicate) |
Conservative Variant | |
CV (duplicate) |
Cosmic Vision (programme of ESA's science directorate) | |
CV1525 | Cosmic Vision Programme 2015 - 2025 | |
CVCM | Collected Volatile Condensable Material | |
CVD | Chemical Vapour Deposition | |
CW (duplicate) |
Calendar Week | |
CW (duplicate) |
ClockWise | |
CWB | Colliding-Wind Binary | |
CX | Charge eXchange | |
CXB | Cosmic X-ray Background | |
CXC | Chandra X-ray observatory Center | |
CXO | Chandra X-ray Observatory | |
D (duplicate) |
Design | |
D (duplicate) |
Diplexer | |
D (duplicate) |
Germany (Deutschland) | |
DA | DopAmine | |
DAC | Digital-to-Analogue Converter | |
DAQ | Data AQuisition | |
DBRR | DCS Breadboarding for Risk Reduction | |
DC (duplicate) |
Direct Current | |
DC (duplicate) |
Double Cone | |
DCCM | Document Control and Change Manager | |
DCM | Double-Crystal Monochromator | |
DCR (duplicate) |
Dedicated Control Room (at ESOC) | |
DCR (duplicate) |
Digital Control Room | |
DCS (duplicate) |
Demonstrator of the (X-IFU) Cooling System | |
DCS (duplicate) |
Detector Cooling System | |
DD (duplicate) |
Double Degenerate | |
DD (duplicate) |
(X-IFU) Dewar Door | |
DDF | Design Definition File | |
DDID | Data Delivery Interface Document | |
DDOR | Delta Differential One-way Ranging | |
DDS | Data Dissemination System | |
DDT | Director’s Discretionary Time | |
DDVP | Design, Development, and Verification Plan | |
dE | delta Energy (energy resolution) | |
DE | Detector Electronics | |
DEE | DE-Excitation Model | |
DE/EP | Digital Electronics/ Events Processing | |
DEPFET | DEpleted P-channel Field-Effect Transistor | |
DET | Direct Energy Transfer | |
DF | De-Focused | |
DHS | Data-Handling Sub-system | |
D/HSO | Directorate of Human Spaceflight and Operations | |
DI | De-Ionised | |
DIL | Deliverable Item List | |
DIW | Deionised Water | |
DJF | Design Justification File | |
DK | DenmarK | |
DLC | Diamond-Like Carbon | |
DLL (duplicate) |
Design Launch Load | |
DLL (duplicate) |
Design Limit Load | |
DLR | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt | |
DM (duplicate) |
Demonstration Model | |
DM (duplicate) |
Differential Mode | |
dMCR | delta Mission Consolidation Review (2017) | |
DML | Declared Materials List | |
DMM | Design Maturity Margin | |
DN | Dwarf Nova | |
DNEL | Disable Non-Essential Loads | |
DNM | Date of Next Meeting | |
DOA | Degree of Adequacy of the Cost model | |
DoD | Depth of Discharge | |
DoF | Degree of Freedom | |
DOF | Degrees of Freedom | |
DOORS | Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System | |
DP (duplicate) |
Data Pack | |
DP (duplicate) |
Data Processing | |
DP (duplicate) |
Decommissioning Phase | |
DP (duplicate) |
Detector Plane | |
DP (duplicate) |
Disposal Phase | |
DP (duplicate) |
Dowel Pin | |
DPA | Destructive Physical Analysis | |
DPAICD | Data Producer to Archive Interface Control Document | |
DPR (duplicate) |
Detector-Plane Response | |
DPR (duplicate) |
Diffraction plus reflection Pattern from Ray optics | |
DR | DRain current (readout mode) | |
DRB | Delivery Review Board | |
DRD | Document Requirements Description (Definition) | |
DRE | Digital Readout Electronics | |
DRL | Deliverable (Documents) Requirements List | |
DS | Death Star (MM assembly jig) | |
DS2 | Death Star version 2 (MM assembly jig version 2) | |
DSA | Deep Space Antenna | |
D/SCI | Directorate of Science | |
DSL | Domain Specific Language | |
DSMC | Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo | |
DSR | Definition Study Report | |
DST | Deep Space Transponder | |
DT (duplicate) |
Dead Time | |
DT (duplicate) |
Discretionary Time | |
DTA | Detent high-Torque rotary Actuator | |
DTCP | Daily TeleCommunications Period | |
DTD | Documentation Tree Document | |
DTU | DTU Space (formally: National Space Institute, Danish: Institut for Rumforskning og Rumteknologi), part of the Technical University of Denmark (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet) | |
DUL | Design Ultimate Load | |
DV | Delta V(elocity) | |
DWV | Dielectric withstanding voltage | |
DYL | Design Yield Load | |
E | Espana (Spain) | |
E2E | End-to-End | |
E2EPA | End-to-End Performance Assessment (also e2ePA) | |
EA | Effective Area | |
EAAC | Effective-Area Analytical Calculator | |
EAICD | Experiment to Archive Interface Control Document | |
EAST (duplicate) |
ESA Athena Science Team | |
EAST (duplicate) |
ESO-Athena Synergy Team | |
EBB | Elegant BreadBoard | |
EBIT | Electron Beam Ion Trap | |
EC | Economic Conditions | |
eCaC | estimated Cost at Completion | |
ECAP | Erlangen Centre for Astro-particle Physics | |
ECC | ESTRACK Control Centre | |
ECR | Earth-Centred Rotating (coordinate system) | |
ECS (duplicate) |
EBIT Calorimeter Spectrometer | |
ECS (duplicate) |
Environmental Control Sub-system | |
ECSS | European Cooperation for Space Standardization | |
ECV | Exponentially-Correlated Variable | |
EDI | ElectroDeIonisation | |
EDM | Electrostatic Discharge Machining | |
EEE | Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical (triple-E) | |
EEF | Energy Encircled Fraction | |
EF | Eigen Frequency | |
EFM | Electrical and Functional Model | |
EFR | Established Failure Rate | |
EFU | Event Filter Unit | |
eg | exempli gratia (for example) | |
EGSE | Electrical Ground-Support Equipment | |
EIA | Electronic Industries Alliance | |
EID | Experiment Interface Document | |
EID-A | Experiment Interface Document part A | |
EID-B | Experiment Interface Document part B | |
EIDP | End-Item Data Package | |
EIPS | Electron Impact Point Source | |
EIRP | Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power | |
ELG | Event List Generator | |
ELP | Low-Energy Proton | |
ELR | End-of-Life Review | |
EM (duplicate) |
Electrical Model | |
EM (duplicate) |
Emission Measure | |
EM (duplicate) |
Engineering Model | |
EMC | Electro-Magnetic Compatibility | |
EME2000 | Earth-centred Equatorial Coordinate System | |
EMI | Electro-Magnetic Interference | |
EMV(X) | Variation of Standard EM package | |
ENC | Equivalent Noise Charge | |
eNCTS | ECLIPSE Non-Conformance Tracking System | |
EoL | End of Life | |
EOP | Extended Operational Phase (also EoP) | |
EoR | Epoch of Reionisation | |
EoS | Equation of State | |
EoT | End of Test | |
EOT | End Of Track | |
EP | Event Processing | |
EPC | Electrical Power Conditioner | |
EPDM | Ethylene propylene diene monomer | |
EPE | External Project Events | |
EPHIN | Electron Proton Helium INstrument | |
EPIC (duplicate) |
Energetic Particles and Ion Composition | |
EPIC (duplicate) |
European Photon Imaging Camera | |
EPS | Electrical Power (Sub-)system | |
EQM | Engineering and Qualification Model | |
EQSOL | EQuipment Switch-Off Line | |
EQSR | Equipment Qualification Status Review | |
ERB | Energy-Resolution Budget | |
ERM | EPIC Radiation Monitor | |
ERT | Earth Reception Time | |
ES (duplicate) |
Electronic Structure | |
ES (duplicate) |
Energy Scale | |
ESA | European Space Agency | |
ESAC | European Space Astronomy Centre (Villafranca, Spain) | |
ESC | Electro-Static Chuck | |
ESCC | European Space Components Coordination | |
ESD | ElectroStatic Discharge | |
ESDC | ESAC Science Data Centre | |
ESHIEM | Energetic Solar Heavy Ion Environment Modelling | |
ESMDB | European Space Materials Database | |
ESOC | European Satellite/Spacecraft Operations Centre (Darmstadt, Germany) | |
ESR (duplicate) |
Equivalent Serial Resistance | |
ESR (duplicate) |
Executive Summary Report | |
EST | ESA Study Team | |
ESTEC | European Space research and TEchnology Centre (Noordwijk, The Netherlands) | |
ESTRACK | European Space TRACKing Network | |
ESU | Energy Storage Unit | |
ET | Einstein Telescope | |
ETB | Electrical Test Bench | |
ETS | European Test Services (runs test center at ESTEC) | |
EU (duplicate) |
Electronics Unit | |
EU (duplicate) |
European Union | |
EUV | Extreme UltraViolet | |
