Thank you for your interest in the Mercury Laboratory Workshop. Please follow the guidelines on this page for submitting  your abstract. The abstract submission deadline is 15 July 2024, 5 PM CEST. 


The Mercury Laboratory workshop will focus on discussion and experimental design, including the use of common analogues. Each session will consist of a keynote presentation followed by several contributing talks and concluding with a panel discussion with the presenters. 

We invite participants to focus their presentations mainly on the methodology used (e.g. laboratory facilities, laboratory project, analogs productions....) and present the underlying science questions as the motivation for the experimental approach.


The workshop will consist of 4 sessions focusing on the following interconnected topics:

  • Session 1: Experimental petrology, analogs studies (e.g. geochemistry, physical properties), and spectroscopy.
  • Session 2: Sputtering, irradiation and all other interactions with solar wind.
  • Session 3: Cratering and regolith formation processes (including micrometeoroid impacts, impact gardening and thermal weathering).
  • Session 4: Degassing processes and volatile-rock interactions.


Abstract submission: 

  • The abstract text may have a maximum of 400 words and can include 1 figure. References are not compulsory but if you wish to include them, please include them in the main text in a short format (e.g. Namur and Charlier (2017), Nature Geoscience). 
  • Please use the template to create a PDF file of your abstract: TEMPLATE
  • Please be aware that the workshop will take place in person only. The presenter (or their proxy) must therefore attend the workshop in Berlin. 
  • We encourage the participation of early-career scientists.
  • You can choose the format of your presentation: oral (10 min talk & Q&A session) or poster presentation. 

To submit your abstract please fill this form: submit your abstract