Integral - ESDC
Integral DOI Overview page
Proposal ID | Title | PI |
2002 | ||
0060002 | OMC flat field #27 for rev 11 | Public |
0060004 | Cygnus on-axis staring observation during COM-phase | Public |
0060006 | Empty field 1 staring observation | Public |
0060012 | OMC Cygnus PR full FOV image | Public |
0060007 | Cygnus X-1 on-axis staring (Cal No 1) | Public |
0060008 | Cygnus X-1 sequence of off-axis pointings (JEM-013) | Public |
0060009 | Cygnus X-1 offset 2.67deg dither 5x5 (Cal No 2) | Public |
0060010 | Cygnus X-1 onaxis hexagone dither (Cal No 5) | Public |
8860012 | Cygnus X-1 offset 7.4 deg dither 5x5 (Cal No. 3) - public part after end of commissioning | Public |
8860006 | Cygnus X-1 offset 9.65 dither 5x5 (Cal No 4) | Public |
8860007 | Empty field 2 staring (obs1-3), empty backup A staring (obs4-6) (Cal No 8) | Public |
8860011 | Om flatfield #8 calibration sequence | Public |
0199801 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 1 | ISWT |
0120214 | Integral Spectroscopy of Radio Quiet QSOs | Orr |
2003 | ||
0129700 | Core observations for AO | Amalgamated |
0120023 | The Physics of AGN: a Deep Understanding of the Quasar 3C 273 | Courvoisier |
0120133 | Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in SN1006: Synchrotron Radiation and Nonthermal Bremsstrahlung in Hard X-Rays | Reynolds |
0120134 | The Investigation of Non-Thermal Hard X-ray Emission in Coma Cluster | Vikhlinin |
0120112 | Connections between Line Emission, Radio Jets and Spec- tral States in the Black Hole X-Ray Transient 4U 1630-47 | Tomsick |
8860013 | Empty field observation for IBIS s/w patch upload | Former Public |
8860019 | Crab onaxis staring observation (Cal#11) | Former Public |
8860015 | Crab 9.6/90. degree offaxis staring observation (Cal#13) | Former Public |
8860016 | Crab 9.6/180. degree offaxis staring observation (Cal#14) | Former Public |
8860017 | Crab 9.6/270. degree offaxis staring observation (Cal#15) | Former Public |
8860018 | Crab 9.6/0. degree offaxis staring observation (Cal#12) | Former Public |
8860021 | Crab JEM-X offsets scans (Cal#19) | Former Public |
8860022 | Crab 10.4/315. degree offaxis staring observation (Cal#16) | Former Public |
8860024 | Crab on-axis hex-dither observation (Cal#18) | Former Public |
8860023 | Crab on-axis 5x5 observations (Cal#17) | Former Public |
8860029 | Crab offset 1 deg towards +z | Former Public |
8860028 | Crab offset 0.5 deg towards +y | Former Public |
8860027 | Crab offset 5 deg towards +y | Former Public |
8860026 | Crab offset 7 deg towards +y | Former Public |
8860025 | Crab offset 10 deg towards +y | Former Public |
8860030 | Verfication of onboard JEM-X selection | Public |
0120118 | Measuring the High Energy Emission of the Galactic Bulge Black Hole X-ray Novae in outburst | Goldwurm |
0199912 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 1 pattern 2 | ISWT |
0199913 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 1 pattern 3 | ISWT |
0199914 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 1 pattern 4 | ISWT |
0120252 | The Many Faces of GRS 1915+105 | Hannikainen |
0120126 | Broad Band Observations of Centaurus A with INTEGRAL/RXTE | Rothschild |
0120192 | The Study of Evolution of Hard X-ray Emission from Aql X-1 During a Outburst | Molkov |
8860031 | OMC FF #28 | Public |
0199911 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 1 pattern 1 | ISWT |
0120206 | Hard X-ray emission from clusters of galaxies | Hornstrup |
0120105 | An Integral Study of Galactic Black Hole States | Lewin |
0110010 | INTEGRAL CP Observations of TOOs: Superluminal sources | ISWT |
0120014 | Known Black Hole Candidates in Outburst | Parmar |
0199923 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 2 pattern 3 | ISWT |
0199924 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 2 pattern 4 | ISWT |
0199922 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 2 pattern 2 | ISWT |
0199921 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 2 pattern 1 | ISWT |
0120207 | X to Gamma Ray deep observations of two X-ray Bursters. | Bazzano |
0120094 | INTEGRAL observations of the reflection component in Seyfert Galaxies | Fabian |
0120281 | Spectral observations of SS 433 | Cherepashchuk |
0120230 | INTEGRAL Observation of the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy Mrk 273 | Dermer |
8860034 | OMC FF sequence | Public |
0120024 | Buried Quasars in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies | Mirabel |
0120068 | A hard X-ray investigation of Bright IR galaxies | Della Ceca |
0120195 | Quest for the Origin of the Magnetic Field of Neutron Stars through the Search for Cyclotron Resonance Features | Makishima |
0120085 | The Hard X-Ray and Correlated Multifrequency Properties of the Blazar 3C 279 | Collmar |
0120102 | Cygnus X-1 in the hard state | Malzac |
0110009 | INTEGRAL CP observations of the Vela Region | ISWT |
8860035 | OMC FF sequence | Public |
0120039 | Exposing the Binary Heart of eta-Carinae with Gamma-Rays | Butt |
0120187 | Combined INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton spectroscopy of Seyfert Galaxies | Barr |
8860036 | OMC FF sequence | Public |
0120212 | INTEGRAL observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud | Coe |
0120121 | Probing the BHXRB-AGN connection at high energies: the search for spectral cut-offs in high and low state AGN | Uttley |
0120244 | A Search for Non-Thermal Hard X-ray Emission from Magnetically Active Stars | Guedel |
8860038 | Empty field Backup A | Public |
0120284 | The nature of the hard X-ray component in Sco X-1 | Van der Klis |
0120236 | A multiwavelength study of Sco X-1 and its relativistic jets | Stella |
0120191 | More INTEGRAL Observations of Nearby Supernovae | Leising |
0120036 | INTEGRAL Observations of a 2.22 MeV Source Candidate | McConnell |
8860041 | Crab off-axis 14/315 observation | Public |
8860039 | Crab on-axis observations | Public |
8860040 | Crab off-axis 12.5/0. observation | Public |
0120114 | Probing the physics of high-energy spectra of NGC 4151 and IC 4329A with INTEGRAL | Zdziarski |
0120213 | Ultra deep exposure of the Galactic Center region. | Sunyaev |
8860037 | OMC FF sequence | Public |
0120016 | Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters | Hurley |
8860042 | OMC FF sequence | Public |
0120203 | Observations of IC443 with INTEGRAL: A Supernova Remnant in a Molecular Cloud | Bykov |
0120248 | Multiwavelength observations of galactic low-mass X-ray binaries: The high-energy tail - radio jet connection | Mendez |
8860045 | Emty field observation post solar flare | Public |
