Rosetta Science meeting and SWT #40 - Conferences Archive
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Monday March 2 to Friday March 6, 2015
UPDATED 17 February 2015
NOTE: EXEC meeting will be held during Friday session - attendance for SWT proper - PIs , Lander Lead Scientists and IDSs + Operations/project colleagues
Abstract submission is closed.
Any late abstracts can be accomodated as posters.
SWT Schedule
SWT 40
Thursday 5 March
NOTE- times are approximate and items may change in the agenda.
08:30 Welcome
08:35 Actions from last meetings
08:45 Mission Status – Patrick Martin
09:10 MOC overview RMOC - Sylvain Lodiot
09:35 SGS overview (including uplink) - MK
10:00 MAPPS-3D –P. v.d.Plas
10:20 SGS downlink status (including Archiving status and DAWG summary)- LO + MB
10:45 Coffee
11:05 Mission Extension – MT, MOC+SGS
11:25 PI reports – Orbiter PIs and Lander lead scientists–
1 SLIDE ONLY!!!! Operational aspects/problem
Science should be presented earlier in week
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 PI reports - continued
14:30 Communications update – M. Bauer
14:50 WG-X activity summary
15:10 Ground Based update – C. Snodgrass
15:30 Update on NASA activities – Art C.
15:50 COFFEE + Planning Telecon (Planning telecom will take place in splinter room)
17:30 Publications, upcoming meetings, DONM
18:00 END
Friday 5 December
Room Newton
NOTE- times are approximate and items may change in the agenda.
08:30 DG reports and issues
09:30 Escort phase updates, skeleton –LTP aspects
a) Activity group and preferred case
b) LTP6 and LTP7 segmentation
c) Activity campaign
d) Master Science Plan
11:00 Coffee
11:15 EXECUTIVE session- limited to SWT, MOC, SGS and supporting SWT designated team members.
Master Science Plan
Planning (in)Flexibility - Status presentation
13:30 AOB
14:00 Close
Organizing comittee
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