Kobe Splinter 2022 - BepiColombo YSSG
@Kobe / Hybrid
13:00-15:00 (JST) / 05:00-07:00 (CET) :: 21 November 2022
*Convention Hall*
- new way to report at SWT
- Slack to Teams transfer - update

13:50 JST / 05:50 CET Coffee break
14:00 JST / 06:00 CET Tutorial series on BepiColombo instruments (25+5min)
MPO_MAG tutorial, Yasuhito Narita

14:30 JST / 06:30 CET Subgroups Reporting (20 min)
14:50 JST / 06:50 CET 1min talk on recently published paper (10 min)
15:00 JST / 07:00 CET Group photo + end of the meeting
- Removed a total of (4) style text-align:center;