Programme - Conferences Archive
BepiColombo Mission
7th Science Working Team Meeting
Schloss Seggau, Graz, Austria
Agenda (1st draft : June 2010)
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
0900 Welcome and introduction M. Fujimoto /J. Benkhoff
BC Status
0910 BepiColombo Project Status Overview J. van Casteren
0940 MMO Status Overview H. Hayakawa & MMO Project Team
1010 MPO Status Overview BC Project Team
<<1030 Coffee Break>>
1100 Hot topics – overall Discussions (all)
<<1230 Lunch Break>>
Science talks
MMO science related topic Milan Maksimovic
MMO science related topic Takuma Nakamura
MPO related talks (N.N.)
<< Coffee Break>>
MESSENGER and other science talks
- Status and overview (N.N.)
- magnetosphere/exosphere talk (N.N.)
<<18:00 Adjourn>>
18:30 Social event: Dinner and Vine tasting
Wednesday 15 September 2010
BepiColombo Science Instrument Tutorials #3 SIMBIO-SYS - MERTIS
0900 MPO-SIMBIO-SYS PI : E. Flamini
1100 MPO-MERTIS PI : H. Hiesinger
<<1230 Lunch Break>>
Planetary Session
1400 SGS / Science operations topics
- Science activity planning conflicts (Discussion of consequences)
- Science Themes Table
1530 Report from BC Working groups splinter meetings
* Geodesy and Geodynamic (1.-2 July. Berlin) T. Spohn, L. Iess
* HEWG 24.-27 August, Sweden) A. Milillo, M. Fujimoto
* Surface and composition group activities D. Rothery, Lucia Marin
* Ground based observations activities G. Cremonese
1545 Any Other Business (Paper, Conferences, Politics, Meetings)
<<1600 Coffee Break and end of SWT>>
Splinter sessions
Monday, 13 September
MMO SWG Meeting
1500 Introduction and welcome Masaki Fujimoto
- Topic 1
- Topic 2 Detailed agenda will come later
18:00 End of MPO SWG meeting
Next BepiColombo SWT :
Kanazawa, mid September 2011, Japan
- Removed a total of (6) align=center.