EVG | EV Group (Electronic Visions Group) | |
EVT | Environmental Verification Test | |
EW | Equivalent Width | |
EXACRAD | Experimental Evaluation of Athena Charged Particle Background from Secondary Radiation and Scattering in Optics | |
EXAFS | Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure | |
F (duplicate) |
(degree) Fahrenheit | |
F (duplicate) |
Filter | |
F (duplicate) |
La France | |
F2F | "Face-to-Face (meeting) | |
FAR | Final/Flight Acceptance Review | |
FAT | Factory Acceptance Test | |
FAU | Friedrich Alexander University | |
FC | (WFI) Fast Chip (obsolete, now called FD) | |
FCM | Four Crystal Monochromator | |
FCT | Flight Control Team | |
FD (duplicate) |
Flight Dynamics (team) | |
FD (duplicate) |
(WFI) Fast Detector | |
FDDB | Flight Dynamics Data Base | |
FDE | Flight Dynamics Engineer | |
FDIR | Failure Detection Isolation and Recovery | |
FDM | Frequency-Domain Multiplexing | |
FDR | Flight Dynamics Room (at ESOC) | |
FDS | Flight-Dynamics System | |
FDV | Fill and Drain Valve | |
FE (duplicate) |
Finite Element (model) | |
FE (duplicate) |
Front End | |
FEA | Finite-Element Analysis | |
FEE | Front-End Electronics | |
FeKa | Iron K_α (line) | |
FEM | Finite Element Model | |
FER | Frame-Error Rate | |
FF | Full Frame | |
FFBD | Functional Flow Block Diagram | |
FFOS | Formation Flying Optical Sensor | |
FFT (duplicate) |
Fast Fourier transform | |
FFT (duplicate) |
Full Functional Test | |
FGS | Fine Guidance Sensor | |
FGSE | Fluidic Ground-Support Equipment | |
FI | Finland | |
FINREF | FINancial REForm (framework for costing of ESA activities) | |
FIR | Facility Implementation Review | |
FITS | Flexible Image Transport System | |
FL | Focal Length | |
FLL | Flux-Locked Loop | |
FM | Flight Model | |
FMC | FPGA Mezzanine Card | |
FMEA | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis | |
FMECA | Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis | |
FMS | Fixed Metering Structure | |
FoM | Figure of Merit | |
FOP | Flight Operations Plan/Procedure | |
FOP-SW | Flight Operations Software | |
FoR | Field of Regard | |
FOS (duplicate) |
Factor Of Safety | |
FOS (duplicate) |
Flight Operations Ground Segment | |
FoV | Field of View | |
FP (duplicate) |
Final Presentation | |
FP (duplicate) |
Focal Plane | |
FP (duplicate) |
(Launcher) Flight Programme | |
FPA | Focal Plane Assembly | |
FPC | Flow-Proportional Counter | |
FPCS | Focal-Plane Coordinate System | |
FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array | |
FPM (duplicate) |
Focal-Plane Module (obsolete, now called SIM) | |
FPM (duplicate) |
Frame-Processing Module (WFI) | |
FPP | Focal-Plane Platform (obsolete, now called SIP) | |
FPR | Focal-Plane Response | |
FPS | Fine Point Slew Mode | |
FPT | Full Performance Test | |
FR | Final Report/Review | |
FRF | Frequency Response Function | |
FR-II | Faranoff-Riley (type-2) radio galaxy | |
FRM | Fringe Reflection Metrology | |
FRR | Flight Readiness Review | |
FRT | Fringe-Reflection (metrology) Technique | |
FRW | Request for Waiver | |
FS (duplicate) |
Feasibility Study | |
FS (duplicate) |
Flight Spare (Model) | |
FS (duplicate) |
Fused Silica | |
FSAS | Flat Stack Assembly Station | |
FTA | Fault Tree Analysis | |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent | |
FTF | FriTioF (model) | |
FTIR | Fourier Transform InfraRed | |
FuMo | Functional Model | |
FVI | Functional Verification Infrastructure | |
FVV | Fill and Vent Valve | |
FW | Filter Wheel | |
FWA | Filter-Wheel Assembly | |
FW&F | Filter Wheel and Filter | |
FWV | Windowed Variance Filter | |
FY | Fiscal Year | |
G4 | GEANT4 | |
GAPHE | Groupe AstroPhysique des Hautes Energies (Liège) | |
GBH | Galactic Black Hole | |
GCR | Galactic Cosmic Ray | |
GDIR | General Design and Interface Requirements | |
GDML | Geometry Description Markup Language | |
GEANT | GEometry ANd Tracking | |
GEANT4 | GEometry ANd Tracking version 4 | |
G_ee | single-sided power spectral density | |
GEO | Geostationary Earth Orbit | |
GF | Geometrical Factor | |
GIM | Galvanic Isolation Module | |
GM | Gifford-McMahon (cooler) | |
GMM | Geometrical Mathematical Model | |
GMSK | Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying | |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time | |
GNC | Guidance and Navigation Control | |
GND | GrouND(ing) | |
GO | Guest Observer | |
GPS | Global Positioning System | |
GRAS | GEANT4 Radiation Analysis for Space | |
GRB | Gamma Ray Burst | |
GRP | Giant Radio Pulse | |
GRR | Global Reset Register | |
GRS | Geodetic Reference System | |
GS | Ground Segment | |
G/S | Ground Station (also GS) | |
GSDP | Ground Safety Data Package | |
GSE (duplicate) |
Ground Support Equipment | |
GSE (duplicate) |
Gyro Stellar Estimator (sometimes denoted GSTE) | |
GSFC | Goddard Space Flight Center | |
GSP | General Studies Program | |
GSTP | General Support Technology Programme (ESA) | |
G/T | (Antenna) Gain-to-noise Temperature | |
GT | Guaranteed Time | |
GTO (duplicate) |
Geostationary Transfer Orbit | |
GTO (duplicate) |
Guaranteed Time Observation | |
GUI | Graphical User Interface | |
GW | Gravitational Wave | |
GXB | Galactic (halo) X-ray Background | |
H | Hyperboloid | |
H_2O | Water | |
H_2O_2 | Peroxide | |
HASTR | High-Accuracy Star TRacker (sometimes denoted HA-STR) | |
HDF5 | Hierarchical Data Format version 5 | |
HDLC | High-level Data Link Control (protocol) | |
HDRM | Hold Down and Release Mechanism | |
HDRMA | HDRM Actuator | |
HDRS | Hold Down and Release System | |
HEAPA | High-Energy AstroPhysics Association (Japan) | |
HEO | Highly Eccentric/Elliptical Orbit | |
HEPA | High‐Efficiency Particulate Air (filter) | |
HEU | Hot and Energetic Universe | |
HEW | Half-Energy Width (refers to the Point Spread Function) | |
HEX | HEXapod | |
HF | High Frequency | |
HFSE | High-Frequency Spatial Error | |
HGA | High-Gain Antenna | |
HICP | Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices | |
HiREFS | High-Resolution Erect Field Spectrometer | |
HJ | Hot Jupiter | |
H/K | "HouseKeeping (data) | |
HKTM | Housekeeping and Telemetry | |
HMI | Human-Machine Interface | |
HN | HarNess | |
HP (duplicate) |
Heat Pipe | |
HP (duplicate) |
High Precision neutron (model) | |
HPD | Half-Power spot Diameter | |
HPO | High Performance Optics (outdated, shall not be used anymore) | |
HP-STR | High-Performance Star TRacker | |
H/R | Height over Radius (of a disk) | |
HR | High-Resolution (event) | |
HRMA | High-Resolution Mirror Assembly (Chandra) | |
HS | Heat Switch | |
HSC (duplicate) |
Helium Sorption Cooler | |
HSC (duplicate) |
High Speed Cutting | |
HSIA | Hardware-Software Interaction Analysis | |
HTR | HeaTeR | |
HTS | High Temperature Superconductor | |
HU | Heat Up | |
HV-HPC | High-Voltage High-Power Command | |
H/W | Hardware | |
HXI | Hard X-ray Imager (Hitomi) | |
HXT | Hard X-ray Telescope (Hitomi) | |
HZB | Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin | |
HZW | Half-Zero Width | |
I | Italia | |
I2C | Inter-Integrated Circuit (also denoted I^{2}C) | |
IAAT | Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik - Universität Tübingen | |
IAC | Intermediate Alignment Check | |
IACHEC | International Astrophysical Consortium for High-Energy Calibration | |
IAP | (Czech) Institute of Atmospheric Physics | |
IAPS | Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali | |
I-AR | Instrument(s) Acceptance Review | |
IAS | Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale | |
IASF | Istituto di Astrofisica e Fisica dello Spazio | |
IBF | Ion-Beam Figuring | |
IC (duplicate) |
Industrial Contract | |
IC (duplicate) |
Instrument Chamber | |
IC (duplicate) |
Integrated Circuit | |
IC (duplicate) |
Inter-Calibration | |
ICC (duplicate) |
Instrument Consortia Consolidation | |
ICC (duplicate) |
Instrument Control Centre | |
ICC (duplicate) |
Internal Contamination Control | |
