Team members - Data Science
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I am a Data Scientist working at the intersection of machine learning and space science and joined the Data Science Section in September 2023. My work in the section centers on identifying ways to maximise scientific return from the science missions using machine learning methods and improving the ESA Datalabs platform. For this, I work closely with colleagues from the Gaia, XMM, Euclid and Ariel missions. Previously, I worked as a Research Fellow in the Advanced Concepts Team at ESTEC and as a seconded researcher at AI Sweden in Stockholm. I did my Ph.D. in the Phoniatrics department under Prof. Döllinger at the University Hospital Erlangen / FAU. My original background is in computer science, which I studied at TUM. Personally, I am strong proponent of open source and open science. I am the maintainer of the PASEOS and torchquad Python modules. Further, I am passionate about topics related to gender, diversity and inclusion. In my free time I enjoy running, chess, classical music (violin & piano), producing electronic music and complementing my caffeine addiction with vegan food.
If you are a student interested in a thesis topic related to my topics, please feel free to send me an email.
Email: pablo.gomez at
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I am an Intern working at the ESAC facility with the JWST Archive team using ML to detect and identify Asteroids. I am from Canada where I completed my undergrad in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Waterloo. I am currently finishing my Masters in Space Science and Technology from UCD, Ireland. On a personal note, I try to blur the line between nerd (Chess, Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the Gathering, Comics) and jock (Ice Hockey, Volleyball, Squash, Working Out). As well as introvert (Reading, Movies, Music) and extrovert (Bars, Trips). Feel free to tell me all about some obscure fact or bit of trivia that you think is interesting, for example, "The Universe has an average color called 'Cosmic Latte'".
Email: LinkedIn
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