When preparing your application, please follow this template. You may use the font type and font size that you prefer (not smaller than 10), but the text must be no more than 3 pages including figures. Send the file in PDF format to arvp@cosmos.esa.int.

You must indicate the (expected) year of your PhD.

You must write your application in an "anonymous" way, i.e. do not identify yourself in the text. If you identify yourself, the application will not be considered.

ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme - Application form

Part A (about 2 pages):

1. Title:

2. Abstract (1 paragraph, ~200 words):

3. Description of the research project:

  • Scientific goals of the project
  • Public ESA data that you plan to use
  • Expertise that you want to develop
  • Brief work plan
  • Expected publications 

4. Proposed visit to ESA:

  • Approximate dates and length of the visit(s)
  • ESA members whom you have contacted
  • Expenses covered by your home institute (if any)

5. Figures: Include figures if needed

Part B (about 1 page):

6. Personal Information:

  • Name: 
  • Nationality:
  • Degrees held (include PhD year):
  • Career stage (e.g. student, postdoc, lecturer, etc.):

7. Current affiliation and contact information:

  • Home institution and postal address:
  • e-mail:
  • telephone:

[All personal data that you provide are protected by the ESA Privacy Policy,