8860043 | OMC FF sequence | Public |
0120125 | To the bottom of the explosion forming Cas A: Observing 44Ti and the hard X-ray emission | Vink |
8860046 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0299819 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 19 | ISWT |
2004 | ||
0299820 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 20 | ISWT |
0120148 | Probing core collapse: 44Ti and 60Co nucleosynthesis in SN 1987A | Knodlseder |
0299821 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 21 | ISWT |
0120157 | The Cygnus X region: a nucleosynthesis laboratory for INTEGRAL | Knodlseder |
8860044 | OMC FF sequence | Public |
0299822 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 22 | ISWT |
0299823 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 23 | ISWT |
0229700 | Core observations for AO 02 | Amalgamated |
0299912 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 12 | ISWT |
0220007 | INTEGRAL monitoring of the hard X-ray properties of IGR J16318-4848 simultaneously with XMM-Newton | Kuulkers |
0299824 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 24 | ISWT |
0220035 | The disk/jet coupling in the black holes GX 339-4 and XTE J1550-564 during the low-hard X-ray state | Corbel |
0299911 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 11 | ISWT |
8860050 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0299913 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 13 | ISWT |
0299917 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 17 | ISWT |
0220140 | Non-Thermal Hard X-Rays from Magnetically Active Stars | Guedel |
8860049 | Crab calibration spring/04 IBIS | Public |
8860048 | Crab calibration spring/04 SPI | Public |
0299914 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 14 | ISWT |
0220133 | Galactic Center Field: Ultra Deep Exposure II | Sunyaev |
0299915 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 15 | ISWT |
0299916 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 16 | ISWT |
0270001 | PSR B1259-63 | Kretschmar |
0220104 | Deep observations of the Sagittarius Arm tangent (l$\sim$40, b$\sim$0) | Cherepashchuk |
0299825 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 25 | ISWT |
0220114 | Understanding the High Energy Activity of the Galactic Nucleus with INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton | Goldwurm |
8860051 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0220112 | Observations of IC 443 with INTEGRAL: a Supernova Remnant in a Molecular Cloud | Bykov |
0299826 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 26 | ISWT |
0299827 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 27 | ISWT |
0299828 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 28 | ISWT |
8860052 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0299829 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 29 | ISWT |
0299830 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 30 | ISWT |
0299831 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 31 | ISWT |
0299832 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 32 | ISWT |
0220119 | Multiwavelength observations of galactic low-mass X-ray binaries: The high-energy tail - radio jet connection | Mendez |
8860053 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0220151 | Spectral variability of NGC 5548 - pivoting or two components? | McHardy |
0270002 | TOO observation of 3C 273 in low "mm" state | Courvoisier |
0220145 | Simulraneous INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton onservations of Seyfert Galaxies | Barr |
0299833 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 33 | ISWT |
0299834 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 34 | ISWT |
8860054 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0299835 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 35 | ISWT |
0220089 | Still More Integral Observations of Supernovae | Leising |
0220078 | Measuring the high-energy spectrum in the Very High State of GX 339-4 | Belloni |
8860055 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0220010 | Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters | Hurley |
0299836 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 36 | ISWT |
0299922 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 22 Cycle 2 | ISWT |
0299837 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 37 | ISWT |
0299921 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 21 Cycle 1 | ISWT |
0299838 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 38 | ISWT |
0299923 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 23 Cycle 3 | ISWT |
0299927 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 27 Cycle 7 | ISWT |
0299839 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 39 | ISWT |
0220094 | Target of Opportunity Observation(s) of an Outburst in X0115+63 | Santangelo |
8860057 | Crab - on-axis staring - IBIS rise-time selection | Public |
8860058 | Crab - 5x5 - 40 arcmin spacing | Public |
8860056 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
8860059 | Crab - 180 deg arc - 4 deg off-axis - 4 deg spacing along arc | Public |
8860060 | Crab - 5x5 - 2 degrees | Public |
0299840 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 40 | ISWT |
0299924 | Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 24 Cycle 4 | ISWT |
8860061 | RWB operation | Public |
0299841 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 41 | ISWT |
0220028 | New facets of GRS 1915+105 | Rodriguez |
0299842 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 42 | ISWT |
8860062 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0299843 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 43 | ISWT |
0220105 | Simultaneous INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton Observations of Cyg X-1 | Wilms |
0220033 | INTEGRAL Studies of borderline Compton thick Seyfert 2 Galaxies | Dean |
0299844 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 44 | ISWT |
0299845 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 45 | ISWT |
0220032 | Understanding the Seyfert 1 Nucleus and its Local Environment | Dean |
0299846 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 46 | ISWT |
8860063 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0220123 | Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst | Falanga |
0299847 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 47 | ISWT |
0299848 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 48 | ISWT |
0299849 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 49 | ISWT |
0299850 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 50 | ISWT |
0220146 | High Energy Variability and Particle Acceleration in the Quasar 3C273 | McHardy |
0299851 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 51 | ISWT |
2005 | ||
0270003 | V0332+43 | Public |
8860064 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0220154 | The investigation of Non-thermal Hard X-ray Emission in Coma Cluster | Vikhlinin |
0299852 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 52 | ISWT |
0220141 | The soft gamma-ray timing and spectral characteristics of PSR B1509-58 | Hermsen |
0299801 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 01 | ISWT |
0299802 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 02 | ISWT |
0299803 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 03 | ISWT |
8860066 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0320109 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
0320065 | Early Rises of X-ray Novae | Swank |
0320045 | Connecting Black Hole States and Accretion Flow Geometry | Miller |
0399801 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 01 | ISWT |
0399914 | Galactic lattitude scan Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 1 | ISWT |
8860068 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
8860073 | Crab at 14.5 deg spring/05 | ISWT |
8860071 | Crab spring/05 SPI/IBIS 5*5 | ISWT |
8860069 | Crab spring/05 IBIS 10 deg arc | ISWT |
0399802 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 02 | ISWT |
0399913 | Norma arm Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 1 | ISWT |
0399803 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 03 | ISWT |
0320092 | Galactic Center Field: Ultra Deep Exposure III | Sunyaev |
0399804 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 04 | ISWT |
0399912 | Scutum arm Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 1 | ISWT |
8860074 | OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards | Public |
0320038 | The Gamma-ray characteristics of nearby AGN | Dean |
0399805 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 05 | ISWT |
0320108 | All sky survey in the hard X-ray energy band | Churazov |
0399806 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 06 | ISWT |
0399807 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 07 | ISWT |
0399915 | Deep extra galactic survey Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 1 | ISWT |
0320102 | Deep observations of Crux spiral arm tangent | Revnivtsev |
8860075 | OMC FF#26 for rev 322 | Public |
0399808 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 08 | ISWT |
0399809 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 09 | ISWT |
0399810 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 10 | ISWT |
0329700 | Core observations for AO 032 | Amalgamated |
8860077 | OMC FF#04 for rev 334 | Public |
0399811 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 11 | ISWT |
8860078 | OMC FF#08 for rev 336 | Public |
0320110 | An INTEGRAL Way to Solve the X-ray Background Problem | Urry |
0399812 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 12 | ISWT |
0320041 | Probing the accretion on a magnetized neutron star by pulse profile and cyclotrone line studies in Her X-1 | Shakura |
0399813 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 13 | ISWT |
0320060 | Positrons in AGN Jets: Search for Annihilation Line Radiation | Marscher |
0320042 | New Black Hole X-Ray Novae in the Galactic Halo | Cadolle Bel |
0399923 | Norma arm Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 2 | ISWT |
8860080 | OMC FF#01 for rev 346 | Public |
0399814 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 14 | ISWT |
0320026 | Search for the Hard X-ray Break in Centaurus A with AstroE2/INTEGRAL | Rothschild |
0320043 | High-Energy Emission of Faint Galactic Bulge Black Hole X-Ray Novae in Outburst | Goldoni |
8860079 | Misscellaneous Pointing | Public |
0320049 | Target of Opportunity Observations of an Outburst in A 0535+26 | Kretschmar |
0399921 | Galactic Centre proposal for AO-3, cycle 2 | ISWT |
0320032 | Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst | Falanga |
0320020 | Deciphering the inscrutable microquasar GRS 1915+105 | Rodriguez |
0399922 | Scutum arm Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 2 | ISWT |
0399924 | Galactic lattitude scan Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 2 | ISWT |
8860081 | OMC FF#12 for rev 358 | Public |
0399934 | Galactic lattitude scan Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 3 | ISWT |
8860082 | Crab Staring for JEMX | ISWT |
8860083 | Crab 5*5 pattern | ISWT |
0320086 | INTEGRAL observation of primary eclipse in SS433 in precessional phase 0.5 | Cherepashchuk |
0370001 | TOO observation of IGR J17269-4737 | Turler |
0320093 | Study of the Role of Jet Emission in the Origin of Hard X-ray Components in Bright Low Mass X-ray Binaries | Di Salvo |
8860084 | OMC FF#30 for rev 370 | Public |
0399816 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 16 | ISWT |
0399817 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 17 | ISWT |
8860085 | OMC FF#28 for rev 382 | Public |
8860087 | RWB operation | Public |
8860090 | AOCS Calibration revolution 385 | Public |
0320056 | Probing the nature of Cas A's and Tycho's supernova explosions. | Vink |
0399818 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 18 | ISWT |
0399819 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 19 | ISWT |
2006 | ||
8860091 | OMC FF#08 for rev 394 | Public |
0399820 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 20 | ISWT |
0320058 | An INTEGRAL Observation of the Blazar 3C 279 in Optical 'High State' | Collmar |
0399821 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 21 | ISWT |
0399822 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 22 | ISWT |
0399823 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 23 | ISWT |
0399824 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 24 | ISWT |
8860092 | Earth Observation 1 | Public |
8860093 | Earth Observation 2 | Public |
8860094 | Earth Observation 3 | Public |
8860095 | Earth Observation 4 | Public |
0399825 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 25 | ISWT |
0310002 | CP TOO follow-up observations of unknown X-ray novae | ISWT |
8860096 | OMC FF#12 for rev 408 | Public |
0320013 | Galactic positron annihilation radiation: discriminating bulge, halo, and disk components by mid-latitude observations | Weidenspointner |
0399826 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 26 | ISWT |
0399931 | Galactic Centre proposal for AO-3, cycle 3 | ISWT |
