ESAC Research Fellow Mentors

This page presents the ESA staff scientists at ESAC who can serve as the primary mentors for ESA Research Fellows

Additional collaboration with other Faculty Members, particular current Research Fellows and researchers at the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), is of course also encouraged. Further information can be found within the Faculty Science pages.


Solar system studies

Nicolas Altobelli

Michael Küppers

Patrick Martin
Disc evolution and planet formation Bruno Merín
Late stages of stellar evolution Pedro Garcia-Lario
Massive stars and star clusters / stellar evolution Danny Lennon
Galactic Centre studies Guillaume Bélanger
Galactic high-energy astronomy

Peter Kretschmar

Erik Kuulkers

Jan-Uwe Ness

High-energy extragalactic astronomy

Matthias Ehle

Maria Santos Lleo

Norbert Schartel

Galaxy clusters, cosmic infrared background, gravitational lensing Bruno Altieri
Cosmic Microwave Background Luca Conversi