ILWS meeting 2009 - ESA Heliophysics
OPENING SESSION Monday, October 5: Opening Session (chairperson: A. L. C. Gonzalez) |
Lika Guhathakurta NASA Headquarters |
8:40 |
Gilberto Camara INPE´s Director |
8:50 |
Walter D. Gonzalez Convener/Organizing Committee |
Monday, October 5: Solar General Session I (chairperson: R. Schwenn) |
9:00 |
Marsch, E. |
MPS, Germany |
Science objectives of Solar Orbiter (Invited) |
9:30 |
Hudson, H. |
UC Berkeley, USA |
Solar Flares with and without Large-Scale Processes (Invited) |
10:00 |
Stenborg, G. |
Interferometrics Inc. |
A grand tour of the first two and a half years of STEREO/SECCHI Observations (Invited) |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Solar General Session II (chairperson: A. Dal Lago) |
11:00 |
Kaufmann, P. |
CRAAM, Brazil |
Solar observations at submillimeter and mid-infrared wavelengths (Invited) |
11:30 |
Balmaceda, L. |
UV, Spain |
Radiative and magnetic properties of small magnetic elements |
11:45 |
Dal Lago, A. |
INPE, Brazil |
Study of a coronal mass ejection using STEREO/SECCHI and SOHO/LASCO observations |
12:00 |
Dasso, S. |
IAFE, Argentina |
Evolution of interplanetary coronal mass ejections for different solar wind conditions |
12:15 |
De Lucas, A. |
INPE, Brazil |
Extension of Magnetic Clouds in the Inner Heliosphere as observed from Multi-Spacecraft |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Solar General Session II (continuation) |
14:00 |
Jackson, B. V. |
UC San Diego, USA |
The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstruction of density " width="583">The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstruction of density enhancements behind interplanetary shocks |
14:15 |
Rosa, R. |
INPE, Brazil |
Spectral Analysis of Decimetric Solar Bursts Variability |
14:30 |
Trigoso, H. |
IGP, Perú |
The Solar Spectrograph at Ica Solar Station |
Monday, October 5: Genesis and Propagation of Interplanetary Structures throughout the Heliosphere (chairperson: V. Alves) |
14:45 |
Jokipii, J. |
U Arizona, USA |
Understanding Collisionless Shocks in the Heliosphere (Invited) |
15:15 |
Opher, M. |
George Mason Univ. |
Comparative Shock Studies: From the Lower Corona to the Termination Shock (Invited) |
15:45 |
Coffee Break |
Genesis and Propagation of Interplanetary Structures throughout the Heliosphere (chairperson: M. Opher) |
16:15 |
Richardson, J. |
Shocks in the Heliosphere (Invited) |
16:45 |
Tsurutani, B. |
Magnetic decrease formation in interplanetary space and mirror mode formation in planetary magnetosheaths and the heliosheath |
17:00 |
Bisi, M. |
Coronal Mass Ejections and Large-Scale Solar Wind Structure in the Declining and Minimum Phase between Solar Cycles 23 and 24 |
17:15 |
Lui, A. |
Grad-Shanfranov Reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejection |
Tusday, October 6: Magnetosphere General Session I (chairperson: A. L. C. Gonzalez) |
09:00 |
Vasyliunas, V. |
MPI, Germany |
The physics of magnetospheric variability (Invited) |
09:30 |
Fok, M-C |
Recent Developments in the Radiation Belt Environment Model (Invited) |
10:00 |
Laakso, H. |
Usage of Cluster data in the ILWS studies (Invited) |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Magnetosphere General Session II (chairperson: Mendes, O. Jr.) |
11:00 |
Sibeck, D. |
The THEMIS Mission (Invited) |
11:30 |
Pu, Z. |
Peking Univ., China |
Magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause: New results from Double Star-Cluster coordinated observations |
11:45 |
Korotova, G. |
Izmiran, Rusia |
Themis Observations of Compressional Pulsations in the Dawn-Side Magnetosphere |
12:00 |
Nieves-Chinchilla, T. |
Propagation and evolution of the June 1st 2008 CME in the interplanetary medium |
12:15 |
Kane, R. |
INPE, Brazil |
Similarities and Dissimilarities between the Variations of CME and Other Solar Parameters at Different Heliographic Latitudes and Time Scales |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Magnetosphere General Session II (continuation) |
14:00 |
Korth, A. |
MPI, Germany |
Response of the Polar Cusp and the Magnetotail to CIRs Studied by a Multispacecraft Wavelet Analysis |
14:15 |
Stepanova, M. |
Univ. Santiago, Chile |
Modelling of the turbulent plasma sheet during quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions |
October 6: Ionosphere-Upper Atmosphere General Session I (chairperson: J. Kozyra) |
14:30 |
Abdu, M. |
INPE, Brazil |
Disturbance Electric Fields effects on the Equatorial Evening Prereversal Vertical Drift and Spread F Developments (Invited) |
15:00 |
Kikuchi, T. |
STELAB, Japan |
Effects of the interplanetary processes on the electrodynamics of the inner magnetosphere-ionosphere system (Invited) |
15:30 |
Coffee Break |
Ionosphere-Upper Atmosphere General Session II (chairperson: J. H. Sobral) |
16:00 |
Kudeki, |
U Ill., USA |
Modeling the incoherent scatter radar spectrum for modes propagating perpendicular to B (Invited) |
16:30 |
São Sabbas, F. |
INPE, Brazil |
The Importance of Upper Atmospheric Effects of Thunderstorms and Lightning to the Earth's Energy Budget and its Current Research Status in South America |