0399827 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 27 | ISWT |
0399944 | Galactic lattitude scan Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 4 | ISWT |
8860097 | OMC FF#12 for rev 409 | Public |
0399828 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 28 | ISWT |
8860098 | Crab 5*5 2006 Spring | Public |
8860101 | Crab 0.5 deg arc 2006 Spring | Public |
8860104 | AOCS Calibration revolution 0422 | Public |
8860102 | Crab JEM-X/IBIS staring | Public |
8860100 | Crab 1 deg arc 2006 Spring | Public |
0399829 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 29 | ISWT |
0320028 | Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters | Hurley |
0399830 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 30 | ISWT |
8860105 | OMC FF#12 for rev 430 | Public |
0399932 | Scutum arm Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 3 | ISWT |
0399831 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 31 | ISWT |
0399832 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 32 | ISWT |
0320014 | Target of Opportunity Observations of a Major Radio/Hard X-Ray Flare in the Relativistic Jet Source Cygnus X-3 | McCollough |
0320044 | INTEGRAL identifies the Hard X-ray excess in Blazars' fields | Wolter |
0399833 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 33 | ISWT |
8860107 | OMC FF#9 for rev 442 | Public |
0399925 | Deep extra galactic survey Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 2 | ISWT |
0399835 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 35 | ISWT |
8860110 | AOCS Calibration revolution 0446 | Public |
0320033 | Dedicated observations of two INTEGRAL discovered AGN: IGR J21247+5058 and LEDA170194 | Bassani |
0399836 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 36 | ISWT |
0320076 | Observations of Mrk 421 in its active state with INTEGRAL | Lichti |
0399837 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 37 | ISWT |
0370002 | INTEGRAL ToO on 4U 0142+61 | Den Hartog |
0399838 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 38 | ISWT |
8860111 | OMC FF#36 for rev 455 | Public |
0399839 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 39 | ISWT |
0399840 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 40 | ISWT |
0320068 | Search for Isolated Stellar Mass Black Holes in Taurus GMC | Grindlay |
8860112 | OMC FF#37 for rev 466 | Public |
0399841 | Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 41 | ISWT |
0320081 | Probing Compton-thick Absorption: Simultaneous INTEGRAL/Astro E2 Observations of IGR J16318-4848 | Wilms |
0420001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
0420104 | Target of Opportunity Observation(s) of Known and Unknown X-ray Pulsating Transients in Outburst | Santangelo |
0410001 | AO-4 CP: Deep obs. of Galactic Plane | ISWT |
0420034 | A Hard X-ray monitoring of the ~900 square degrees centered on GRS 1915+105 | Rodriguez |
0430000 | Key Programme AO-4 | Key Programme |
8860113 | OMC FF#33 for rev 478 | Public |
0420008 | Massive Stars of Orion OB1 and the ISM | Diehl |
8860114 | Crab calibration autumn 2006 | Public |
0420021 | Galactic positron annihilation radiation: proving the existence of halo emission by mid-latitude observations | Weidenspointner |
8860115 | OMC FF#33 for rev 490 | Public |
0420024 | A high-energy study of the enigmatic Blazar PKS 0537-286 | Ajello |
0420087 | Thermonuclear Pathways in X-ray Bursts from GS 1826-24 | Galloway |
8860116 | AOCS calibrations revolution 501 | Public |
8860117 | AOCS calibrations revolution 502 | Public |
8860118 | OMC FF#35 for rev 504 | Public |
0420003 | Compton reflection in the Seyfert 1.9 galaxy MCG -05-23-016 | Beckmann |
8860119 | OMC FF#35 for rev 513 | Public |
0420073 | Dissecting the Milky Way: Stellar Ridge, Cosmic Rays, Annihilation Radiation, Nucleosynthesis | Sunyaev |
2007 | ||
0420083 | Studying the pre-periastron flare of GX 301-2 | Kreykenbohm |
0420102 | A Study of the Warm Absorber in the Dipping LMXB 4U 1254-690 Using Broad-band Integral Observations | Balman |
0420077 | Spectral variability of NGC 4151 | Walter |
0480001 | Thruster calibration for rev 522 | Public |
8860120 | Dummy pointing | Public |
0420056 | Y A Deep Examination of Black Hole States with INTEGRAL | Miller |
0470001 | ToO on Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 4U 0142+61 | Den Hartog |
0420030 | INTEGRAL ToO observations of known transient X-ray sources, coordinated with XMM-Newton | Sidoli |
8860121 | OMC FF#13 for rev 534 | Public |
8860127 | Crab-2007 Spring: SPI 5x5 pattern | Public |
8860123 | Crab-2007 Spring: JEM-X grey filter test | Public |
8860124 | Crab-2007 Spring: JEM-X anode segments test | Public |
8860125 | Crab-2007 Spring: JEM-X VC settings test | Public |
8860126 | Crab-2007 Spring: IBIS on-axis staring | Public |
0420062 | Another opportunity to observe X and gamma ray flares from the Galactic Nucleus with INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton | Goldwurm |
8860128 | OMC FF#33 for rev 546 | Public |
0420016 | Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters | Hurley |
0470002 | ToO observations on Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937 | Den Hartog |
0420052 | Revealingthe structure of hard X-ray eclipse in SS 433 by INTEGRAL | Cherepashchuk |
8860132 | OMC FF#26 for rev 559 | Public |
8860133 | AOCS calibration rev 562 | Public |
8860136 | OMC FF#34 for rev 570 | Public |
8860137 | OMC FF#32 for rev 582 | Public |
0520001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
0510001 | AO-5 CP: Deep obs. of Galactic Plane | ISWT |
0530000 | AO-5 Key Programme 1: Galactic Centre | Key Programme |
8860138 | OMC FF#32 for rev 594 | Public |
0520028 | Fundamental physics in Hercules X-1: sub-Eddington accretion and neutron star free precession | Staubert |
8860139 | Crab-2007 Fall: SPI 5x5 pattern | Public |
8860141 | Crab-2007 Fall: JEM-X staring | Public |
8860140 | Crab-2007 Fall: IBIS on-axis staring | Public |
0520005 | Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters | Hurley |
0520071 | Dissecting the Milky Way II: Stellar Ridge, Cosmic Rays, Annihilation Radiation, Nucleosynthesis | Sunyaev |
0520029 | Revealing the structure of hard X-ray corona in SS433 by INTEGRAL | Cherepashchuk |
0520018 | Monitoring the ~900 square degrees centred on GRS 1915+105 at hard X-rays | Rodriguez |
0520026 | Determining the Galactic distribution of positron annihilation radiation by mid-latitude observations | Weidenspointner |
8860143 | OMC FF#24 for rev 618 | Public |
0520031 | INTEGRAL follow-up observations of AGILE-triggered gamma-ray flaring blazars | Vercellone |
0531000 | AO-5 Key Programme 2: North Ecliptic Pole | Key Programme |
0532000 | AO-5 Key Programme 3: Cygnus region | Key Programme |
8860144 | OMC FF#35 for rev 630 | Public |
0529700 | Core observations for AO 052 | Amalgamated |
0520037 | Spectral variability of NGC 4151 | Walter |
2008 | ||
0520008 | Gamm-Ray Line Emission from the Superbubble | Iyudin |
0520047 | The First INTEGRAL Image of M31 | Kong |
8860145 | OMC FF#31 for rev 641 | Public |
0520056 | Testing the external-radiation-Compton model for blazars. | Moderski |
0520032 | A long look at X Per (4U 0352+309) | Kreykenbohm |
8860148 | OMC FF#32 for rev 654 | Public |
0520068 | Monitoring the next outburst of 4U0115+63 with INTEGRAL | Wilms |
8860149 | Crab-2008 Spring: SPI 5x5 r665 | Public |
8860150 | Crab-2008 Spring: SPI 5x5 r666 | Public |
8860151 | Crab-2008 Spring: JEM-X/IBIS staring | Public |
8860152 | OMC FF#33 for rev 667 | Public |
0520050 | Observation of an X-ray burster with weak persistent emission in a bursting state | Molkov |
0520051 | Observations of Mrk 421 in its active state with INTEGRAL | Von Kienlin |
8860158 | OMC FF#22 for rev 680 | Public |
8860159 | OMC FF#27 for rev 690 | Public |
0520048 | A Complete AGN Census at High Energies with INTEGRAL | Virani |
8860160 | OMC FF#32 for rev 702 | Public |
0620001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
0620052 | Resolving the PKS 0208-512 sky region at hard X-rays by INTEGRAL | Zhang |
8860161 | OMC FF#31 for rev 714 | Public |
0620014 | Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters | Hurley |
0620002 | Compton reflection and plasma temperature in NGC 2110 | Beckmann |
0610001 | AO-6 CP: Deep observations of the Perseus Arm | ISWT |
0620029 | INTEGRAL study of hard X-ray corona eclipse in SS433 | Cherepashchuk |
0630000 | AO-6 Key Programme 1: Galactic Centre | Key Programme |
0620021 | "INTEGRAL-ly" monitoring GRS 1915+105 over the electromagnetic spectrum | Rodriguez |
8860164 | OMC FF#33 for rev 726 | Public |
8860165 | Crab-2008 Fall: SPI 5x5 r727 | Public |
8860166 | Crab-2008 Fall: SPI 5x5 r728 | Public |
8860167 | Crab-2008 Fall: JEM-X staring r728 | Public |
0620059 | Dissecting the Milky Way III: Stellar Ridge, Cosmic Rays, Annihilation Radiation, Nucleosynthesis | Sunyaev |
0620034 | INTEGRAL prompt observations magnetars' outbursts | Gotz |
0620041 | A Multi-Wavelength Study of Black Hole States with INTEGRAL | Miller |
8860168 | OMC FF#33 for rev 738 | Public |
0632000 | AO-6 Key Programme 3: Cygnus region | Key Programme |
0634000 | AO-6 Key Programme 5: SMC/47 Tuc | Key Programme |
0635000 | AO-6 Key Programme 6: Virgo Cluster | Key Programme |
8860169 | OMC FF#9 for rev 750 | Public |
0631000 | AO-6 Key Programme 2: North Ecliptic Pole | Key Programme |
2009 | ||
8860170 | OMC FF#4 for rev 762 | Public |
0620015 | A long INTEGRAL Observation of Centaurus A: Radio-Gamma-Ray SED Modeling of Nuclear Jet Models | Rothschild |
0620060 | New Generation High-Energy Spectra of the Gamma-Ray Blazar 3C 279 with XMM-Newton, INTEGRAL and GLAST | Collmar |
0670001 | 1E1547.0-5408 in outburst | Public |
0620062 | ToO observation of a non-INTEGRAL-detected Anomalous X-ray Pulsar | Den Hartog |
0620022 | Gamma-ray emission from Eta Carinae | Leyder |
8860173 | Crab-2009 Spring: 5x5 r774 | Public |
8860174 | Crab-2009 Spring: mask corners r774 | Public |
8860175 | OMC FF#31 for rev 774 | Public |
0633000 | AO-6 Key Programme 4: Inner Galactic Disk | Key Programme |
8860176 | OMC FF#33 for rev 786 | Public |
0620054 | Monitoring 4U 1907+09 with INTEGRAL | Pottschmidt |
8860178 | OMC FF#33 for rev 798 | Public |
0620007 | Unveiling the Nature of the hard X-ray excess in the Coma cluster | Eckert |
0620065 | A week in the "ordinary " life of the blazar 3C 454.3 | Donnarumma |
0620005 | SPECTRAL VARIABILITY OF NGC 4151 | Walter |
8860182 | OMC FF# 9 for rev 810 | Public |
8860184 | OMC FF# 37 for rev 822 | Public |
0620037 | A 0535+26 observations in outburst | Caballero |
8860185 | OMC FF# 31 for rev 834 | Public |
0629700 | Core observations for AO 062 | Amalgamated |
8860187 | Crab-2009 Aug: 5x5 wide r839 | Public |
0620061 | Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst | Falanga |
8860188 | OMC FF# 33 for rev 850 | Public |
0720009 | Compton reflection and plasma temperature in NGC 2110 | Beckmann |
0720016 | The first very broad-band monitoring, from optical/UV to $\gamma$-rays, of a Seyfert I galaxy on a month time scale | Petrucci |
0720001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
0720010 | Hard X-ray spectroscopy of two ultraluminous X-ray sources and a low-luminosity AGN | Sazonov |
0720035 | Broad Band Variability of Microquasars: Integral observations of Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105 | Wilms |
8860189 | OMC FF#9 for rev 858 | Public |
0720015 | Polarimetric Observations of the Vela Pulsar | Dean |
8860191 | OMC FF#9 for rev 870 | Public |
0770002 | 3C 454.3 in an exceptionally high state | Vercellone |
0720026 | Nucleosynthesis and positron annihilation in the Cygnus region | Martin |
0720006 | Active Galactic Nuclei: jet composition, particle acceleration, high energy emission, and their population. | Walter |
2010 | ||
8860192 | OMC FF#36 for rev 882 | Public |
0720030 | Explosive nucleosynthesis, annihilation emission and particle acceleration in Cassiopeia A and Tycho | Martin |
0720003 | Probing relativistic electrons in the Galaxy and its halo | Strong |
0720011 | Physics of the high energy tail of luminous accreting neutron stars - ultra deep observations of Sco X-1 | Revnivtsev |
8860193 | OMC FF#2 for rev 894 | Public |
0720047 | Hard X-ray spectro-imagery of RX J1713.7-3946 | Terrier |
0720018 | Continuation of 06K0003: Confirming the Asymmetry of the Positron Annihilation Radiation from the Inner Galactic Disk | Weidenspointner |
8860194 | Crab 2010, JEMX staring | Public |
8860195 | Crab 2010, IBS/SPI 5x5 wide | Public |
0740001 | Black Hole X-Ray Novae at High Energies | Cadolle Bel |
8860196 | Crab 2010, mask calibration | Public |
8860197 | OMC FF#33 for rev 906 | Public |
0720027 | The stability of the new hard X-ray tail of AXP 1E 1547.0-5408 | Den Hartog |
0740013 | Target of Opportunity Observation(s) of Known and Unknown X-ray Pulsating Transients in Outburst | Santangelo |
0740026 | Constraining spectral breaks in Galactic black hole transients in the hard state | Kalemci |
8860199 | OMC FF#38 for rev 918 | Public |
0720028 | Deep Galactic Anticentre Survey : an INTEGRAL must | Ubertini |
8860200 | OMC FF#38 for rev 924 | Public |