ICD | Interface Control Document | |
I-CDR | Instrument(s) Critical Design Review | |
ICE | Independent Cost Estimate | |
ICM | Intra-Cluster Medium | |
ICPU | Instrument Control and Power(-distribution) Unit | |
ICS (duplicate) |
Inner Cold (Cryogenic) Shield (WFI) | |
ICS (duplicate) |
Ion Composition Sub-system | |
ICU | Instrument Control Unit | |
IDL | Interactive Data Language | |
IDM | Integrated Design Model | |
ie | id est (in other words) | |
IE | Instrument Efficiency | |
IEC | International Electrical Commission | |
IEM (duplicate) |
Instrument Electronics Module | |
IEM (duplicate) |
Interplanetary Electron Model | |
IF | Integration Frame | |
I/F | InterFace | |
IFC | InterFace Controller | |
IFCA | Instituto de Física de CAntabria (CSIC-UC) | |
IFOP | Instrument Flight Operations Procedures | |
IFU | Integrated Field Unit | |
IGM | Inter-Galactic Medium | |
IID | Interface Identification Document | |
IMD | IDL based software for modelling the optical properties of multilayer films | |
IMF | Initial-Mass Function | |
IMP | International Monitoring Platform | |
IMU | Inertia Measurement Unit | |
INAF | Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica | |
INFLPR | (Romanian) National Institute for Laser, Plasma & Radiation Physics | |
INS | Isolated Neutron Star | |
INVAR | INVARiable, a particular Nickel–Iron alloy with 36% Nickel and 64% Iron (FeNi36 or 64FeNi) | |
I-O | Inner-Outer (mirror stracks) | |
IO | Inputs and Outputs | |
IOC | In-Orbit Commissioning | |
IOCR | In-Orbit Commissioning Review | |
IP (duplicate) |
In-Plane | |
IP (duplicate) |
Intermediate Polar | |
IP (duplicate) |
Intersection Plane | |
ip | Primary stack of the Inner XOU in a MM | |
IPA | IsoPropyl Alcohol (cleaner) | |
IPC | Industrial Policy Committee (ESA) | |
IPCS | Inner Passive Cold (Cryogenic) Shield | |
IPM | Integrated Progress Meeting | |
IPR | Intellectual Property Right | |
IPRAM | Interplanetary and Planetary Radiation Model (for human spaceflight) | |
IPRR | Instrument(s) Preliminary Requirements Review (2018/2019) | |
IQM | Inherent Quality of the cost Model | |
I-QR | Instrument(s) Qualification Review | |
IR (duplicate) |
Infra Red | |
IR (duplicate) |
Interim Review | |
IRAP | Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie | |
IRB | InfraRed Background | |
IRD | Interface Requirements Document (Definition) | |
IRS | Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme (Stuttgart) | |
IS | Inner Stack | |
is | Secondary stack of the Inner XOU in a MM | |
ISC | Instrument Science (and data) Centre | |
ISCO | Innermost Stable Circular Orbit | |
ISEE-3 | International Sun/Earth Explorer 3 spacecraft | |
ISL | In-band Spurious Level | |
ISM | Instrument Switch Mechanism | |
ISO | International Organisation for Standardisation (Geneva, Switzerland) | |
Isp | Specific Impulse | |
ISR | Intermediate Status Review | |
ISS | International Space Station | |
ISV | Independent Software Validation | |
ISVV | Independent Software Verification and Validation | |
IT | Instrument Team | |
ITAR | International Traffic In Arms Regulation (USA) | |
ITC | Instrument Team Centre | |
ITO | Interface Technical Officer | |
ITP | Interface Test Plan | |
IT/SOC | ICD Instrument Team/SOC Interface Control Document | |
ITT | Invitation To Tender | |
ITU | International Telecommunications Union | |
IWF | Institut für Weltraumforschung (Graz, Austria) | |
IWS | Instrument WorkStation | |
IxI | Interface versus (times) Interface (diagram / matrix) | |
IXO | International X-ray Observatory | |
IXPE | Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (NASA) | |
J | Japan | |
JASRI | Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute | |
JAXA | Japanese Aerospace eXploration Agency | |
JD (duplicate) |
Julian Date | |
JD (duplicate) |
Justification Document | |
JFY | Japanese Fiscal Year | |
JIRA | issue tracking product (not an acronym, but a truncation of Gojira, the Japanese name for Godzilla) | |
JT | Joule-Thomson (cooler) | |
JT2K | Joule-Thomson Two Kelvin (cooler) | |
JT4K | Joule-Thomson 4K | |
JTAG | Joint Test Action Group (reprogramming interface) | |
K | Kelvin | |
KA | acceptance (test) factor | |
Ka | Kapton | |
KDE | Knowledge Drift Error | |
KDP | Key Decision Point (NASA) | |
kE | kilo-Euro | |
KEK | High-Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (Japan) | |
KH | Kelvin-Helmholtz | |
KIP | Key Inspection Point | |
Km | model (margin) factor | |
Kmp | margin-policy factor | |
KO | Kick Off | |
KOH | Potassium Hydroxide | |
KOM | Kick-Off Meeting | |
KOU | KOUrou ground station (French Guiana) | |
KP (duplicate) |
Key Point | |
KP (duplicate) |
Key Programme (Project) | |
Kp | project (margin) factor | |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator | |
KQ | qualification (test) factor | |
KRE | Knowledge Reproducibility Error | |
ks | kilo-second | |
kSZ | kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovitch (effect) | |
L0 | Level-0 (data) | |
L1 (duplicate) |
First Lagrange libration point of the Earth-Moon / Sun system | |
L1 (duplicate) |
First Large mission of the ESA Cosmic Vision 2020 programme (assigned to JUICE) | |
L1 (duplicate) |
Level-1 (data) | |
L2 (duplicate) |
Libration Point 2 (on anti Sun side of Earth) | |
L2 (duplicate) |
Second Large mission of the ESA Cosmic Vision 2020 programme (assigned to Athena) | |
L3 (duplicate) |
Level-3 (data) | |
L3 (duplicate) |
Third Large mission of the ESA Cosmic Vision 2020 programme (assigned to LISA) | |
LA | (WFI) Large Array (obsolete, now called LDA) | |
LAM | Laser Additive Manufacturing | |
LAN | Local Area Network | |
LAT | Lot Acceptance Test | |
LB | LoBe | |
LBF | Long-Beam Facility | |
L_bol | Bolometric Luminosity | |
LC (duplicate) |
inductor (L) and capacitor (C) | |
LC (duplicate) |
Load Case | |
LCL | Latch Current Limiter | |
LD | (WFI) Large Detector (one quadrant of the WFI LDA) | |
LDA | (WFI) Large Detector Array | |
LDCP | Low-Density Parity-Check (code) | |
LDS | Laser Displacement Sensor | |
LEAF | Large European Acoustic Facility (ESTEC) | |
LEAS | List of ESA Approved Standards | |
LED | Light Emitting Diode | |
L_edd | Eddington Luminosity | |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit | |
LEOP | Launch and Early-Orbit Phase | |
LET | Linear Energy Transfer | |
LFA | Lead Funding Agencies | |
LFSE | Low-Frequency Spatial Error | |
LG | Linear Gain | |
LGA | Low-Gain Antenna | |
LHEP | Low and High Energy Parameterised (model) | |
LHP | Loop Heat Pipe | |
LIGO | Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory | |
LIP | LIssajous Pointing | |
LIS | Local Interstellar Spectrum | |
LISA | Laser Interferometer Space Antenna | |
LISN | Line Impedance Stabilisation Network | |
LIT | Listen-In Test | |
LKE | L.K. Engineering | |
LL (duplicate) |
Launch Lock | |
LL (duplicate) |
Limit Load | |
LLA | Launch-Lock Assembly | |
LLBL | Low-Latitude Boundary Layer | |
LLI | Long Lead Item | |
LLNL | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |
LMCO | Lockheed Martin COrporation | |
LMJ | Laser Micro-(water) Jet (cutting) | |
LNA | Low-Noise Amplifier | |
LoC | Lines of Code | |
LoE | Letter of Endorsement | |
LoR | Level of Resources (ESA speak for money) | |
LoS (duplicate) |
Letter of Support | |
LoS (duplicate) |
Line of Sight | |
LOS | Loss Of Signal | |
LOSF | Line-Of-Sight Frame | |
LOSSAA | Line-of-Sight to Sun Aspect Angle | |
LOSTF | Line-Of-Sight Target Frame | |
L/P | Low Pressure | |
LPA | Large Pixel Array | |
LPTC | Large Pulse-Tube Cooler | |
LR | Low-Resolution (event) | |
LRR | Launch Readiness Review | |
LS (duplicate) |
Launch(er) Segment | |
LS (duplicate) |
Lower Section (of FMS) | |
LSA | Launch Service Agreement | |
LSB | Least Significant Bit | |
LSD | Linear Spectral Density | |
LSF | Line-Spread Function | |
LSFE | Low Spatial-Frequency Error | |
