CHEOPS (Benz et al., is a European Space Agency (ESA) mission in partnership with Switzerland with important contributions to the payload and the ground segment from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The satellite has a single payload comprising an ultra-high precision photometer covering the 330 - 1100 nm wavelength range in a single photometric band. Observations are made as part of the Guaranteed Time Observing Programme that is formulated by the CHEOPS Science Team, and the Guest Observers Programme through which the Community at large can apply for CHEOPS time.

Below is a list of all CHEOPS visits observed as part of the GTO and GO (including Discretionary Time) Programmes, sorted by target name. Note that the same line of sight may have been observed in visits from different programmes and with different target names


Bridging CHEOPS and Twinkle: forming long TTV baselines for the multi-planet system K2-266

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Eclipsing binaries with very low mass stars

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - CHEOPS/Espresso fully characterization of the stellar active regions properties

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Fast rotating stars

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Low level variability on short time scales of Mdwarfs

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Low level variability on short time scales of Mdwarfs

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Planet remnants around evolved stars with CHEOPS

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Planet remnants around evolved stars with CHEOPS

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Recovering ephemeris

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Short-period EBLM and hot-Jupiter systems

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Short-period EBLM and hot-Jupiter systems

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Stars through the He-flash

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - Supporting RM measurements of active stars

ANCILLARY SCIENCE - TNO/Centaurus with stellar occultations

ATMOS.CHAR - 55 Cancri e

ATMOS.CHAR - Flash heating of an eccentric gas giant

ATMOS.CHAR - Is there variable dayside emission from MASCARA-1b?

ATMOS.CHAR - Occultations

ATMOS.CHAR - Orbital phase-curves and eclipse mapping of hot gas giants

ATMOS.CHAR - Ultra-Short Period Planets

Axis 1 - Architecture of Resonant Chains (ARC)

Axis 1 - CompoSubNeptu

Axis 1 - CompoSubNeptu

Axis 1 - Constraining the abundance of water in hot planets (HotWatermelon)

Axis 1 - DETECTIVE CHEOPS: Confirming small transiting planets on long orbital periods

Axis 1 - Opening the treasure chest of the young golden system AU Mic with CHEOPS

Axis 1 - Uncovering a maverick population: CHEOPS observations of hot Jupiter systems with inner small companions (MAVERICK)

Axis 2 - A Deep search for hot JupIter VAriability (DIVA)

Axis 3 - Measuring tides that shape planetary systems (TIDES)

Axis 3 - Photometric Transients in Dusty Debris Disks

Axis 3 - Photometric transits of exocomets

Axis 3 - Where are the exomoons?

Axis2 - Terminators

CHATEAUX - CHeops And TEss vAlidate Unconfirmed eXoplanets [PILOT]

CHEOPS at School - building bridges between education and space science

CHEOPS can confirm an Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of a metal-poor M-dwarf neighbour

CHEOPS transits of a 100 Myr old super-Earth in AB Dor moving group

Catching the Transit of a Long Period Planet to Support Future Atmospheric Characterisation

Characterization of the very young planet DS Tuc b with CHEOPS

Cloudiness of three warm Sub-Neptunes

Confirmation of the first planet to be associated with the Pleiades cluster

Confirming and characterising a Catastrophically Disintegrating Hot Rocky Planet orbiting DMPP-1

Confirming the Eclipse Variability of the Ultrahot Neptune, LTT 9779b

Constraining Refractory Species and Characterising the Stellar Environment of the Inflated hot-Jupiter WASP-17 b

Constraining the Scattering Properties of Condensates in the Ultrahot Neptune, LTT 9779b

Constraining the morning and evening limbs of the hot jupiters WASP-79b and WASP-101b

Determining the internal structure of the young hierarchical triple HD 144548

Discriminating between conflicting measurements of WASP-161b: Insights into the planet's atmosphere

Dynamical masses and bulk compositions of newly-found TESS and ASTEP-confirmed sub-Neptunes

EARLY.SCI - Before-Early Science Programme

EXPLORE - CHEOPS view on enigmatic objects

EXPLORE - ChOIs: CHEOPS Objects of Interest. Identifying non-TOI candidates with CHEOPS

EXPLORE - Duos: Recovering long period duo-transiting planets with CHEOPS

EXPLORE - Duos: Recovering long period duo-transiting planets with CHEOPS

EXPLORE - Dusty Debris Disks

EXPLORE - FTO - Alpha Cen recon photometry with CHEOPS

EXPLORE - Is there a transiting planet around Alpha Centauri?