0720039 | Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud and Supernova 1987A | Grebenev |
8860201 | OMC FF#9 for rev 930 | Public |
0720017 | Understanding the X-ray binary populations of the Magellanic Cloud Family - Large, Small & Bridge | Coe |
8860202 | OMC FF#2 for rev 942 | Public |
0720012 | Hercules X-1 -- the detailed study of cyclotron lines, magnetic field and accretion | Shakura |
0740009 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of a Seyfert 2 galaxy during a period of high flux | Williams |
8860203 | OMC FF#36 for rev 954 | Public |
0720049 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Outer Galaxy - I" | Krivonos |
8860209 | Dummy Pointing | Public |
8860211 | OMC FF#31 for rev 966 | Public |
8860215 | Crab 2010 Fall: JEMX staring r966 | Public |
8860214 | Crab 2010 Fall: IBIS/SPI 5x5 wide r967 | Public |
8860213 | Crab 2010 Fall: IBIS mask r968 | Public |
0720025 | Study of the hard X-ray orbital spectral evolution of LSI+61 303 | MOLKOV |
0770003 | Crab TOO Rev 970 | Public |
0720044 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Outer Galaxy - II" | Tsygankov |
0770004 | TOO Observations of MAXI J1659-152 | Kuulkers |
8860216 | OMC FF#33 for rev 978 | Public |
0770005 | TOO on PKS 1830-211 | Tramacere |
0720014 | INTEGRAL searches for change in hard X-ray spectrum during primary eclipse of galactic superaccreting microquasar SS433 | Cherepashchuk |
8860219 | OMC FF#35 for rev 990 | Public |
8860220 | OMC FF#9 for rev 993 | Public |
8860222 | OMC FF#36 for rev 1002 | Public |
2011 | ||
0820014 | Active Galactic Nuclei: jet composition, particle acceleration, high energy emission, and their population. | Walter |
0820004 | The origin of X/gamma-ray emitting particles: cosmic-rays, antimatter and radioactivity in Cassiopeia A and Tycho | Martin |
0820002 | Probing relativistic electrons in the Galaxy and its halo | Strong |
0820038 | Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud and Supernova 1987A (part II) | Grebenev |
8860225 | OMC FF#11 for rev 1014 | Public |
0820001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
8860226 | Crab 2011: IBIS Mask Corner rev 1019 | Public |
8860227 | Crab 2011: SPI/IBIS 5x5 wide rev 1019 | Public |
8860228 | Crab 2011: JEM-X DV Voltage rev 1019 | Public |
8860229 | Crab 2011: JEM-X Diagnostic Mode rev 1019 | Public |
0840017 | INTEGRAL observations of A 0535+26 in outburst | Caballero |
0820037 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Inner Galaxy" | Sunyaev |
0820024 | Determining the longitude distribution of the asymmetric positron annihilation radiation from the inner Galaxy | Weidenspointner |
0829700 | Core observations for AO 082 | Amalgamated |
0820025 | Broad Band Variability of Microquasars: Integral observations of Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105 | Wilms |
8860230 | OMC FF#12 for rev 1026 | Public |
0820030 | Hard X-ray spectroscopy of two ultraluminous X-ray sources and a low-luminosity AGN | Sazonov |
8860231 | FSS-STR calibration for rev. 1030 | Public |
0870002 | ToO on the new pulsar SXP 175 discovered in SMC | Coe |
0820029 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: Galactic latitude scans at l=55 deg. | Lutovinov |
8860232 | OMC FF#38 for rev 1038 | Public |
0820036 | INTEGRAL Observations of Extragalactic Jets from the TANAMI Sample | Kadler |
0820026 | Probing the structure of superaccreting disk in microquasar SS433 from INTEGRAL observations | Cherepashchuk |
0820018 | CONTINUING MONITORING OF NGC 4151 | Zdziarski |
0820021 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - the return of the GPS | Bazzano |
0870003 | TOO observations of SXP 85.4 | Coe |
8860233 | OMC FF#9 for rev 1051 | Public |
0840021 | Study of the evolution of the accretion column during bright transient events in X-Ray pulsars | Tsygankov |
8860234 | OMC FF#9 for rev 1061 | Public |
0820033 | Variability of the cyclotron line energy E_cyc in Hercules X-1 | Staubert |
8860235 | OMC FF#12 for rev 1073 | Public |
0820022 | Thermonuclear bursts of the Slow Burster | Misanovic |
0840006 | Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars observed in Outburst | Falanga |
0820027 | Hard X-ray spectro-imagery of RX J1713.7-3946 | Terrier |
0840007 | Type Ia Supernovae | Isern |
8860238 | Crab 2011: SPI/IBIS 5x5 wide rev 1089 | Public |
8860239 | Crab 2011: JEM-X Staring rev 1086 | Public |
8860237 | Crab 2011: IBIS Mask Corner rev 1086 | Public |
8860241 | Crab 2011: IBIS Mask Corner rev 1096 | Public |
8860242 | OMC FF#16 for rev 1096 | Public |
0870004 | Observing SN2011fe with INTEGRAL | Public |
8860243 | OMC FF#38 for rev 1101 | Public |
8860244 | OMC FF#9 for rev 1108 | Public |
8860245 | OMC FF#35 for rev 1120 | Public |
2012 | ||
0920005 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - the return of the GPS | Bazzano |
0920012 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Carina arm region" | Krivonos |
0920022 | Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud and Supernova 1987A (part III) | Grebenev |
0940023 | Following the evolution of the X-ray emitting structure with luminosity in transient accreting pulsars. | Klochkov |
8860246 | OMC FF#34 for rev 1132 | Public |
0920002 | Probing relativistic electrons in the Galaxy and its halo | Strong |
0920015 | INTEGRAL Monitoring of the Inner Spiral Arms | Bodaghee |
0920001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
8860247 | OMC FF#12 for rev 1144 | Public |
0920008 | Broad Band Variability of Microquasars: Integral observations of Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105 | Wilms |
0920025 | Observing the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL | Wilms |
0920011 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" | Sunyaev |
0920021 | Deep Galactic Anticentre Survey: an INTEGRAL must | Ubertini |
0920013 | Continuation of 0820024 - Determining the longitude distribution of the asymmetric e+ radiation from the inner galaxy. | Weidenspointner |
8860249 | FSS-STR calibration for rev. 1154 | Public |
0920009 | Hercules X-1: Variability of the cyclotron line energy Ecyc and the question of NS free precession | Staubert |
8860248 | OMC FF#16 for rev 1156 | Public |
8860250 | Crab 2012: SPI/IBIS 5x5 wide rev 1159-1160 | Public |
8860251 | Crab 2012: JEM-X Staring rev 1159 | Public |
0970001 | INTEGRAL TOO on MAXI J1305-704 | Sanchez-Fernandez |
8860252 | Earth Observation 2.1 | Public |
8860253 | OMC FF#9 for rev 1169 | Public |
0920018 | CONTINUING MONITORING OF NGC 4151 | Zdziarski |
0920010 | Active Galactic Nuclei: jet composition, particle acceleration, high energy emission, and their population. | Walter |