LSM | Line Scanning Mode | |
LSRU | Low Shock Release Unit | |
LT | Laser Tracker | |
LTD | Low-Temperature Detector (conference) | |
LTP | Long-Term Proposal (SPring-8) | |
LURE | Laboratoire d’Utilisation du Rayonnement Électromagnétique | |
LUT | Look-Up Table | |
LUTGEN | LUT GENerator | |
L/V | Launch Vehicle (also LV) | |
LVA | Launch Vehicle Adapter | |
LVD | Low Voltage Directive | |
LVDS | Low-Voltage Differential Signalling | |
LVT | Lot Validation Testing | |
LW | Launch Window | |
LXB | Local (bubble) X-ray Background | |
M^2 | Excess noise in X-IFU energy resolution | |
M55J | Ultra-high modulus carbon fibre | |
MA (duplicate) |
Mirror Assembly | |
MA (duplicate) |
Mirror Axis | |
MA (duplicate) |
Mission Analysis | |
MACS | MAssive Cluster Survey | |
MAD | Mirror-Assembly Demonstrator | |
MAF | Mirror-Assembly Frame | |
MAIT | Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration, and Test (also MAIVT) | |
MAL | MALindi ground station (Kenya) | |
MAM | Mirror Assembly Module | |
MAMD | Mirror Assembly Module Demonstrator | |
MAP | Mission Archive Plan | |
MAR (duplicate) |
MARgin | |
MAR (duplicate) |
Mission Adoption Review | |
MASD | Median Axial Slope Deviation | |
MAXI | Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image | |
MBD | Mission Budgets Document | |
MC (duplicate) |
Mirror Cover | |
MC (duplicate) |
Monte Carlo | |
MCA | Mirror-Cover Assembly | |
MCD | Modified Condition and Decision | |
MCEM | Mirror-Cover Ejection Mechanism | |
MCF | Mirror Calibration Facility | |
MCI | Mass, Centre-of-gravity, and Inertia | |
MCM | Multi-Chip Module | |
MCP | Mirror Calibration Plan | |
MCR (duplicate) |
Main Control Room (at ESOC) | |
MCR (duplicate) |
Mission Consolidation Review (2016) | |
MCS | Mission Control System | |
MCV | Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable | |
MD (duplicate) |
Magnetic Diverter | |
MD (duplicate) |
Mass Dummy | |
MD (duplicate) |
Mirror Demonstrator | |
MDR (duplicate) |
Mission Definition Review | |
MDR (duplicate) |
Model Development Review | |
MEA | Main Error Amplifier | |
MEKAL | Rolf Mewe, Jelle Kaastra, and Duane Liedahl (atomic database and name of spectral model) | |
MEM | Meteoroid Engineering Model | |
MEMS | Micro Electrical Mechanical System | |
MEUR | Million EURo | |
MFP | Mean Free Path | |
MFR | Mission Formulation Review (2019) | |
MFT | Micro Finish Topographer | |
mgmt | ManaGeMenT | |
MGSE | Mechanical Ground Support Equipment | |
MGU | Motor Gear Unit | |
MHD | Magneto-Hydro Dynamics | |
MHI | Mitsubishi Heavy Industries | |
MIABWG | Milano-IASF Athena Background Working Group | |
MIB (duplicate) |
Minimum Impulse Bit | |
MIB (duplicate) |
Mission Information data Base | |
MICD | Mechanical Interface Control Drawing | |
MIL | United States of America Department of Defence Standard | |
MIM | Metal-Insulator-Metal | |
MIP (duplicate) |
Mandatory Inspection Point | |
MIP (duplicate) |
Minimum Ionising Particle | |
MIP (duplicate) |
Movable Instrument Platform (obsolete) | |
MIP (duplicate) |
Moveable Instrument Platform | |
MIRD | Mission Implementation Requirements Document | |
MIST | Mechanical Integrated Services and Technologies (GSFC) | |
MIXS | Mercury Imaging XRay Spectrometer | |
MJD | Modified Julian Date | |
MKE | Mean Knowledge Error | |
ML (duplicate) |
Machine Learning | |
ML (duplicate) |
Multi-Layer (coating) | |
MLA | Multi-Lateral Agreement | |
MLC | Multi-Layer Coating (not official) | |
MLG | MaLarGüe ground station (35-m ESA ground station in Argentina) | |
MLI | Multi-Layer Insulation | |
MLT | Media Lario Technologies | |
MM | Mirror Module | |
MMA (duplicate) |
Movable Mirror Assembly | |
MMA (duplicate) |
Moveable Mirror Assembly | |
MMIC | Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit | |
MMPDS | Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardisation | |
MMPP | Materials, Mechanical Parts, and Processes | |
MMU | Mass Memory Unit | |
MN | Minutes of Meetings | |
Mngt | Management | |
MO | (CCSDS) Mission Operations (Services) | |
MoA | Memorandum of Agreement | |
MOA | Mirror Optical Axis | |
MOC (duplicate) |
Mission Operations Centre (ESA) | |
MOC (duplicate) |
Molecular Organic Contamination | |
MOI (duplicate) |
Mission Operations Infrastructure | |
MOI (duplicate) |
Moment Of Inertia (also MoI) | |
MOIS | Mission Operations Information System | |
MoM | Minutes of Meeting | |
MoS | Margin of Safety | |
MOS (duplicate) |
Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
MOS (duplicate) |
Mock Observing Sequence | |
MOSFET | Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor | |
MOT | Mock Observing Timeline | |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding | |
MPCB | Materials, Mechanical Parts, and Processes Control Board | |
MPE (duplicate) |
Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik | |
MPE (duplicate) |
Mean Performance Error | |
MPG | Max-Planck Gesellschaft | |
MPG/HLL | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft/HalbLeiterLabor (semiconductor laboratory) | |
MPLS | Multi-Protocol Label Switching | |
MPPT | Maximum Power Point Tracker/Tracking | |
MPS (duplicate) |
Max-Planck Society | |
MPS (duplicate) |
Mission-Planning System | |
MPTC | Miniature Pulse-Tube Cooler | |
MPWG | Mission Performance Working Group | |
MR | Medium-Resolution (event) | |
MRD | Mission Requirements Document | |
MRR (duplicate) |
Manufacturing Readiness Review | |
MRR (duplicate) |
Mission Readiness Review | |
MRT (duplicate) |
Mission Readiness Test | |
MS (duplicate) |
(ESA) Member State | |
MS (duplicate) |
MagnetoSheath | |
Ms | Mega-second | |
MS (duplicate) |
MicroSoft | |
MS (duplicate) |
Mirror Structure | |
MSB | Most Significant Bit | |
MSBL | MagnetoSheath Boundary Layer | |
MSC/NASTRAN | Software for finite-element analysis | |
MSFC | Marshall Space Flight Center | |
MSPS | Mega Symbols per Second | |
MSR | Mission Selection Review | |
MSS | Mirror SunShield | |
MSSA | Mirror SunShield Assembly | |
MSSDM | Mirror SunShield Deployment Mechanism | |
MT | Mission Time | |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failure | |
MTH | Mechanical-THermal (testing) | |
MTL | Mission Time Line | |
MTTR | Mean Time To Repair | |
MUSD | Million US Dollar | |
MUST | Mission Utility and Support Tools | |
MUX | MUltipleXing (factor) | |
MV | Multi-Variant | |
MW | Multi-Wavelength | |
MXS | Modulated X-ray Source | |
N | Nominal | |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | |
NAST | NASA Athena Science Team | |
NC | Non-Compliant | |
N/C | Normally Closed | |
NCA | Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminium | |
NCD | Network Configuration Document | |
NCR | Non-Conformance Report | |
NCTS | Non-Conformance Tracking System | |
NDA | Non-Disclosure Agreement | |
NDIU | Network Data Interface Unit | |
NEA (duplicate) |
Noise Equivalent Angle | |
NEA (duplicate) |
Non-Explosive Actuator | |
NED | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database | |
NEP | Noise-Equivalent Power | |
NFI | Narrow-Field Imaging | |
NGRM | Next-Generation Radiation Monitor (ESA) | |
NH_4OH | Ammonia Hydroxide | |
NHXM | New Hard X-ray Mission | |
NID | Non-Ionising Dose | |
NIEL | Non-Ionising Energy Loss | |
NIR | Near Infra-Red (wavelength) | |
NIS | Network Interface System | |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | |
NL | NetherLands | |
NLS | Narrow-Line Seyfert (galaxy) | |
NM | Neutron Monitor | |
Nm | Newton meter | |
N/m | Newton per meter | |
NMOS | N-type Metal-Oxide Semiconductor | |
NNO | New NOrcia (35-m ESA ground station near Perth, Australia) | |
NOP (duplicate) |
Network Operations Procedure | |
NOP (duplicate) |
Nominal Operational Phase | |
NPMC | National Project Manager Committee | |
NPSL | NASA Parts Selection List | |
N+R | Nominal plus Redundant | |
NRB | Non-Conformance Review (board) | |
