Approved proposals for the discretionary Programme (DP)

Up to 5% of the observing time on CHEOPS may be taken up by the Discretionary Programme (DP). Proposals can be submitted at any time. All details and criteria can be found at this link.


Proposal ID

Surname of PI [Country]

Title of Proposal                                    

 # Orbits

001 (EP) Jenkins  (CL)

Constraining the scattering propoerties of condensates in the ultrahot neptune, LTT 9779b


005 (EP)

Kostov (US)

Solving the orbital ambiguitiy of a new transiting circumbinary planet TIC 172900988b


007 (EP) Heidari (FR)

Observing the second HD88986b transit event: a temperate sub-Neptunre characterised by TESS and SOPHIE

008 (EP) Edwards (FR) Catching the Transit of a Long Period Planet to Support Future Atmospheric Characterisation 14
010 (EP) Akinsanmi (CH) Resolving the dynamical history of the hot Jupiter WASP-132b and its inner mini-Neptune companion 18
014 (EP) Scarsdale (US) Period measurement of the brightest-host transiting habitable zone terrestrial exoplanet 40
015 (EP) Mortier (UK) The coolest small planet: Catching the transit of a small planet orbiting an M dwarf with P>100d and a precise mass from HARPS-N 78.35
018 (EP) Dattilo (US) Confirmation of four planet candidates around an extremely young star 64
019 (EP) Mohr (US) Period Confirmation for The Sub-Neptune Exoplanet with The Longest Period 10
020 (EP) Tusay (US) An Optical Lever-arm for JWST Spectra of K2-22b 23
022 (EP) Vissapragada (US) The First Neptune Desert Progenitor System 30
023 (EP) Standing (ES) Characterisation of TESS Multi-planet Circumbinary System 53
024 (EP) Almenara (FR) Confirming a transiting super-Earth in the optimistic habitable zone with CHEOPS 16
    Total number of orbits awarded since the start of the CHEOPS mission 390.05

Key to table: EP - Exoplanet Science; SP – Stellar Physics; Other – Other topics.


Questions about CHEOPS or the GO Programme? Please email cheops-support at and we will be happy to help!
This website was last updated on 18 March 2025.