THE HEliophysics ARchives user group (HAUS)

ESA supports cutting-edge Heliophysics research worldwide thanks to missions like Solar Orbiter, Cluster, SOHO, Ulysses, Proba-2, ISS-Solaces, Proba-3 and soon SMILE. The ease of retrieving high-quality data from the online archives of these missions contributes to their scientific success. These archives serve the scientific communities in Europe and worldwide with the best calibrated data, value added data products, and visualization services. Some of these archives also include documentation in the form of user guides and calibration reports. In order to better serve the needs of the heliophysics scientific communities, ESA has established a Heliophysics Archives USers group (HAUS). Members of the HAUS group are appointed for two years.


ScOPE and Objectives

The HAUS group advises ESA, providing suggestions and recommendations in the following areas:

  • Review of individual archives to identify shortcomings or missing functionality;
  • Suggest inclusion in the archives of data not currently served but related to the missions;
  • Advise on the main functionalities of a future web service linking the Heliophysics archives and the Planetary Science Archive;
  • Identify the most important functionalities of a future overarching multi-missions Solar Archive (e.g. combining data from Solar Orbiter, SOHO, PROBA-2, ISS-SOLACES,  Proba-3 and soon SMILE).
  • Review the development of the overarching Heliophysics web services activities to ensure that they best meet the needs of the user community within the available resources.
  • Participate in the peer review of applications for the Archival Research Visitor Programme


HAUS MEMBERS (2018-2023)


HAUS group members


Dr. Markus Roth (TLS, Tautenburg, Germany)

Solar Atmosphere

Prof. Louise Harra (PMOD/WRC/ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Solar and interplanetary transients

Dr. Astrid Veronig (Univ. Graz, Austria)

Heliophysics particles

Dr. Jan Gieseler (University of Turku, Finland)

Heliophysics fields

Dr. Daniel Graham (IRFU, Sweden)

Heliophysics Archive expert

Dr. Baptiste Cecconi (Observatoire de Paris) 


Previous members
Dr. Miho Janvier (IAS, France)
Dr. Christopher Chen (Queen Mary Univ. London, UK)
Dr. Vincent Genot (IRAP, Toulouse) 



The 7th HAUS group meeting will be held online, on 21 March 2025.
The 6th HAUS group meeting was held at ESAC 21-22 February 2023. Minutes and presentations can be found
The 5th HAUS group meeting was held in February 2021 online. Minutes and presentations can be found here
Telecon in July 2020 about the Solar MAgnetic Connection Haus tool (Solar MACH), see ESDC GitHub and directly here
The 4th HAUS group meeting was held 01-02 October 2019 at ETH, Zurich. Minutes and presentations can be found here
The 3rd HAUS group meeting was held 15-16 January 2019 via telecon. Minutes and presentations can be found here
The 2nd HAUS group meeting was held 4-5 June 2018 at KIS/Freiburg Univ., Germany. Minutes and presentations here.
The 1st HAUS group meeting was held 16-17 January 2018 at ESAC. General discussion and introduction of group members scientific epxertise and usage of ESA/NASA data archives.

2017 HAUS group Terms of Reference: here