NS | Neutron Star | |
NSLS | National Synchrotron Light Source (Brookhaven National Laboratory) | |
NTE | Not to Exceed | |
NTR | Nothing To Report | |
NVR | Non-Volatile Residue | |
NXB | Non-X-ray (i.e., particle) Background | |
OAB | Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera | |
OAICD | Operational Archive Interface Control Document | |
OAPA | Osservatorio Astronomico di PAlermo | |
OAR | Open Area Ratio | |
OAT | Off-Axis Test | |
ObAS | Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg | |
OBC | On-Board Computer | |
OBCP | On-Board Control Procedure | |
OBDH | On-Board Data Handling | |
OBF | Optical Blocking Filter | |
OBM | On Board Metrology | |
OBMS | On-Board Metrology Sensor | |
OBMT | On-Board Metrology Target | |
OBS | On-Board Software (also OBSW) | |
OBSM | On-Board Software Maintenance | |
OBT | On-Board Time | |
OCC | Operations Control Centre | |
OCD | Operations Concept Document | |
OCDT | Open Concurrent Design Tool | |
OCM | Orbit-Control Manoeuvre | |
OCP | Optics Calibration Plan | |
OCR | Operations Concept trade-off Report | |
OCS | Outer Cold Shield (WFI) | |
OD | Overall Diameter | |
ODF | Observation Data File (XMM-Newton) | |
ODI | Open Data Interface | |
OF | Obscuration Factor | |
OFDR | Optical Frequency-Domain Reflectometry | |
OFHC | Oxygen-Free High-conductivity Copper | |
OGB | Out Gassing Baffle | |
OGS | Operational Ground Segment | |
OGSE | Operations(Optical) Ground Support Equipment | |
OH | Optical Head | |
OIRD | Operations Interface Requirements Document | |
OM | Optics Module | |
OMA | Opto-Mechanical Assembly | |
OMADA | Opto-Mechanical And Detector Assembly | |
OMC | On-Model Centroid | |
OMF | On-board Metrology Frame | |
OOF | Out Of Focus | |
OoM | Order of Magnitude | |
OOP | Out-Of-Plane | |
op | Primary stack of the Outer XOU in a MM | |
OPD | Optical Path Difference | |
ORATOS | ORbit and ATtitude Operations System | |
ORR | Operational Readiness Review | |
OS | Outer Stack | |
os | Secondary stack of the Outer XOU in a MM | |
OSG (duplicate) |
Observatory Science Goal | |
OSG (duplicate) |
Observing Sequence Generator (generates observing sequence from MOP) | |
OSR | Optical Solar Reflector | |
OT | Open Time | |
OTAC | Observation Time Allocation Committee | |
OTF | Optical Transfer Function | |
OTP | Operations Training Plan | |
OTS | Off-The-Shelf (component) | |
OU | Open University | |
OUTER | Outer-radius SPO TDA | |
OV | Outer Vessel | |
P (duplicate) |
Paraboloid | |
P (duplicate) |
Portugal (sometimes erroneously used for Poland) | |
PA | Product Assurance | |
PAC | PArticulate Contamination | |
PaCSXI | Passive Cryogenic SIM/X-IFU Interface (working group) | |
PAD | Parts Approval Document | |
PAL | Project Authorisation Letter (NASA) | |
PAMELA | Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics | |
PAN | Penetrating particle ANalyser | |
PANTER | PAntolsky Neuried TEstanlage Röntgen | |
PAP | Product Assurance Plan | |
PAR | Product Assurance Report | |
PARD | Product Assurance (and safety) Requirements Document | |
PARS | Product Assurance Requirements Specification | |
PAU | Pattern Analyser Unit | |
PB | Pencil Beam | |
PBH | Primordial Black Hole | |
P_c | confidence level | |
PC | Pre-Cooling (point) | |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis | |
PCB (duplicate) |
Parts Control Board | |
PCB (duplicate) |
Printed Circuit Board | |
PCDU | Power conditioning and distribution unit | |
PCLA | Preliminary Coupled-Load Analysis | |
PCM (duplicate) |
Power Conditioning Module | |
PCM (duplicate) |
Pressurised Cargo Module | |
PCN | Process Change Notice | |
PCOS | Physics of the COSmos (NASA) | |
PCP | Programmatic and Cost (review) Panel | |
PCS (duplicate) |
Physical Coding Sublayer | |
PCS (duplicate) |
Primary Coordinate System | |
PCU | Pixel Correction Unit | |
PDA | PolyDopAmine | |
PDCU | Power Distribution Control Unit | |
PDD | Payload Definition/Description Document | |
PDE | Performance Drift Error | |
Portable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat) | ||
PDHU (duplicate) |
Payload and Data Handling Unit | |
PDHU (duplicate) |
Payload Data-Handling Unit | |
PDR | Preliminary Design Review | |
PDU | Power Distribution Unit | |
PEA | Project Experiment Arrangement (PRODEX) | |
PEC | Pointing-Error Contributor | |
P_ee | linear spectral density | |
PEE | Pointing-Error Engineering | |
PEEH | Pointing Error Engineering Handbook | |
PEEK | PolyEther Ether Ketone (plastic/polymer) | |
PEET | Pointing Error Engineering Tool | |
PEPS | Power system modelling tool developed by ESA TEC-EP | |
PER | Process and Equipment Review | |
PES | Pointing-Error Source | |
PET | Photon-Event Table | |
P/F (duplicate) |
Pass/Fail | |
P/F (duplicate) |
PlatForm (also PF) | |
PFM | Proto-Flight Model | |
PGSE | Pressure Ground Support Equipment | |
P-H | Paraboloid-Hyperboloid | |
Ph | Phase | |
PH | Pulse Height | |
PHA | Pulse Height Amplitude | |
PhAx | Phase-A eXtension | |
PHU | Partial Heat Up | |
PI (duplicate) |
Photon Ionisation | |
PI (duplicate) |
Polyimide | |
PI (duplicate) |
Principal Investigator | |
PI (duplicate) |
Pulse Integral | |
PID (duplicate) |
Process Identification Document | |
PID (duplicate) |
Proportional Integral Derivative | |
PIF | Proton Irradiation Facility (at PSI) | |
PIND | Particle Impact Noise Detection | |
PIXE | Particle-Induced X-ray Emission | |
P/L | PayLoad (also PL) | |
PLA | PayLoad Adaptor | |
PLF (duplicate) |
PayLoad Fairing | |
PLF (duplicate) |
PLatForm | |
PLP | Pre-Launch Phase | |
PM (duplicate) |
Progress Meeting | |
PM (duplicate) |
Project Manager | |
PMD | Propellant Management Device | |
PMF | Probability Mass Function | |
PMOS | P-type Metal-Oxide Semiconductor | |
PMP | Parts, Materials, and Processes | |
PN | Pseudo-Noise (ranging) | |
PO (duplicate) |
Pressure Oscillation | |
PO (duplicate) |
Product Owner | |
PoC | Point of Contact | |
POE | Project Owned Events | |
POL | Point-Of-Load | |
POP | Post-Operations Phase | |
POPS | Post-OPerationS Phase | |
POS | Preferred Observation Sequence | |
PPBE | Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (NASA) | |
ppm | parts per million | |
PPR | Performance and Process Review | |
PPRR | Payload PRR | |
PPS | Pulse Per Second | |
ppt | parts per trillion | |
PR | Preliminary Review | |
PR1 | Progress Review #1 | |
PRD (duplicate) |
Project Reference Database | |
PRD (duplicate) |
(X-IFU) Performance Requirements Document (obsolete) | |
PRE (duplicate) |
Performance Reproducibility Error | |
PRE (duplicate) |
Programmable Real-time Emulator | |
PRECO | PRE-COmpound Model | |
PRESPO | PReparation of the Engineering model of the SPO optics (continuation of SPOHO) | |
ProdEx | PROgramme de Développement d'Expériences scientifiques (ESA) | |
PRR | Preliminary Requirements Review | |
PS (duplicate) |
Plasma Sheet | |
P-S | Primary-Secondary (mirror stacks) | |
PS (duplicate) |
Primary Structure | |
PS (duplicate) |
Project Scientist | |
PSBL | Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer | |
PSC | Partner Science Centre | |
PSD | Power Spectral Density | |
PSF (duplicate) |
Planning Skeleton File | |
PSF (duplicate) |
Point Spread Function | |
PSI | Paul Scherrer Institute | |
PSO | Polished Silicon Optics | |
PSPC | Position Sensitive Proportional Counter | |
PSR | Project Support Room (at ESOC) | |
PSU | Power Supply Unit | |
PT (duplicate) |
Product Tree | |
PT (duplicate) |
Pulse Tube | |
PTB | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt | |
PTC | Pulse-Tube Cooler | |
PTF | Palomar Transient Factory | |
PTFE | PolyTetraFluoroEthylene (Teflon) | |
PTR | Post Test Review | |
PU | Partner User (SPring-8) | |
PUS | Packet Utilisation Standard/Service(s) | |
p-v | peak-to-valley | |
PV | Performance Verification | |
PVP | Performance Verification Phase | |
PW | Plain Weave | |
