Instruments - Bepicolombo YSSG-CS
Operational instruments during the cruise phase adapted from Hadid et al,. Front. Astron. Space Sci, 2021.
Please note that this list excludes the periods of the planetary flybys. Information regarding the planetary flybys can be found in Mangano et al., Space Sci. Rev., 2021.
Instrument & Information | Consortium & Reference | Target | Sensitivity | Scope |
MEA1 & MEA2 (Mercury Electron Analyzer), reduced FOV | MPPE (Mercury Plasma Particles Experiment). Saito et al. (2021) | Low energy electrons | 3 eV-26 keV | MMO/Mio |
HEP-e (High Energetic Particles - electrons), reduced FOV | MPPE (Mercury Plasma Particles Experiment). Saito et al. (2021) | High energy electrons | 30 keV-700 keV | MMO/Mio |
MDM (Mercury Dust Monitor), reduced FOV | Kobayashi et al. (2020) | Impact momentum and dust particles direction | MMO/Mio | |
MIPA (Miniature Ion Precipitation Analyser), reduced FOV | SERENA (Search for Exospheric Refilling and Emitted Natural Abundances). Orsini et al. (2021) | Low energy ions | 15 eV-15 keV | MPO |
PICAM (Planetary Ion CAMera), reduced FOV | SERENA (Search for Exospheric Refilling and Emitted Natural Abundances). Orsini et al. (2021) | Low energy ions | 10 eV-3 keV | MPO |
SIXS-X, partially in the MOSIF shadow. It could face the Sun on request during specific periods | SIXS (Solar Intensity X-ray and particles Spectrometer). Huovelin et al. (2020) | Solar X-ray | MPO | |
SIXS-P, hot distributions can be detected | SIXS (Solar Intensity X-ray and particles Spectrometer). Huovelin et al. (2020) | High energy protons | 0.33-30 MeV | MPO |
SIXS-P, hot distributions can be detected | SIXS (Solar Intensity X-ray and particles Spectrometer). Huovelin et al. (2020) | High energy electrons | 50 keV-3 MeV | MPO |
MPO-MAG, fully operational. | Heyner et al. (2021) | B-field (nominal mode) | ∼DC - 16 Hz | MPO |
MPO-MAG, fully operational. | Heyner et al. (2021) | B-field (reduced mode) | ∼DC - 1 Hz | MPO |
PHEBUS (Probing of Hermean Exosphere by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy): can be operated. | Quémerais et al. (2020) | Far-Extreme UV | 55-330 nm | MPO |
MERTIS (MErcury Radiometer and Thermal Infrared Spectrometer), fully operational. | Hiesinger et al. (2020) | Infrared radiation | 7-14 μm | MPO |
BERM (BEpicolombo Radiation Monitor), fully operational. | Pinto et al. (under review) | High energy protons | 1-200 MeV | MPO |
BERM, fully operational. | Pinto et al. (under review) | High energy electrons | 0.3-10 MeV | MPO |
MORE (Mercury Orbiter Radio-science Experiment), fully operational. | Iess et al. (2021) | Radio emissions | X-band and Ka-band | MPO |
MGNS (Mercury Gamma-ray and Neutron Spectrometer), fully operational. | Mitrofanov et al. (2021) | Gamma-rays | 300 keV-10 MeV | MPO |
MGNS, fully operational. | Mitrofanov et al. (2021) | Neutron flux | 1 eV-10 MeV | MPO |
ISA (Italian Spring Accelerometer), fully operational. | Santoli et al. (2020) | Non-gravitational acceleration vector | 3.10−5 − 10−1Hz | MPO |