‘Heliophysics in Europe and 1st European Heliophysics Community meeting'

19-21 November 2024 ONLINE

Sessions, Session Details and registration and topic submission

Please scroll to bottom of page to register and submit!!!

Session 1: ESA Heliophysics Working Group– ESA activities in the area of Heliophysics 

The short session will provide an overview of ESA activities in the area of Heliophysics, including a brief update on the ESA Heliophysics Working Group.

Session 2: European Heliophysics Community – working towards improved community interactions. 

This session aims at discussing how to better interact, communicate and coordinate across all aspects of the Heliophysics Community in Europe.  European Heliophysics community includes researchers studying plasma across the solar system from ground-based as well as spacecraft observations, both with in-situ and remote sensing instruments, and also based on theory and modeling. These studies cover plasma environments near the Sun, the planets (including Earth), and small bodies, at the interplanetary medium as well as near (and even across) the boundary of our solar system, this community deals with a broad array of datasets, techniques (including numerical modeling) and research topics. Discussions will include ongoing and future outreach/engagement activities, and diversity, equity and inclusion within the community. In particular we will focus on networks, mentoring, and promotion for early career researchers and best practice examples of any of the topics above. We welcome other suggestions via the topic submission page.

Session 3: Cross cutting science from a multi- disciplinary perspective 

This session is interested in focusing on multi-disciplinary aspects of our science, how we can focus these skills on upcoming opportunities but also ongoing activities to leverage our skills. We strongly encourage submission of topics that highlight the implementation and coordination of multi-disciplinary cross cutting science. 

Session 4: How to join Helio forces … 

a) to better couple/integrate ground and space based entities 

This session will comprise short presentations (lightning talks, 3 minutes , 1 slide), followed by an open discussion and potentially panel session. Please use the topic submission tool (e.g. report on experiences of coordinated measurements and where improvements could be made). You can also propose points to be addressed during the discussion, or simply indicate that you are interested in participating in the discussion, to help us gauge interest in this topic.

b) to better couple/integrate simulation/modelling and measurements  

This session will comprise short presentations, followed by an open discussion. Please use the title submission tool to suggest a topic for a short presentation (e.g. report on an example of integration between models and observations that works, or a case when that didn't work and the lessons learned, or another topic relevant to the session). You can also propose points to be addressed during the discussion, or simply indicate that you are interested in participating in the discussion, to help us gauge interest in this topic.

c) to improve cross disciplinary data and tool usage 

We are soliciting lightning talks (~ 3 mins, 1 slide) to give an introduction to your data/tool project (for example, software package, service, metadata format, AI readiness, harmonisation, pipelines) where opportunities for collaboration should be highlighted. These will inform a panel discussion with our invited speakers who will give a broad perspective of global efforts (via the DASH/IHDEA activities) and reflect back to the European perspective.


Please register here DEADLINE 18 October 2024

please submit a topic here, under the relevant session, DEADLINE 18 October 2024