8860254 | OMC FF#36 for rev 1189 | Public |
8860255 | Earth Observation 2.2 | Public |
8860256 | OMC FF#18 for rev 1201 | Public |
0920016 | Probing the nature of the circumstellar environment around periastron in SFXTs | Drave |
8860257 | Earth Observation 2.3 | Public |
8860261 | OMC FF#12 for rev 1212 | Public |
0940005 | A multi-wavelength campaign to observe a bright black hole transient in transition | Belloni |
8860258 | Crab 2012: IBIS Mask Corner rev 1213-14 | Public |
8860262 | Earth Observation 2.4 | Public |
8860259 | Crab 2012: JEM-X Staring rev 1214 | Public |
8860260 | Crab 2012: SPI/IBIS 5x5 wide rev 1214 | Public |
8860263 | FSS-STR/SAS calibration for rev. 1224 | Public |
8860264 | OMC FF#9 for rev 1225 | Public |
0920014 | Hard X-ray spectroscopy of two ultraluminous X-ray sources and a low-luminosity AGN | Sazonov |
8860265 | Earth Observation 2.5 | Public |
8860266 | OMC FF#9 for rev 1237 | Public |
1020003 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - the return of the GPS2 | Bazzano |
1020029 | Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud and Supernova 1987A (part III) | Grebenev |
8860267 | OMC FF#34 for rev 1247 | Public |
2013 | ||
1020030 | INTEGRAL Spectra of X-ray Bright Compton-Thin Seyfert 2s | Markowitz |
1020027 | The Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342: A rosetta stone for the jet/disk paradigm | Tibolla |
1020028 | INTEGRAL observations of PKS 1127-145 | Sanchez-Fernandez |
1020004 | Massive Stars in the Orion Region | Diehl |
8860268 | OMC FF#31 for rev 1258 | Public |
1020001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
1040022 | High energy emission from Galactic black hole transients when the compact jet turns on | Kalemci |
8860270 | Crab 2013: SPI/IBIS 5x5 wide 1268-69 | Public |
8860271 | Crab 2013: JEM-X Staring rev 1268 | Public |
1020005 | Hard X-ray study of the ultra-compact X-ray binary 4U 0614+091 | Chenevez |
1020016 | INTEGRAL study of jet nutation of SS433: looking into the supercritical disk funnel | Cherepashchuk |
8860272 | OMC FF#12 for rev 1272 | Public |
8860273 | SAS Calibration in rev 1274 | Public |
1020021 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" | Krivonos |
1020009 | Probing the circumstellar environment during periastron passage in the SFXTs IGR J17354-3255 and IGR J18483-0311 | Drave |
8860274 | Crab observations in 1278 | Public |
1040025 | Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst | Falanga |
8860275 | OMC FF#12 for rev 1283 | Public |
1020020 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Puppis Region" | Tsygankov |
1020006 | Spectral states in the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 2992 | Beckmann |
8860276 | OMC FF#7 for rev 1295 | Public |
8860277 | OMC FF#34 for rev 1303 | Public |
1020011 | Identifying & understanding the X-ray binary population of the Small Magellanic Cloud | Coe |
1070001 | Coordinated TOO observation of NGC 5548 | Paltani |
8860278 | Earth Observation 3.1 | Public |
1020019 | INTEGRAL monitoring of NGC 4945 | Malizia |
1070002 | Observations of Mkn 501 (ToO outside TAC) | Pian |
8860279 | OMC FF#34 for rev 1315 | Public |
8860280 | Crab 2013: SPI/IBIS 5x5 | Public |
8860281 | Crab 2013: JEM-X Staring rev 1327 | Public |
8860282 | OMC FF#12 for rev 1333 | Public |
1020010 | Observing the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL | Wilms |
1020017 | ISA: INTEGRAL Spiral Arms Monitoring Program | Bodaghee |
1020018 | Helium-rich thermonuclear bursts from the Slow Burster | Galloway |
8860283 | Crab observations in 1342 | Public |
8860284 | OMC FF#12 for rev 1345 | Public |
1020008 | Hard X-ray spectroscopy of two ultraluminous X-ray sources and a low-luminosity AGN | Sazonov |
8860285 | SAS Cal in rev 1350 | Public |
8860286 | OMC FF#9 for rev 1357 | Public |
8860287 | Earth Observation 3.2 | Public |
1129700 | Polarization of Cyg X-1 | Amalgamated |
1040030 | INTEGRAL ToO follow up on Fermi Galactic gamma-ray Transients | Den Hartog |
2014 | ||
1120030 | Hunting the claimed high energy cyclotron line of GRO J1008-57 | Kuhnel |
1120015 | INTEGRAL monitoring of Centaurus A | Jourdain |
8860288 | OMC FF#36 for rev 1370 | Public |
1120003 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - the return of the GPS | Bazzano |
1120002 | Identifying & understanding the X-ray binary population of the Small Magellanic Cloud | Coe |
1120011 | The High Energy capabilities of INTEGRAL highlighted in a unique multi-wavelength campaign on NGC5548 | Petrucci |
1170001 | Public Observations of SN2014J in M82 | Public |
1140011 | Type Ia Supernovae | Isern |
8860289 | OMC FF#36 for rev 1382 | Public |
1120001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
1120033 | INTEGRAL Spiral Arms (ISA) Monitoring Program: Scutum and Sagittarius Arms | Bodaghee |
8860290 | Crab Calibration 2014.1: Rev 1387 | Public |
1120032 | INTEGRAL Spiral Arms (ISA) Monitoring Program: Inner Perseus and Norma Arms | Bodaghee |
1140005 | ToO observations of the "Bursting Pulsar" during outburst with INTEGRAL | Masetti |
1170002 | Russian observations of SN 2014J (M82) | Sunyaev |
8860291 | OMC FF#16 for rev 1394 | Public |
8860292 | SAS Calibration in Rev 1405 | Public |
8860293 | OMC FF#16 for rev 1406 | Public |
1120004 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Puppis Region" | Tsygankov |
8860294 | IBIS engineering operation in rev 1416 | Public |
8860295 | OMC FF#9 for rev 1418 | Public |
1120026 | Hard X-ray observation of PSR B1259-63 after 2014 periastron | Li |
1140029 | Hard X-ray observation of PSR B1259-63 after 2014 periastron | Li |
1120009 | Coordinated INTEGRAL, XMM and XRT observations of IGR J21247+5058 | Molina |
1120025 | Massive Stars in the Orion Region | Diehl |
8860296 | OMC FF#31 for rev 1442 | Public |
1120029 | Regular INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab | Kuulkers |
1120034 | Characterizing the periastron environment in the SFXT IGR J16328-4726 with INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton | Fiocchi |
1120027 | Continued Observation of the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL | Wilms |
8860297 | OMC FF#11 for rev 1452 | Public |
8860299 | Crab Calibration 2014.2: Rev 1461 and 1462 | Public |
1120014 | Probing the cirumstellar enviornment around periastron in the SFXTs IGR J18450-0435 and IGR J18483-0311 | Drave |
8860300 | OMC FF#9 for rev 1466 | Public |
1120005 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" | Krivonos |
