
Asynchronous requests require authentication. This first requires registration for a CSA member's account, or if you have already registered, please ensure that your registered email is up-to-date.

Note that this session cookie will last for 30 minutes, and will then need to be renewed.

Log in from this page:

Log out using this page:


Please note that the cookies created by these methods are not interchangeable, e.g., a cookie file created with wget will not then work with a curl asynchronous request, and vice versa.



Use the following syntax replacing COOKIEFILE with your preferred path and filename, and YOURUSERID and YOURPASSWORD appropriately:

wget --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies COOKIEFILE --post-data 'username=YOURUSERID&password=YOURPASSWORD' "" 

Note that if your password contains special characters, you might need to replace those characters with the URL encoded equivalent, e.g., replace & with %26

For further information on the syntax to use to check on the status of an Asynchronous Request, see Using wget and curl



To use curl instead, use the following syntax, replacing COOKIEFILE with your preferred path and filename, and YOURUSERID and YOURPASSWORD appropriately:

curl -k -c COOKIEFILE -X POST -d username=YOURUSERID -d password=YOURPASSWORD -L

Note that URL encoding will be required here too, as mentioned above for WGET.

For further information on the syntax to use to check on the status of an Asynchronous Request, see Using wget and curl



A login function is included in the script provided by Alain Barthe at IRAP: