PSG 2011 - Conferences Archive
Cassini 54th PSG
June 13 - 17, 2011
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Monday June 13 to Friday June 17, 2011
European Space Research and Technology Centre
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
- Week overview : (link to the Cassini Project Science website, access restricted)
- Preliminary Detailed Agenda (link to the Cassini Project Science website, access restricted)
Social Event:
A boat trip with diner on the channels and lakes around Katwijk will be organized on Wednesday evening.
CASSINI PSG meeting organizers and contacts
Nicolas Altobelli (ESA) Email:
Clare Bingham (ESA) Email:
Gerhard Schwehm (ESA)
- Removed a total of (13) align=center.
- Removed a total of (5) align=left.
- Removed a total of (1) border attribute.
- Removed a total of (1) cellpadding attribute.