Confirmed Participants

· Mats Andre (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)

· Nicolas Aunai (Laboratoire de Phisique des Plasmas)

· Charles R. Chappell, Webex, (Vanderbilt University)

· Jérémy Dargent (University of Pisa)

· Stephen Fuselier (Southwest Research Institute)

· Alex Glocer, Webex, (NASA - GSFC)

· Daniel Graham (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)

· Michael Hesse, Webex, (University of Bergen)

· Lynn Kistler (University of New Hampshire)

· Benoit Lavraud, Webex, (Institut de la Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie)

· Wenya Li (National Space Science Center)

· Arnaud Masson (European Space Agency)

· Paul Tenfjord (University of Bergen)

· Sergio Toledo-Redondo (European Space Agency)

· Sarah Vines (Applied Physics Laboratory)