Rosetta meeting and SWT #37 - Conferences Archive
June 10 - 13, 2014 ESA/ESAC, Madrid, Spain
Tuesday June 10 to Friday June 13, 2014
Registration is now closed. If you havent registered, you will NOT gain access to the meeting.
18:00 - 20:00 on top of D building!!!!!
More specific agendas can be found below.
SWT Schedule (hopefully final)
Thursday 12 June Room D1+D2
09:00 Welcome and Introduction – Matt Taylor
09:05 Colin Pillinger - Lander lead scientists
09:15 Actions from previous SWT - Matt Taylor
09:30 Mission status - Fred Jansen
09:50 MOC overview – Fred Jansen on behalf of Sylvain Lodiot
10:10 SGS overview - Michael Kueppers
10:30 COFFEE
10:45 Preferred case, SK/LTP schedule - Nico Altobelli
11:25 LTP to MTP transition – Claire Vallat
12:05 MTP schedule – Raymond Hoofs
12:45 Communications activities-– Markus Bauer and Mark McCaughrean
Coordination and mutual expectations
Conferences, press conferences, Publication and communication timeline
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Landing site selection activities – Lander Lead Scientists
- overview of timetable
- science input and SWT role
- schedule including 13 September meeting in Toulouse.
16:00 COFFEE + MTP007 webex
17:00 NASA update – CA/AC
17:10 WG-X activity summary
17:30 Ground based update – Colin Snodgrass
17:40 Downlink status Archiving status and DAWG summary- LO/ MB
18:10 End of meeting day
Information item on European Commission Horizon 2020 activities (G. Jones)
Friday 13 June Room D1+D2
09:00 Extension case – brief overview - MT
09:30 Trajectory items – Bjorn Grieger
10:00 LTP005/006 trajectory modifications – Bernhard Geiger
10:30 Coffee
10:45 Summary from DG groups –Liaison scientists
11:45 Activity Campaign – EG and LSs
12:30 Activity Group -> preferred case.
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Discussion session (SWT (= PIs and IDSs) will discuss open issues from meeting) – executive session, but registrants will be able to remain in room (on SWT agreement). If necessary, non-SWT members will be asked to leave.
15:45 Date of next meeting and related important date, AOB and Close
Organizing comittee
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