Terms of reference and composition of AWG


The main tasks of AWG and SSEWG are to provide assessments on:

  • needs of the scientific community for access to space for their research;
  • scientific activities during the definition, implementation, operations and post operations of the projects of ESA’s mandatory science programme;
  • interests of the scientific community;
  • science case and formulation of future space science missions and projects;
  • scientific studies and activities required for future missions.

The AWG and SSEWG provide advice and/or make recommendations on items of scientific relevance, referred to them by the Director of Science. Members of the AWG and/or SSEWG may however raise issues they wish to discuss.

AWG and SSEWG meet at dates and places jointly agreed between the Chair and the ESA Executive Secretary, but at least about one week before every meeting of the SSAC. ESA will cover the cost of travel and subsistence in connection with these meetings.

The AWG and SSEWG are each composed of twelve European scientific experts. Membership must reflect an equitable balance across their main disciplines relevant for the working group, while at the same time being restricted to scientists of international stature. The members are chosen from within Member States.

The Director of Science appoints the Chair and the members of the WGs. Appointments are in general for a period of three years. The tenure of the Chair is independent of previous normal membership.

The Chairs of the AWG and SSEWG are also members of SSAC.