PWN | Pulsar-Wind Nebula | |
PWS | Plain Weave Spread | |
Q | Qualification (testing) | |
QA | Quality Assurance | |
QCI | Quality Conformance Inspection | |
QCM | Quartz Crystal Microbalance | |
QDR | Quick-Dump Rinse | |
QE | Quantum Efficiency | |
QGS | Quark Gluon String (model) | |
QIV | Quality of the Input Values | |
QL | Qualification Load | |
QLA | Quick-Look Analysis | |
QM | Qualification Model | |
QML | Qualified Manufacturers List | |
QR | Qualification Review | |
QRR | Qualification Review Report | |
QSL (duplicate) |
Qualification Status List | |
QSL (duplicate) |
Quasi-Static Load | |
R (duplicate) |
Redundant | |
R (duplicate) |
Resistor | |
R (duplicate) |
Review (of design) | |
R1500 | Outer-radius mirror module | |
R200 | Radius at which the mean mass density exceeds the critical density by a factor of 200 | |
R277 | Inner-radius mirror module | |
R500 | Radius at which the mean mass density exceeds the critical density by a factor of 500 | |
R737 | Middle-radius mirror module | |
RACI | Responsible / Accountable / Consulted / Informed (matrix) | |
RADLAT | RADiation Lot Acceptance Test | |
RAL | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | |
RAM | Random-Access Memory | |
RaMCaF | Rainwater Memorial Calibration Facility | |
RAMS | Reliability Availability Maintainability and Safety | |
RAS | Rotating Anode Source | |
RASS | ROSAT All Sky Survey | |
RB (duplicate) |
Red Book | |
RB (duplicate) |
Requirements Baseline | |
RC | Resistor Capacitor | |
RCA | Radio Corporation of America (laboratories) | |
RCS | Reaction Control (Sub-)system | |
RD | Reference Document | |
R&D | Research and Development | |
RDM | Radiation Design Margin | |
RE | Radiated Emission/Emissivity | |
REL | (SEPEM) Reference Event List | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RFC | Radio Frequency Compatibility | |
RFCT | Radio Frequency Compatibility Test | |
RFD | Request For Deviation | |
RFDU | Radio Frequency Distribution Unit | |
RFI | Request For Information | |
RFQ | Request For Quotation | |
RFW | Request For Waiver | |
Rg | Gravitational (Schwarzschild) radius | |
RH | Relative Humidity | |
RHA | Radiation Hardness Assurance | |
RID | Review Item Discrepancy | |
RIKEN | Rikagaku Kenkyūsho (research institute in Japan) | |
RIU | Remote Instrument Unit | |
RJ | Rotary Joint | |
RJF | Requirements Justification File | |
RKE | Relative Knowledge Error | |
RMAP | Remote Memory Access Protocol | |
RMF | Redistribution (Response) Matrix File | |
RML | Recovered Mass Loss | |
RMP | Risk Management Plan | |
RMS | Root Mean Square | |
RMU | Rate Measurement Unit | |
RMXP | Rotation-powered Millisecond X-ray Pulsar | |
R_n | normal Resistance | |
RN | Recurrent Nova | |
RNG | RaNGing | |
RO | Reverse Osmosis | |
ROM (duplicate) |
Read-Only Memory | |
ROM (duplicate) |
Rough Order of Magnitude | |
RP | Random Process | |
RPB | RTU Power Board | |
RPE | Relative Performance Error | |
RPSD | Root Power Spectral Density | |
RqR | Requirements Review | |
RR | Readiness Review | |
RS (duplicate) |
Radiative Susceptibility | |
RS (duplicate) |
Raster Scan | |
RS (duplicate) |
Reed-Solomon | |
RS485 | Recommended Standard 485 | |
Rsh | shunt Resistor | |
RSP | ReSPonse (file) | |
RSS | Root Sum Square/Squaring | |
RST | (Marangoni) Ring-Tread System (dryer) | |
RSU | Read-Shutter Unit | |
RT (duplicate) |
Radiative Transfer | |
RT (duplicate) |
Ray Tracing | |
RT (duplicate) |
Real-Time | |
RT (duplicate) |
Remote Terminal | |
RT (duplicate) |
Room Temperature | |
RTD | Reference Telescope Design/Document | |
RTE | Real-time Emulator | |
RTG4 | Reprogrammable, radiation-tolerant FPGA from Microsemi | |
rtHz | square root of Hertz | |
RTN | ReTurN | |
RTPU | Remote Thermal and Power Unit | |
RTS | Rotating Target Source | |
RTU | Remote Instrument Unit | |
RV | Random Variable | |
RVT | Radiation Verification Testing | |
RW | Reaction Wheel | |
RWA | Reaction-Wheel Assembly | |
RWB | Reaction Wheel Bias | |
RWE | Reaction-Wheel Electronics | |
Rx | Rotation around the x-axis | |
RXTE | Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer | |
Ry | Rotation around the y-axis | |
Rz | Rotation around the z-axis | |
S | Sweden | |
S3R | Sequential Switching Shunt Regulator | |
SA (duplicate) |
Solar Array | |
SA (duplicate) |
Sun Acquisition | |
SAA | Solar-Aspect Angle | |
SAC | Self Anti-Coincidence | |
SADE | Solar-Array Drive Electronics | |
SADM | Solar-Array Drive (Deployment) Mechanism | |
SADS | Solar Array Deployment System | |
SAICD | Science Archive Interface Control Document | |
SAOM | Solar-Array Orientation Mechanism | |
SAP | Science Activity Plan | |
SAS | Sun-Acquisition Sensor | |
SAST | SKA-Athena Synergy Team | |
SAT | Site Acceptance Test | |
S/B | Signal to Background (ratio) | |
SB | Super Bubble | |
SBT | Service des Basses Températures | |
S/C | SpaceCraft (also denoted SC) | |
SC (duplicate) |
SpaceCraft (also denoted S/C) | |
SC (duplicate) |
Steering Committee | |
SCC | Stress Corrosion Cracking | |
SCCM | Standard Cubic Centimeters per Minute | |
SCF | Software Configuration File | |
SCI | SCIence Directorate (of ESA) | |
SCIOBJ | SCIence OBJective | |
SciRD | Science Requirements Document | |
SCJ | Science Council of Japan | |
SCOM | SCience Operations Manager | |
SCRACS | SpaceCraft Reference Attitude Coordinate System | |
SCRAS | Spacecraft Reference Attitude Coordinate System | |
SCSB | Space Components Steering Board | |
SD (duplicate) |
Single Degenerate | |
SD (duplicate) |
Space Debris | |
SD (duplicate) |
Stealth Dicing | |
SDC | Science Data Centre | |
SDD | Silicon Drift Detector | |
SDE | Software Development Environment | |
SDF | System Design File | |
SDMP | Space-Debris Management/Mitigation Plan | |
SDP | Science Demonstration Phase | |
SDPD | SOC Data Products Definition Document | |
SDPT | Science Data Processing Team | |
SDR | Software Design Review | |
SDS | Science Data Server (at ESOC) | |
SEB (duplicate) |
Single-Event Burn-out | |
SEB (duplicate) |
System Engineering Board | |
SED | Spectral Energy Distribution | |
SEDR | Single-Event Dielectric Rupture | |
SEE | Single-Event Effect | |
SEFI | Single-Event Functional Interrupt | |
SEGR | Single-Event Gate Rupture | |
SEGU | Software Engineering Guidelines for external Users | |
SEL (duplicate) |
Single-Event Latch-up | |
SEL (duplicate) |
Sun-Earth Libration (point) | |
SEL1 | Sun-Earth Lagrange/Libration point 1 | |
SEL2 | Sun-Earth Lagrange/Libration Point 2 | |
SEP (duplicate) |
Soft-Energy Proton | |
SEP (duplicate) |
Solar Energetic Particle (event) | |
SEP (duplicate) |
System Engineering Plan | |
SEPEM | Solar Energetic Particle Environment Modelling | |
SEPP | Science Exploitation and Preservation Platform | |
SES | Sun-Earth-Satellite/Spacecraft (angle) | |
SET | Single-Event Transient | |
SEU | Single-Event Upset | |
SF | Source Follow (readout mode) | |
SFR | Star-Forming Region | |
SFT (duplicate) |
Short Functional Test | |
SFT (duplicate) |
System Functional Test | |
SG | Science Goal | |
SGD | Soft Gamma-ray Detector (Hitomi) | |
SGICD | Space-to-Ground Interface Control Document | |
SGO | Slumped-Glass Optics | |
SGS | Science Ground Segment | |
SH | Sun Hold | |
SI (duplicate) |
International System (of units) | |
Si | Silicon | |
SI (duplicate) |
Single Issue | |
SIB | Science Instruments Bench (for instance without radiators) | |
sic | sic erat scriptum (thus was it written) | |
SiC | Silicon-Carbide | |
SICO | Science Impact of COst saving-options exercise (CORE exercise at X-IFU level) | |
SIM | Science Instruments Module | |
SIMPOSiuM | SIMulation of Pore OpticS and Modeling | |
SIMPUT | SIMulation inPUT (for SIXTE) | |
SIP (duplicate) |
Science Implementation Plan | |
SIP (duplicate) |
Science Instruments Platform | |
SIRD | Science Implementation Requirements Document | |
