Barraud, O., Varatharajan, I., Bott, N., Caminiti, E., Dewey, R., Karlsson, T., ... & Wright, J. (2022). The BepiColombo Surface and Environment Interactions Studies Group (SEIS). Mercury 2022, 130-131.


SEIS members


Hirata, K., Morota, T., Sugita, S., Ernst, C. M., Usui T., (2022), Magma eruption ages and fluxes in the Rembrandt and Caloris interior plains on Mercury: Implications for the north-south smooth plains asymmetry, Icarus 382, 115034. 

Lindsay, S. T., Bunce, E. J., Imber, S. M., Martindale, A., Nittler, L. R., & Yeoman, T. K. (2022). MESSENGER X‐Ray Observations of Electron Precipitation on the Dayside of Mercury. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127(1), e2021JA029675.

Malliband, C. C., Rothery, D. A., Balme, M. R., Conway, S. J., Pegg, D. L., & Wright, J. (2022). Geology of the Derain quadrangle (H10), Mercury. Journal of Maps, 1-10.

Morrissey, L. S., Tucker, O. J., Killen, R. M., Nakhla, S., Savin, D. W., (2022), Solar wind ion sputtering of sodium from silicates using molecular dynamics calculations of surface binding energies, The Astrophysical Journal Letters 925, L6.

Sun, W., J. A. Slavin, A. Milillo, R. M. Dewey, S. Orsini, X. Jia, J. M. Raines, S. Livi, J. M. Jasinski, S. Fu, J. Zhao, Q. G. Zong, Y. Saito, and C. Li (2022). MESSENGER observations of planetary ion enhancements at Mercury's northern magnetospheric cusp during Flux Transfer Event Showers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127. e2022JA030280

​​Lindsay, S. T., Bunce, E. J., Imber, S. M., Martindale, A., Nittler, L. R., & Yeoman, T. K. (2022). MESSENGER X‐Ray Observations of Electron Precipitation on the Dayside of Mercury. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127(1), e2021JA029675.

Sun, W., J. A. Slavin, R. Nakamura, D. Heyner, K. J. Trattner, J. Z. D. Mieth, J. Zhao, Q. G. Zong, S. Aizawa, N. Andre, and Y. Saito (2022). Dayside magnetopause reconnection and flux transfer events: BepiColombo earth-Flyby observations, Ann. Geophys.,

Barraud, O., Besse, S., Doressoundiram, A., Cornet, T., & Munoz, C. (2021). Spectral investigation of Mercury's pits' surroundings: Constraints on the planet's explosive activity. Icarus, 114652.


​​​​Jäggi, N., Galli, A., Wurz, P., Biber, H., Szabo, P. S., Brötzner, J., Aumayr, F., et al., (2021), Creation of lunar and hermean analogue mineral powder samples for solar wind irradiation experiments and mid-infrared spectra analysis, Icarus 365, 114492. 


Pegg, D. L., Rothery, D. A., Conway, S. J., Balme, M. R., (2021), A fault surface exposed on Mercury, Planetary and Space Science 201, 105223.


Pegg, D. L., Rothery, D. A., Balme, M. R., Conway, S. J., (2021), Explosive vent sites on Mercury: Commonplace multiple eruptions and their implications, Icarus 365, 114510.

Wright, J., Byrne P. K., Rothery, D. A., (2021), Planet Mercury: Volcanism in a theatre of global contraction, with examples from the Hokusai quadrangle. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (2021): 107300.