8. ESAC. Straying from the path: improving the XMM-Newton mirror models with out-of-field observations of Sco X-1 - ESAC Trainees
8. Straying from the path: improving the XMM-Newton mirror models with out-of-field observations of Sco X-1
ESA supervisor: Felix Meeker-Fuerst
Collaborator(s): Ivan Valtchanov
Site: ESAC
XMM-Newton is the X-ray telescope of ESA and a workhorse for understanding black holes, supernovae, and galaxy clusters. It works by focusing X-rays through 3 telescopes made of gold coated concentric mirror shells. The mirrors were measured on the ground and based on these data a mirror model was built, which is still in use today. This model describes the effective area of the mirrors at different energies and off-axis angles. Some astrophysical observations show that the model might not perfectly reflect reality and needs updating.
In this trainee project, the successful candidate will analyse recently obtained out-of-field observation of Sco X-1, which show characteristic single reflection rings from the mirror shells. By comparing the images of these shells to ray-tracing simulations based on a custom-built software, a better understanding of the exact alignment of all shells can be obtained. These data will be paramount to update the mirror model and improve the calibration of XMM-Newton.
The candidate will work in close collaboration with the calibration experts at ESAC and the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany. The project sits at the intersection between engineering and science and is therefore suited for any candidate curious about X-ray optics, X-ray astronomy, and modern satellite operations. The expected duration is 6 months, to allow time for the candidate to familiarize themselves with XMM-Newton and the necessary software.
Project duration: 6 months.
Desirable expertise or programming language:
- Enthusiasm and curiosity for exploring scientific data.
- The trainee should be comfortable with working in an international environment
- Some experience with command line computing (e.g. terminal, Unix) and a scripting language (e.g. python) is beneficial.
- Basic knowledge about X-ray telescopes and X-ray data is desirable, but not required.
To apply for this project please fill in an online application form through the following link.
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