SIRENA | Software IFCA for Reconstruction of EveNts for Athena X-IFU | |
SIS | Satellite Interface Simulator | |
SISO | Single-Input, Single-Output | |
SITU | Sci(ence)-op(eration)s technical Information Technology Unit (ESAC) | |
SIXTE | SImulation of X-ray TElescopes | |
S-K | Sulphur K (line) | |
SKA | Square-Kilometre Array | |
SKM | Station Keeping Manoeuvre | |
SLAC | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (now known as SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) | |
SLI | Single Layer Insulation | |
SM | Structural Model | |
SMAC | company in the field of shock and vibration control | |
SMBH | Super Massive Black Hole | |
SMD | Study Management Document | |
SME | Small or Medium(-sized) Enterprise | |
SMP (duplicate) |
Science Management Plan | |
SMP (duplicate) |
Study Management Plan (obsolete, superseded by Study Management Document) | |
SN (duplicate) |
Science Nugget (ACO) | |
SN (duplicate) |
SuperNova | |
SNR (duplicate) |
Signal-to-Noise Ratio | |
SNR (duplicate) |
SuperNova Remnant | |
SNR (duplicate) |
Surface Normal Rotation (monochromator) | |
SOAD | Science Operations Assumptions (Agreements) Document | |
SOC | Science Operations Centre (ESA) | |
SoC (duplicate) |
State of Charge | |
SoC (duplicate) |
Status of Compliance | |
SOCCI | Science Operations Configuration Control Infrastructure | |
SOCD | Science Operations Concept Document | |
SOHO | SOlar Heliospheric Observatory | |
SOIA | Science Operations Implementation Agreement | |
SOIICD | SOC Internal Interface Control Document | |
SOLEIL | Source Optimisée de Lumière d’Énergie Intermédiaire du LURE | |
SOM | Spacecraft Operations Manager | |
SOPL | Science Operations Plan | |
SOPR | Science Operations Procedures | |
SOPTR | Science Operations Procedures Test Report | |
SOPTS | Science Operations Procedures Test Specification | |
SOVT | System Operations Validation Test | |
SoW | Statement of Work | |
SOWG | Science Operations Working Group | |
SP (duplicate) |
Soft Proton (from the Sun) | |
SP (duplicate) |
Stopping Power | |
SPA (duplicate) |
Slice Pattern Analyser | |
SPA (duplicate) |
Small Pixel Array | |
SpaCon | Spacecraft Controller (also SPACON) | |
SPC | Science Programme Committee (ESA) | |
SPE | Solar Particle Event | |
SPENVIS | SPace ENVIronment, effects, and education System | |
SPEX | SPEctral X-ray (and UV modelling and analysis tool) | |
SPF | Single Point Failure | |
SPI (duplicate) |
Star-Planet Interaction | |
SPIRIT | Silicon Pore Inner RadIus Tender (Inner-radius SPO TDA) | |
SPM (duplicate) |
Science Products Module (WFI) | |
SPM (duplicate) |
Soft-Proton Monitor | |
SPO | Silicon Pore Optics | |
SPORT (duplicate) |
Silicon Pore Optics Ray-tracing Tool | |
SPORT (duplicate) |
Silicon-Pore-Optics Rugidisation (and environmental) Test(ing activity) | |
SPR | Software Problem Report | |
SPring-8 | Super Photon ring-8 GeV | |
SPW | SpaceWire | |
SpW | Space Wire (bus protocol) | |
SQR | Simulator Qualification Review | |
SQUID (duplicate) |
Semiconducting Quantum Interface Device | |
SQUID (duplicate) |
Superconducting QUantum Interference Device | |
SR | Status Review | |
SR1 | Status Review number 1 | |
SR2 | Status Review number 2 | |
SRD (duplicate) |
SC Requirements Document | |
SRD (duplicate) |
Spacecraft Requirements Document | |
SRD (duplicate) |
System Requirements Document | |
SRE | Science and Robotic Exploration directorate (obsolete, now called SCI) | |
SREM | Standard Radiation Environment Monitor | |
SRF | Software Reuse File | |
SRG | Spectrum - Roentgen - Gamma | |
SRIM | Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter | |
SRON | Stichting RuimteOnderzoek Nederland (Netherlands Institute for Space Research) | |
SRP | Solar Radiation Pressure | |
SRR | Systems Requirements Review | |
SRS | Shock Response Spectrum | |
SS (duplicate) |
Single Scattering | |
S/S (duplicate) |
SpreadSheet | |
S/S (duplicate) |
Sub-System | |
SS (duplicate) |
Sub-System | |
SSAC | Space Science Advisory Committee (ESA) | |
SSC (duplicate) |
Senior Survey Committee (for ESA's L-class missions) | |
SSC (duplicate) |
Synchrotron Self Compton | |
SSCE | Sun-SpaceCraft-Earth (angle) | |
SSD | Solid-State Detector | |
SSDE | Sun Shield Drive Electronics | |
SSDM | Sun Shield Deployment Mechanism | |
SSEWG | Solar-System Exploration Working Group (ESA) | |
SSM | Second Surface Mirror | |
SSS | Super-Soft (X-ray) Source | |
SST (duplicate) |
Science Study Team | |
SST (duplicate) |
Solid-State Telescope | |
SSTR | Science Star TRacker | |
ST (duplicate) |
Science Team | |
ST (duplicate) |
Specification Tree | |
STA | STAbility | |
STAR | Space Technology and Astrophysics Research (Liège) | |
STC (duplicate) |
(Ground) STation Computer | |
STC (duplicate) |
Single Threshold Processing (pulse detection) | |
STDBY | STanD BYe | |
STDM | Spacecraft Trajectory Data Message | |
STEP | Standard for the Exchange of Product Data | |
STFC | Science and Technology Facilities Council | |
STI | Supra-Thermal Ion | |
STM | Structural Thermal Model | |
STOP | Structural, Thermal, and Optical Performance | |
STR (duplicate) |
Star TRacker | |
STR (duplicate) |
STRucture | |
STT (duplicate) |
Science Topic Team | |
STT (duplicate) |
STar Tracker | |
SuDD | Subsystems Design Document | |
SUM | Software User Manual | |
SUTR | System User Test Report | |
SUTS | System User Test Specification | |
SVF | Software Validation Facility | |
SVM | SerVice Module | |
SVS | Spacecraft Venting Sub-system | |
SVT | System Validation Test | |
SVVP | Software Validation and Verification Plan | |
SW (duplicate) |
Software | |
SW (duplicate) |
Solar Wind | |
SWCX | Solar Wind Charge eXchange | |
SWG | Science Working Group | |
SWP | Synergy White Paper | |
SWR | SpaceWire Router | |
SWT | Science Working Team | |
SXI | Soft-X-ray Image (Hitomi) | |
SXRB | Soft X-Ray Background | |
SXS | Soft-X-ray Spectrometer (Hitomi) | |
SXT | Soft-X-ray Telescope (Hitomi) | |
SZ | Sunyaev-Zeldovitch (effect) | |
T0 | Launch | |
T | Test | |
TAA | Technical Assistance Agreement | |
TAC | Time Allocation Committee | |
TAI (duplicate) |
International Atomic Time | |
TAI (duplicate) |
Time Atomic International | |
TAM | Transient Analysis Module (SPM/WFI) | |
TAS-F | Thales Alenia Space France | |
TAS-I | Thales Alenia Space Italy | |
TB | Thermal Balance | |
TBC | To Be Confirmed | |
TBD | To Be Defined | |
TBS | To Be Specified | |
TBW | To Be Written | |
TC (duplicate) |
Telecommand(ing) | |
TC (duplicate) |
Thermal Cycling | |
TCB | Barycentric Coordinate Time | |
TCI | Technology Conformance Inspection | |
TCM (duplicate) |
Trajectory (Transfer) Correction (Control) Manoeuvre | |
TCM (duplicate) |
Transfer Correction Manoeuvre | |
TCS | Thermal-Control Sub-system | |
TCWG | Telescope Calibration Working Group | |
TD | Telescope Demonstrator | |
TDA (duplicate) |
Technology Demonstrator (Development) Activity | |
TDA (duplicate) |
Technology Development Activity | |
TDB | Barycentric Dynamical Time | |
TDM | Time-Domain Multiplexing | |
TDP (duplicate) |
Technical Data Package | |
TDP (duplicate) |
Technology Development Plan | |
Te2v | Teledyne e2v technologies | |
TEB | Tender Evaluation Board | |
TEC | TEChnical Directorate (of ESA) | |
TEC-EES | space Environments and Effects Section in ESA's TEChnical Directorate | |
TECNET | TEChnology NETwork (ESA) | |
TED | Thermo-Elastic Displacement/Distortion | |
TES | Transition Edge Sensor | |
TF (duplicate) |
"Thermal Filter (obsolete | |
TF (duplicate) |
Transfer Function | |
TFA | Thin Filter Assembly | |
TGT | Thermal Gradient Test | |
THESEUS | Transient High-Energy Sky and Early-Universe Surveyor | |
THF0 | THermal Filter 0K (XIFU) | |
THF | Thermal Filter (replaces TF) | |
THR | Thruster | |
Ti | Titanium | |
TiAl6V4 | Titanium-Aluminium alloy | |
TID | Total Ionising Dose | |
TIDL | Total Ionising Dose Level | |
