The Cometary Model of Dust Environments (ComMoDE) is an analytical approximation to the Comet Interceptor Engineering Dust Coma Model (EDCM, Marschall et al. 2022, A&A 666, article ID A151, ). It allows to quickly check the expected dust environment for a certain comet activity and flyby geometry. While the results are generally expected to be similar to those of the EDCM, the EDCM remains the official reference for the dust environment of the Comet Interceptor target.

The software can be found  here.


ComMoDE Visualization - Cumulative dust fluence along the Comet Interceptor flyby trajectory


ComMoDE was developed under ESA contract #4000136014/21/NL/CRS and is available under ESA Public License v2.4 .

Reference: Reynier, P., Haslebacher, N., Thomas, N., Mokhtari, O., Marschall, R., Cipriani, F., Johansson, F., and Arpa, R.: ComMoDE: A software for assessing dust environment during comet fly-by, Europlanet Science Congress 2024, Berlin, Germany, 8–13 Sep 2024, EPSC2024-1256, ​​​​​​