ILWS meeting 2004 - ESA Heliophysics
ILWS Steering Committee / Working Group Meeting (25-26 May 2004, Banff, Canada)
- International Living With a Star: The Road Ahead - W. Liu
- Living With a Star and The Vision for Exploration - M. Guhathakurta
- ILWS Geospace Themes and Targets - D. Sibeck
- Suggestion of Magnetospheric Research within ILWS - Z. X. Liu
- Solar and Heliospheric Physics for ILWS/CAWSES - T. Kosugi
- Solar Orbiter Status - R. Marsden
- Australian Contribution to ILWS - B. Fraser and D. Cole
- CAWSES: Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System - S. Basu
- Potential New Contributions to ILWS from China - C. Wang and Z. X. Liu
- A European ILWS Strategy Outline - H. Opgenoorth
- SolACES - W. Frings
- Activities and Events Since Nice WG Meeting - H. Opgenoorth
- Indian Presentation at ILWS Working Group Meeting - R. S. Bhatia
- Missions of CNSA's Participation in ILWS - Z.X. Liu and C. Wang
- Ukraininan Contribution to ILWS - V. Korepanov
- End User Task Group Report - E. Daly
- Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Geospace - E. Donovan
- ILWS Ionosphere Thermosphere Task Group - D. Sibeck for R. Heelis
- Magnetospheric Task Group - R. Friedel
- Theory and Modeling Task Group - M. Hesse
October 21, 2003
- Potential Slovak Contributions to ILWS - K. Kudela
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