Ephemeris Refinement of Key Targets for the ESA-Ariel Mission

Exploring the Diversity of Small Planet Compositions

FEATURE.CHAR - Moon and Rings

FEATURE.CHAR - Stellar obliquity measurements from gravity darkening

FEATURE.CHAR - Tidal decay


Hidden Gems - Giant Exoplanets around Main-Sequence Stars

How Cloudy is the Neptune Desert?

Hunting for a Transit of a HARPS-N Known Exoplanet Target around a TESS Blend

Hunting for exocomets transiting the young naked-eye star 5 Vulpeculae

IOC-C-002 -- SciReq.

IOC-D-005 : Reference transits

IOC-D-008: Feasibility check of early GTO targets

IOC-D-011: very bright star

Improving the bulk densities for small planets observed with HARPS-N, K2, TESS, and CHEOPS

Investigating the multicolor phase curves of underexplored giant exoplanets

Is the Neptune-mass planet around the bright HD67228 transiting?

KELT-22A b: An ideal candidate for the first definitive detection of orbital tidal dissipation and determination of the second degree fluid Love number



MR.IMPROVE - Fast-track

MR.IMPROVE - Gas content of low-mass planets

MR.IMPROVE - Mass-Radius relation in multiple systems

MR.IMPROVE - System Architecture


Measuring the orbital obliquity of the warm Jupiter K2-139b

Measuring timing transit variations in the dynamically remarkable system K2-138

Monitoring active regions on the Io Galilean moon

Observing the second HD88986b transit event: a temperate sub-Neptune characterized by TESS and SOPHIE

Period Measurement of The Brightest-Host Transiting Habitable Zone Terrestrial Exoplanet

Photometric Confirmation of The Brightest-Host Transiting Habitable Zone Terrestrial Exoplanet

Pinning down a young planetary system: CHEOPS observations of AU Mic (CHAUMic)

Pinning down orbital period, transit ephemeris, and radius of the infant planet V1298 Tau e

Planetary Material Orbiting White Dwarfs

Precise Mass Measurement for the Compact Object in LS 5039: The Heaviest Neutron Star or the Lightest Stellar-mass Black Hole?

Probing the starspots of WASP-85 A

Rapidly rotating stars and their transiting planets: a unique laboratory of many astrophysical effects

Readying a warm sub-Neptune orbiting around the bright, Sun-like star TOI-4320, for future atmospheric characterisation

Refining parameters of grazing transiting exoplanets with CHEOPS and TESS

Rescuing Longer Period TESS Planet Candidates for Future Atmospheric Characterisation

Resolving the dynamical history of the hot Jupiter WASP-132b and its inner mini-Neptune companion

SoM - CHeops And TEss vAlidate Unconfirmed eXoplanets

SoM - CHeops And TEss vAlidate Unconfirmed eXoplanets

Solving the orbital ambiguity of a new transiting circumbinary planet TIC 172900988-b

Stellar Occultation by Minor Bodies in our Solar System with CHEOPS

TRANSIT.FIND - Search for transits of low-mass RV planets

Teasing a star with a planet. A CHEOPS study of HD 17156 and its hot Jupiter.

Test larget imagettes

The First Young Jupiter Transit with CHEOPS

The TTVs of a compact planetary system around an early-type star with CHEOPS

The coolest small planet: Catching the transit of a small planet orbiting an M dwarf with P>100d and a precise mass from HARPS-N

The most precise radius and mass determination of an exoearth

Three Resonant Planets: Tracking the Nearby Multi-Planet System GJ9827

Transit Timing Variations of XO-3b: Gaining Insights into the Orbital Evolution of a Hot Jupiter

Two Baby sub-Neptunes, One Visit: A Snapshot of Atmosphere Evolution

Two sub-Neptunes in short orbit around two bright young G and K stars

Unveiling the origin of an in-phase additional dimming in the TESS light curve of a known exoplanet

Very Faint Stars: Performance

What is the nature of the young planets in the V1298 Tau System?