16:45 |
Schuch, N. J. |
INPE, Brazil |
The Influence of the Solar Variability on Space Geophysics Phenomena in Southern of Brazil and South America |
17:00 |
Sobral, J. |
INPE, Brazil |
Zonal velocities of the ionospheric F-region plasma during the nocturnal period: Effects of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly |
17:15 |
Guarnieri, F. |
UNIVAP, Brazil |
Ionospheric Disturbances Induced by Interplanetary Alfvén Waves Observed by GPS Data |
Wednesday, October 7: Space Weather I (chairperson: T. Onsager) |
09:00 |
Boteler, D. |
NRC, Canada |
The Growing Need for Space Weather Information (Invited) |
09:30 |
Fuller-Rowell, T. |
Upper Atmosphere Space Weather – What drives it? (Invited) |
10:00 |
Maruyama, T. |
NIICT, Japan |
Ionospheric studies using a meridional ionosonde network at low-latitudes (Invited) |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Space Weather II (chairperson: H. Takahashi) |
11:00 |
Glover, A. |
Rhea Sist., ESA |
Recent Activities of the ILWS End User Task Group |
11:15 |
Noel, J. M. |
RMC, Canada |
The effects of ionospheric electrodynamics on low-earth-orbiting satellites |
11:30 |
Alves, M. V. |
Probability distribution functions for the geoffectiveness of solar wind interplanetary magnetic structures |
11:45 |
Sawant, H. S. |
INPE, Brazil |
The Brazilian Decimetric Array (BDA) Contribution To Space Weather Investigations |
12:00 |
Takahashi, H. |
INPE, Brazil |
Brazilian Space Weather Program |
12:15 |
Cecatto, J. R. |
INPE, Brazil |
Renewed Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS) And Space Weather |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Thursday, October 8: Extreme Magnetic Storms (chairperson: E. Echer) |
09:00 |
Tsurutani, B. |
Extreme Magnetic Storms: Solar and Interplanetary Causes and Consequences at Earth (Invited) |
09:30 |
Gonzalez, W. |
INPE, Brazil |
Interplanetary and Magnetospheric Processes during Extreme Geomagnetic Storms (Invited) |
10:00 |
Kozyra, J. |
Univ. Mch., USA |
Extreme Space Weather in Geospace: New Results from a System Perspective (Invited) |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:00 |
Echer, E. |
INPE, Brazil |
Statistical studies of superstorms (Dst ≤ -250 nT) |
11:15 |
Cid, C |
UAH, Espanha |
Solar sources related to the largest Dst variations of solar cycle 23 |
11:30 |
Antonova, E. |
Moscow Univ. Russia |
Transverse magnetospheric currents and great geomagnetic storms |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Thursday, October 8: Low Latitude Electrodynamics (chairperson: M. Abdu) |
14:00 |
Fejer, B. |
Low Latitude Ionospheric Electrodynamics (Invited) |
14:30 |
Bhattacharyya, A. |
IIG, India |
Solar influence on the evolution of intermediate scale length ESF irregularities (Invited) |
15:00 |
Chau, J. |
IGP, Perú |
The Equatorial Ionosphere during Sudden Stratospheric Warming events (Invited) |
15:30 |
Batista, I |
INPE, Brazil |
Unusual early morning development of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly during intense magnetic storms |
15:45 |
Muralikrishna, P. |
INPE, Brazil |
The Effects of Meteoric Dust on the Equatorial E-Region Dynamics and Electrodynamics |
16:00 |
Coffee Break |
Thursday, October 8: Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Influence on Earth's Climate Session (chairperson: W. D. Gonzalez) |
16:30 |
Nathan, T. |
UC Davis, USA |
Solar Variability and Climate: From Mechanisms to Models (Invited) |
17:00 |
Garcia, R. |
The Response of the Atmosphere to Solar Variability: What role does the QBO play? (Invited) |
17:30 |
Pesnell, W. D. |
What Is Solar Minimum and Why Should We Care? (Invited) |
Friday, October 9: Current and Future Worldwide Missions Relevant to ILWS (chairperson: J. Spann) |
8:30 |
Jim Spann |
Introduction |
8:35 |
Lika Guhathakurta |
NASA policy towards international partnerships (Invited) |
8:45 |
Jim Spann |
Future System Science Targets for Heliphysics at NASA (Invited) |
9:10 |
Eric Donovan |
NRC, Canada |
Future Global GeoSpace Imaging in the Context of ILWS (Invited) |
9:35 |
Philippe Escoubet |
ESA current and future Solar System Missions (Invited) |
10:00 |
Coffee Break |
10:20 |
Ian Mann |
UA, Canada |
The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Mission to the Inner Magnetosphere (Invited) |
10:45 |
Polinaya Muralikrishna |
INPE, Brazil |
Lattes - Brazilian Dual Mission Scientific Satellite (Invited) |
11:10 |
Dean Pesnell |
The Solar Dynamics Observatory: Your Eye on the Sun (Invited) |
11:35 |
Nat Gopalswamy |
Earth-Affecting Solar Causes Observatory (EASCO): A Potential International Living with a Star Mission from Sun-Earth L5 (Invited) |
12:00 |
Taylor, M. |
Cross-Scale and SCOPE: the future in Space Plasma Physics |
12:15 |
Pollock, C. J. and |
Southwest Research |
NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) to Study Magnetic Reconnection |
12:35 |
Ukhorskiy, S. and |
The Radiation Belt Storm Probe (RBSP) mission |
12:55 |
Jim Spann & Walter D. Gonzalez: Closing Session |
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