TIDS | Total Ionising Dose Sensitivity | |
TIM | Technical Interface Meeting (ESA-NASA) | |
TLA | Thermal Link Assembly | |
TLM | TeLeMetry | |
TM | Telemetry | |
TMD | Tuned (Tunable) Mass Damper | |
TML | Total Mass Loss | |
TMM | Thermal Mathematical Model | |
TN (duplicate) |
Technical Note | |
TN (duplicate) |
Technical Nugget (ACO) | |
TNID | Total Non-Ionising Dose | |
TNIDL | Total Non-Ionising Dose Level | |
TNIDS | Total Non-Ionising Dose Sensitivity | |
TNO | Technical NOte | |
TO | Technical Officer | |
T/O | Trade-Off | |
TOC (duplicate) |
Table of Contents | |
TOC (duplicate) |
Total Organic Carbon | |
ToF | Time of Flight | |
ToO | Target of Opportunity | |
TP (duplicate) |
Technical Panel | |
TP (duplicate) |
Technology Plan | |
TP (duplicate) |
Test Port | |
TP (duplicate) |
Topical Panel | |
TP (duplicate) |
Transfer Phase | |
TPA | Telescope Performance Assessment | |
TPC | Topical Panel Chair | |
TPH | Thermometry and Power Harness (for Cryocoolers) | |
TQCM | Temperature-controlled Quartz Crystal Microbalance | |
TR | Test Report | |
TRA | Technology Readiness Assessment | |
TRB | Test Review Board | |
TRD (duplicate) |
Technical Requirements Document | |
TRD (duplicate) |
Telescope Reference Design | |
TRD (duplicate) |
Test Requirements Document | |
TRL | Technology Readiness Level | |
TRoPIC | single photon counting CCD camera, eROSITA prototype camera | |
TRP (duplicate) |
Technology Research Program | |
TRP (duplicate) |
Temperature Reference Point | |
TRR | Test Readiness Review | |
TRS | Technical Requirement Specification | |
TRSL | Technology Readiness Status List | |
TS | Technical Specification | |
TSTR | Transfer Star TRacker | |
tSZ | thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovitch (effect) | |
TT | Terrestrial Time | |
TTC | Telemetry and TeleCommand | |
TT&C | Telemetry, Tracking, and Command(ing) | |
TTV | Total Thickness Variation | |
TV | Thermal Vacuum | |
TVAC | Thermal-VACuum (test / chamber) | |
TV/TC | Thermal Vacuum/Thermal Cycling | |
TWG | Telescope Working Group | |
TWT | Traveling Wave Tube | |
TWTA | Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier | |
Tx | Translation along the x-axis | |
Ty | Translation along the y-axis | |
Tz | Translation along the z-axis | |
UC | Use Case | |
UFO | Ultra-Fast Outflow | |
UG | University of Geneva | |
UK | United Kingdom | |
UKSA | United Kingdom Space Agency | |
UL | University of Leicester | |
ULPA | Ultra-Low-Particle Air (filter) | |
ULX | Ultra-Luminous X-ray (source) | |
um | micrometer | |
UM | User Manual | |
UniPa | University of Palermo | |
URD | User Requirements Document | |
US (duplicate) |
United States (of America) | |
US (duplicate) |
Upper Section (of FMS) | |
USD | United States Dollar | |
UTC (duplicate) |
Universal Coordinated Time | |
UTC (duplicate) |
Universal Time Coordinated | |
uTCA | micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture (connector) | |
UV | Ultra-Violet | |
uVib | micro Vibrations | |
UVOB | Ultra-Violet Optical Bench | |
V | Volt | |
VBQC | Vacuum Balance Quartz Crystal | |
VCB | Verification Control Board | |
VCD | Verification Control Document | |
VCDM | Verification Control Document and Matrix | |
VCM (duplicate) |
Verification Control Matrix | |
VCM (duplicate) |
Volatile Condensable Material | |
VDD | Drain-to-Drain Voltage | |
VEM | Viscous-Elastic Material | |
VERITAS | VErsatile Readout based on Integrated Trapezoidal Analogue Shapers | |
VF (duplicate) |
Vignetting Function | |
VF (duplicate) |
Vignetting Function (Vignetting Factor) | |
VG | ViewGraph | |
V/I | Voltage and/or current | |
VIS (duplicate) |
Vibration Isolation Sub-system | |
VIS (duplicate) |
VISible (wavelength) | |
VLM | Very Low-Mass (star) | |
VM | Verification Matrix | |
VO | Virtual Observatory | |
VRR | Verification Readiness Review | |
VSUB | Back-gate bias | |
VTT | Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus (Finland's State Technical Research Centre) | |
V&V | Verification and Validation | |
W (duplicate) |
Watt | |
W (duplicate) |
Window (mode) | |
W1 | Wolter-1 (design) | |
WA | Wolter(-1) Athena | |
WAN | Wide Area Network | |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure | |
WCA | Worst-Case Analysis | |
WCPE | Worst Case Potential Effect | |
WD | White Dwarf | |
WDA | WFI Data Analysis (software) | |
WDE | Wheel Drive Electronics | |
WEDM | Wire(-cut) Electrostatic Discharge Machining | |
WFEE (duplicate) |
Warm Front-End Electronics | |
WFI | Wide-Field Imager | |
WFOIS | Wide-Field Optical/Infrared Surveyors | |
WFR | Weibull Failure Rate | |
WG | Working Group | |
WGS | World Geodetic System | |
WHIM | Warm-Hot Inter-galactic Medium | |
W-I | Wolter telescope of type I | |
WISC | WFI Instrument Science (and data) Centre (also W-ISC) | |
WITGS | WFI Instrument Ground Segment | |
WM | Windowed Mean | |
WMS | Windowed Mean Stability | |
WOLTER | Mid-radius SPO TDA | |
WP (duplicate) |
White Paper | |
WP (duplicate) |
Work Package | |
WPD | Work Package Description | |
WPM | Work Package Manager | |
WPR | Weighted Particle Rate | |
WPS | Work Package Structure | |
W-S | Wolter-Schwarzschild | |
WSAS | WFI Science Analysis | |
WSB | Weak Stability Boundary | |
WSS | Warm Support Structure | |
WST | WFI Science Team | |
XARM | "X-ray Astronomy Recovery (Replacement) Mission (“Hitomi-2”) | |
XCaT | X-IFU Calibration Team | |
XCM | X-IFU Consortium Meeting | |
XCMT | X-IFU Consortium Management Team | |
XCoB | X-IFU Consortium Board | |
X-COP | XMM-Newton Cluster Outskirts Project | |
XDA | X-IFU Data Analysis (software) | |
XDIN | X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron (star) | |
XDS | X-ray Detector System | |
XEUS | X-ray Evolving-Universe Spectroscopy (obsolete) | |
X-IFU | X-Ray Integrated Field Unit | |
X-ISC | X-IFU Instrument and Science (data) Centre | |
XISC | X-IFU Instrument Science Centre | |
XMM | X-ray Multi Mirror Mission | |
XMS | X-ray Micro-calorimeter Spectrometer (obsolete) | |
XOAT | X-ray Optical Assembly Tool (stacking robot) | |
XOU | X-ray Optical Unit | |
XPBF | X-ray Pencil-Beam Facility (at PTB) | |
XRB | X-Ray Binary | |
XRCF | "X-Ray and Cryogenic Facility (at MSFC | |
XRR | X-ray Reflectivity (Reflectometry) | |
XRS (duplicate) |
X-Ray Scattering | |
XRS (duplicate) |
X-Ray Source | |
XRTG4 | X-Ray Tracer based on Geant-4 | |
XSA | XMM-Newton Science Archive | |
XSAT | X-IFU Science Advisory Team | |
XSS | X-ray Source System | |
XTA | X-ray Tube Assembly | |
YSH-70A | Ultra-high modulus composite | |
YSO | Young Stellar Object | |
z | redshift | |
µV | micro-Vibration | |
Mock Observing/Observation Plan (to avoid confusion with time sequences, better to use MOL) |
Mock Observing/Observation List (preferred over MOP as this is not a plan but a list without any order) |
Orbitale Hochtechnologie Bremen (formerly TAS) |
Thales Alenia Space (now OHB) |
Degraded Angular Resolution WFI Innovative Science Heralding (Task Force studying impact of 10"HEW) |
Channel Access Data Unit (an ECSS TM standard) |
Virtual Channel Identifier (an ECSS TM/TC standard) |
Mission Planning Facility |
CH (duplicate) |
Cold Harness (X-IFU) |
Flexible Printed Circuit Board (Flexlead) |
Large Detector Quadrant (WFI) |
Spacecraft Elapsed Time |
SPI (duplicate) |
Serial Peripheral Interface |
Coordinated Parts Selection Agency |
Minimum Disruption Mission: New Athena as close as possible to Athena until June 2022 but within financial constraints |
HaEU |
Hot and Energetic Universe (selected as a theme for the L2 mission in 2013) |
Science Redefinition Team |
Science Redefinition Team |
MRT (duplicate) |
Mission Reformulation Team |
Pay Load Compartment |
NewATHENA Study Science Team |
Warm Back End Electronics (TES read-out) |
WFEE (duplicate) |
Warm Front End Electronics (CryoAC) |
High Spectral Resolution |
Mission Driving Scientific Objectives |