Pre-Launch Media Coverage


The ESA CHEOPS Pre-lAUnch Journal Series

The ESA CHEOPS Project team worked together with the ESA Science Communications team to produce a series of articles documenting key milestones in the development and implementation phases of the project. The articles provide an insight into some of the activties that need to be succesfully completed in order for a satellite to arrive at the launchpad.

CHEOPS Journal article #17: Practise makes perfect for CHEOPS inflight operations

CHEOPS Journal article #16: CHEOPS is ready for flight

CHEOPS Journal article #15: A jigsaw falling into place: CHEOPS end-to-end testing complete

CHEOPS Journal article #14: CHEOPS - withstanding the sound of launch and avoiding radio interference

CHEOPS Journal article #13: CHEOPS - chilled and checked, shaken, not stirred

CHEOPS Journal article #12: From star positions to images: CHEOPS operations centres pull together

CHEOPS Journal article #11: Putting things together: the CHEOPS science instrument arrives in Madrid

CHEOPS Journal article #10: It's getting real: testing flight hardware with mission control code

CHEOPS Journal article #9: The CHEOPS scientific instrument is complete

CHEOPS Journal article #8: Preparing the CHEOPS spacecraft platform and simulating mission operations

CHEOPS Journal article #7: CHEOPS telescope arrives at new home

CHEOPS Journal article #6: CHEOPS solar arrays tested and built

CHEOPS Journal article #5: Steady progress for CHEOPS

CHEOPS Journal article #4: Delivery of the Instrument Engineering Model

CHEOPS Journal article #3: Simulated sound of launch for CHEOPS

CHEOPS Journal article #2: CHEOPS prepares for first spacecraft test campaign

CHEOPS Journal article #1: CHEOPS spacecraft hardware delivery


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This website was last updated on 12 March 2024.