ESAC Seminars - 2020 Programme

Date Title Abstract  Speaker Affiliation Room
Thursday 15:00h

10 December 2020
Direct imaging and spectral characterization of long period exoplanets and brown dwarfs Print Abstract Emily Rickman ESA/STScI, Baltimore, MD, USA​​​​​ Virtual Seminar
Thursday 10:30h

3 December 2020
Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3) Event Print Abstract Multiple speakers - Virtual Webinar
Thursday 15:00h

19 November 2020
The Villafranca Catalogue of Galactic OB Groups Print Abstract Jesús Maíz-Apellániz CAB-INTA/CSIC, Madrid, Spain Virtual Seminar
Thursday 15:00h

12 November 2020
Philae lands in skull-top crevice: An engineering & scientific detective story Print Abstract Laurence O'Rourke ESA/ESAC, Madrid, Spain​​​​​ Virtual Seminar
Thursday 15:00h

5 November 2020
A Song of Ice and Fire: the Fate of Planetary Systems After Stellar Death Print Abstract Andrew Vanderburg University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA Virtual Seminar
Thursday, 15:00h

29 October 2020

Cosmic jellyfish as laboratories of galaxy evolution Print Abstract Bianca Maria Poggianti Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 15:00h

22 October 2020

How being single or stripped in a binary affects the death of massive stars Print Abstract Eva Laplace University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 15:00h

15 October 2020

The Magellanic Stream - Circumnavigating the Galaxy Print Abstract Andrew Fox ESA/AURA, STScI, Baltimore, MD, USA Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 15:00h

8 October 2020

Fundamental stellar parameters of benchmark stars for large stellar surveys of the Milky Way Print Abstract Iva Karovicova University of Heidelberg, Germany Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 15:00h

1 October 2020

Phosphine in the Clouds of Venus Print Abstract Jane Greaves Cardiff University Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 15:00h

10 September 2020

Concept Study for a Mercury Lander

Print Abstract Sébastien Besse ESA/ESAC, Madrid, Spain​​​​​ Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 10:30h

23 July 2020

X-raying the winds of massive stars using high mass X-ray binaries

Print Abstract Victoria Grinberg Tübingen University, Germany​​​​​ Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 10:30h

16 July 2020

eRosita: looking at the Universe with 7 open X-ray eyes

Print Abstract Mara Salvato Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 10:30h

9 July 2020

EuroMoonMars Highlights and Results

Print Abstract Bernard Foing ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 10:30h

25 June 2020

Europa and its water vapour plumes

Print Abstract Hans Huybrighs ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 10:30h

18 June 2020

The Dusk of Planets - planetary destruction and the fate of planets around stars in their end stages

Print Abstract Markus Kissler-Patig ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain Virtual Seminar

Thursday 10:30h

4 June 2020

The ESO Extremely Large Telescope Print Abstract Jason Spyromilio European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 14:30h

28 May 2020

Is the Dark Matter made of Primordial Black Holes? Print Abstract Günther Hasinger ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 10:30h

7 May 2020

Variability of black hole outflows Print Abstract Michael Parker ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 10:30h

30 April 2020

An update on the icy moons: The first global geomorphological map of Titan and lab experiments for the 'JUICE' moons Print Abstract Anezina Solomonidou ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 10:30h

16 April 2020

Wind accretion in high-mass X-ray binaries Print Abstract Ileyk El Mellah KU Leuven, Belgium Virtual Seminar

Thursday, 11:30h

27 February 2020

What determines the open solar flux?
Print Abstract

Matthew Owens

(invited speaker)

University of Reading, UK B3

Thursday, 10:30h

20 February 2020

Harvesting the fruits of a new spectral database: from hollows to explosive volcanism on Mercury
Print Abstract Oceane Barraud NRS Observatoire de Paris, LESIA, Meudon, France B3
Thursday, 10:30h

13 February 2020

GNSS technology in support to moon exploration: a great opportunity for Europe Print Abstract Javier Ventura-Traveset ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain B3

Thursday, 10:30h

6 February 2020

Resolving X-ray Obscuration Biases with Isotropic AGN Selection Print Abstract Peter Boormann Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic B3

Thursday 10:30h

30 January 2020

Exploring the asteroid belt from the ground with VLT/SPHERE

Print Abstract

Benoit Carry

Oservatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Nice, France


Thursday, 10:30h

16 January 2020

Demonstrating Resources that Link Astronomy Research with Education
Print Abstract Fraser Lewis Faulkes Telescope  Project, Liverpool John Moores University, Open University, UK B3

Thursday 10:30h

19 December 2019


New views on the Galaxy from the Gaia space mission Print Abstract

Amina Helmi

(invited speaker)

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands

