Data - Einstein Probe
Data Allocation
All WXT and FXT data from EP will only be accessible to EP Science Team (EPST) members with a proprietary period of 6 months (ToO data) or 1 year (non-ToO data). After the proprietary time, the data will become public. To get EP data, and become PI of a scientific investigation, within a proprietary period, EPST members are requested to submit proposals describing their research plans during dedicated internal Announcements of Opportunity. Proposals of opportunity (“ToOs”) may also be submitted by STP members at any time. The proposals will be reviewed by the corresponding Party (CAS, ESA or MPE), and compiled by the respective STP. Conflicts between Parties are to be resolved within the STP. The assigment of projects follow the CAS/ESA/MPE 80-10-10 proportion.
Exploitation and publishing
Members of the EPST have right to take part in scientific exploitation of data of projects led by other members regardless of the Parties – if approved by the STP chairs and the project PIs – and can co-author publications if significant contributions are made. The author lists of all EP collaborative papers will be proposed by the project PI and approved by the STP chairs. The papers and authors follow also the CAS/ESA/MPE 80-10-10 proportion.
Alert messages
Alert information (containing as a minimum sky location, timescale, and source flux) regarding transient/outburst sources generated from WXT and/or FXT data for the purpose of quick followup observations and identification will be released to the community by the EP Science Centre as early as possible, but ideally not later than 1 day of the reception of spacecraft telemetry. The alert messages will be sent out via GCN Notices.
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