Selected missions - Call for missions 2021
Update on the F2 and M7 mission opportunity
8 November 2022
At its November meeting, the Science Programme Committee (SPC) has selected ARRAKIHS as the mission candidate for the F2 mission opportunity, and has been informed that the following missions have been selected for further study for the M7 mission opportunity: CALICO, HAYDN, M-MATISSE, Plasma Observatory, and THESEUS.
ARRAKIHS would perform observational tests of the ΛCDM model, making deep multi-band exposures of ultra-low surface brightness galaxies, enabling detailed and systematic studies of extended galaxy haloes.
CALICO proposes to perform in-situ investigations of the organic and ammoniated materials and salt deposits on the dwarf planet Ceres, potentially offering insights into whether Ceres provides or provided the conditions to support life.
HAYDN is an asteroseismological mission focused on homogenous, controlled large samples of stars in order to provide calibrators for several aspects of fundamental astrophysics, fostering the understanding of stellar physics and the internal structure of stars, inaccessible with other techniques.
M-MATISSE aims to study Mars as a global dynamic system using a 2-spacecraft configuration, targeting atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere-solar wind interactions, and aiming to disentangle spatial and temporal effects on various processes driving the Martian system.
Plasma Observatory is a multi-spacecraft mission to study the coupling of fluid and ion scales within astrophysical plasmas in near-Earth space, advancing the knowledge of particle energisation and energy transfer.
THESEUS is a multi-instrument mission for transient astronomy, with focus on Gamma Ray Bursts, aiming at the exploration of the high-redshift Universe through studies of the explosions of the first massive stars and the identification of GW counterparts.
For more information, please contact:
Paul McNamara
Astronomy and Astrophysics Coordinator
Directorate of Science
European Space Agency
Email: Paul.McNamara
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