ESA, the European Space Agency is the gateway to Space for Europe. It is formed by 22 European countries together with Canada. Other countries, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia have cooperation agreements with ESA. The coordination of the financial and intellectual resources of the ESA members allows them to undertake programs which could not be possible if they worked alone.
The main goal of ESA is to develop the European industry for the benefit of space exploration and the citizens of Europe and the world.
ESAC is the European Space Astronomy Center situated near Madrid, Spain. There are also ESA centers in France, Germany, Holland, Italy and UK.
This video is about how satellites are built and launched. The satellite that ESA launches explores space and the Earth. ESA also works with industry to develop telecommunications and navigation systems.
Artist’s illustration of the Ariane 64 rocket version, with four solid rocket boosters. Credits: Credit: ESA–David Ducros, 2016
Earth missions:
This video is about Earth observation missions, communications missions, and weather conditions.
Planetary missions:
In this video, we present ESA exploration of the Solar System, from ... all the way to the Rosetta mission, which chased comet ... for 2 years and drop the Philae lander on it.
Astronomical missions:
This video is about the astronomical missions at ESAC, from missionX to mission Y.
ESA astronomical missions. Credits: ESA
Satellite communications, ISS and Astronauts:
Astronauts are superheroes who are also fun. They need to be clever, fit, prepared to work hard but they also have a lot of fun in space!
Samantha Cristoforetti, Italian ESA astronaut, obviously a Star Trek fan. Credits: ESA & NASA.
A beautiful planet:
This is a trailer of a film that will take you further into the life of an astronaut. You can also see the exploration of the Earth, the Solar System and the Galaxy.
Credits: ESA
PAXi videos:
Do you know Paxi? He is an ESAkids cartoon that will drive us through space, always with a smile.
SCIENCE@ESA EPISODES (by Rebecca Barnes):
These are series of 20 min videos where Rebbeca Barnes aswers the commonly asked questions about the Universe. They are 11 episodes. Do not miss them!
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