BepiColombo SWT 24

10-13 June 2025, Rome, June 10-13, 2025, Università La Sapienza by Piazza San Pietro in Vincoli

(For this conference the patronage of the Municipality of Roma is expected)

Photo: The Moon and Mercury above Rome, ​​​​​25 July 2017. © Gianluca Masi - Virtual Telescope Project.


The Meeting will be held in Rome at a time when there is also the so-called "Jubilee", the holy year where many visitors are expected in the city. For this reason it is necessary to have an early meeting registration, and the early booking of hotel accommodation is strongly recommended.

Some first information about the programme is provided below.

Pre-Meeting Events

June 9 (morning): Public conference on the BepiColombo mission and space exploration for High Schools, managed by the Italian researchers involved in the mission, in a conference room proposed by the Municipality of Rome (Aula Magna , Classic Secondary School ‘Giulio Cesare’?).

June 10 (morning): Conference Inauguration Ceremony (Hall Protomoteca of Campidoglio), in the presence of the authorities of the Municipality of Roma and the Research Institutions involved (Italian Space Agency, National Institute of Astrophysics, La Sapienza University). Welcome message from the Mayor; speeches by the authorities present, remembrance of Giuseppe Colombo, presentation of the mission by the ESA Project Scientist. Possible lunch-buffet offered by the Municipality of Rome.

Regular SWT Meeting

June 10 (afternoon) to June 13 (morning): Regular SWT meeting Location: Conference hall at La Sapienza University by piazza San Pietro in Vincoli (METROVia Cavour’ or ‘Colosseo’), Department of Aerospace Engineering, organized by La Sapienza.

Please note: The current plan is to hold a 3 day SWT plenary meeting. Working group discussions will be held with all participants during these days (about 90 mintues per group). There is also a plan to held a second in-person meeting during 2025 with more time for parallel splinter meetings and science operations discussions, as done in the past.

June 11 (evening): Social dinner 

June 12 (evening): Concert

June 11 or 13 (afternoon): Exclusive guided tour for conference participants by the Municipality of Rome (e.g.: Capitoline Museums), tbc



To register for the meeting and to indicate your participation and hotel preferences please click here

Note: please also register accompanying persons as social guests



The meeting will take place at Università La Sapienza by Piazza San Pietro in Vincoli, Department of Aerospace Engineering


Local Organising Committee - LOC

Stefano Orsini, Luciano Iess, Ivan di Stefano

How to reach our meeting place

 (METRO ’Via Cavour’ or ‘Colosseo’)




There are of course plenty of hotels in Rome and many options for places to stay. However, due to the Jubilee, prices are extremly high. For this reason, the local organisers have looked into cheaper accomodation options to enable as many of you as possible to travel to Rome. If you want to take advantage of these options please indicate this at the time of registration. You also should do this at your earliest convenience since this option may be booked up quite soon. Note that these options are all fully refundable until much closer to our meeting. However, we only could reserve 35 rooms - first come first served - and the LOC will confirm to you in case booking was successful or not.



 “Casa dell’Aviatore”

Viale dell’Università, 20 (650 m from metro station ‘Castro Pretorio’ going to ‘Via Cavour’ and ‘Colosseo’)

36 rooms reserved up to April 2025, no account needed now

About 80/110 euro per night (single/double)

Please provide to LOC your name, accompanying person name (if any), arrival/departure date and time

There are many other options available via the usual booking websites. A few resaonably-priced options are listed below. We have lately observered that overall prices went down a bit. Nevertheless for the proposed accomodation option listed below reservations needs to be done individualy.



  1. Hostel ‘Rome Scout Center’, Largo dello Scautismo 1, metro station ‘Bologna’

euro 50-80 per night in 4- or 2-beds shared rooms

tel. +39 06 44231355


  1. B&B with 10-15% discount (Convention with La Sapienza). These places are close to metro B line stations (Bologna, Policlinico) going to ‘Via Cavour’ and ‘Colosseo’, both close to conference site)

At the moment, prices are orientative, to be agreed with hosts (please mention that you are participating to the BC SWT Meeting organized by La Sapienza):

2.1  “Dea Roma Inn”,

Via Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza 1A (zona Piazza Bologna),

7 double rooms 135€/night each,

Non-refundable 20% account at reservation

Full payment one month before reservation time

+ 39 06 89275106

2.2 “Imperia Suite” Guest House,

Via Imperia 11, Roma

7 double rooms

non refundable 130 euro

free cancellation 145 euro up to 5 days before arrival

+39 3382628546


2.3 “Chroma Tessera”,

Viale dell’Università 25

5 double rooms

About 140 euro

+39 3394309007


2.4 “Tre R Colosseo”,

Via Nicola Salvi, 68

3 double rooms, price to agree via e-mail  

+39  3467051930




Via other portals you may find many other b&b’s or hotels at reasonable prices (from 70-80 euros per night). Please look for places near metro stations ‘Via Cavour’ or ‘Colosseo’ (walking distances from conference site).


the June 12 Concert

This will be a concert by choir and orchestra organized by the amateur polyphonic choir "I Filarmonici Romani", directed by Maestro Angelo Coccìa, with the participation of 25-30 professional orchestral elements and 4 solo voices from the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Financed by the Municipality of Rome.

LOCATION: a hall proposed by the Municipality of Rome or alternatively a church in the historic center to be identified by Maestro Coccìa.