1120022 | INTEGRAL study of supercritical accretion disk nutation in SS433 | Cherepashchuk |
8860301 | SAS Calibration in Rev 1478 | Public |
8860302 | OMC FF#9 for rev 1478 | Public |
8860303 | OMC FF#36 for rev 1490 | Public |
2015 | ||
1220024 | Deeply X-raying the Local Universe with INTEGRAL | Bottacini |
1220035 | 26Al line shift from the closest massive star group | Krause |
1220037 | Constraining the Spectral Energy Distribution of Per A/NGC 1275 with {INTEGRAL and Swift | Eckert |
1220011 | Regular INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab | Kuulkers |
8860304 | OMC FF#31 for rev 1508 | Public |
1220017 | ISA: INTEGRAL Spiral Arms Monitoring Program | Bodaghee |
1220016 | ISA: INTEGRAL Spiral Arms Monitoring Program | Bodaghee |
1220001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
1270001 | TOO observations of SAX J1748.8-2021 | Public |
8860305 | Crab Calibration 2015.1: Rev 1515-16 | Public |
1220009 | Continued Observation of the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL | Wilms |
8860306 | OMC FF#16 for rev 1524 | Public |
1240026 | INTEGRAL prompt observations magnetar outbursts | Gotz |
1220044 | INTEGRAL observations of Cygnus X-1 | Public |
1220043 | Identifying & understanding the HMXB population of the Small Magellanic Cloud | Public |
1220042 | INTEGRAL study of supercritical accretion disk nutation in SS433 | Cherepashchuk |
8860307 | OMC FF#35 for rev 1542 | Public |
1270002 | TOO on BHC V404 Cyg in outburst | Public |
1240027 | Studying Black Hole Transients in Outbursts from Radio to Gamma-rays | Rodriguez |
8860308 | OMC FF#35 for rev 1556 | Public |
1270003 | Public TOO on BHC V404 Cyg in outburst | Public |
1270004 | Public ToO observation of GS 1354-645 | Public |
1270005 | TOO on V404 Cyg to overlap with HST | Motta |
1260001 | Coordinated observations of 3C 273 | Public |
1270007 | TOO on V0332+53 in bright state | Ferrigno |
1240014 | Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst | Falanga |
1270009 | INTEGRAL Follow-up Observations of V0332+53 | Ferrigno |
1220032 | Hercules X-1: The decay of the cyclotron line energy E_cyc with time. Does it continue to decay further? | Staubert |
1220027 | Catch Scorpius X-1 by the tail: high quality hard X-ray tail from monitoring observations of the brightest neutron star. | Revnivtsev |
1220022 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Norma Arm" | Krivonos |
1270008 | Public ToO observation of GS 1354-645 | Public |
8860309 | OMC FF#32 for rev 1576 | Public |
1220006 | Massive Stars in the Orion Region | Diehl |
8860310 | OMC FF#12 for rev 1590 | Public |
8860311 | SAS Calibration in Rev 1593 | Public |
1270010 | Public TOO on GS1826-24 | Chenevez |
1270011 | Public TOO observations of V0332+53 | Lutovinov |
8860312 | Crab Calibration 2015.2: Rev 1598-99 | Public |
1220014 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - the return of the GPS3 | Bazzano |
8860313 | OMC FF#33 for rev 1604 | Public |
1220041 | INTEGRAL observations of the Musca region | Public |
8860314 | Earth Observation 4.1 | Public |
1220045 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Carina Arm" | Grebenev |
8860315 | OMC FF#7 for rev 1619 | Public |
1240032 | Multiwavelength spectral variability of Very-High-Energy Blazar Outbursts detected by FACT | Kreikenbohm |
1270012 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of V404 Cyg in outburst | Motta |
2016 | ||
1320004 | Nucleosynthesis in supernovae, positron containment, and particle acceleration, in Cas A and Tycho SNRs | Diehl |
1320026 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Norma Arm" | Krivonos |
8860316 | OMC FF#32 for rev 1635 | Public |
1320027 | Long-term evolution of the magnetic field at the polar caps of accreting pulsars | Klochkov |
1320001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
1320005 | Regular INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab | Kuulkers |
8860317 | OMC FF#16 for rev 1652 | Public |
1320025 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" | Sunyaev |
8860319 | Crab Calibration 2016.1 (1661-62): IBIS/SPI | Public |
8860318 | Crab Calibration 2016.1 (1661-62): JEM-X | Public |
1320023 | Continued Observation of the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL | Wilms |
8860320 | OMC FF#12 for rev 1667 | Public |
8860321 | Crab Calibration 2016.1 (1667): JEM-X repeat | Public |
1370001 | TOO on MAXI J0911-655 | Bozzo |
1320015 | Exploring multi frequency variability in the NLSy1 Mkn 110 | Panessa |
1320019 | Nucleosynthesis in supernovae and massive stars throughout the Galaxy | Diehl |
8860325 | Earth Observation 4.2 | Public |
1320024 | Deeply X-raying the Local Universe with INTEGRAL | Bottacini |
1370002 | Multi-wavelength campaign on Cyg X-1 | Grinberg |
1360001 | Coordinated observations of 3C 273 | Public |
1320011 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS4 | Bazzano |
8860326 | OMC FF#36 for rev 1699 | Public |
1370003 | Prompt INTEGRAL follow-up of a neutrino event | Public |
8860327 | OMC FF#11 for rev 1715 | Public |
8860328 | Crab Calibration 2016.2 (1723-24): IBIS/SPI | Public |
8860329 | Crab Calibration 2016.2 (1723-24): JEM-X | Public |
8860332 | TEST new OMC FF | Public |
8860333 | SAS Calibration in Rev 1728 | Public |
1340018 | Broad band spectroscopy of GRS 1758-258 in its peculiar dim soft state: TOO Observations | Hirsch |
8860334 | OMC FF#20 for rev 1732 | Public |
1320033 | INTEGRAL observations of GRS 1915+105 | Sunyaev |
8860336 | TEST #2 new OMC FF | Public |
8860337 | OMC FF#38 for rev 1747 | Public |
8860338 | OMC FF v2 #9 for rev 1763 | Public |
2017 | ||
1420015 | Nucleosynthesis in supernovae, positron containment, and particle acceleration, in Cas A and Tycho SNRs | Diehl |
1420013 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS5 | Bazzano |
1420022 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Norma Arm" | Krivonos |
1420020 | EXPLORING THE HARD X-RAY EMISSION IN IGR J11014-6103 | Pavan |
8860339 | OMC FF v2 #32 for rev 1779 | Public |
1470001 | TOO observations of GRS 1716-249 | Public |
1420005 | Regular INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab | Kuulkers |
1420016 | Massive Stars in the Orion Region | Diehl |
1420001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
1420031 | Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-14 | Grebenev |
8860342 | Crab Calibration 2017.1 (1784-85): JEM-X | Public |
8860340 | Crab Calibration 2017.1 (1784-85): IBIS/SPI | Public |
1470002 | Transient follow-up | Kuulkers |
1420009 | Continued Observation of the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL | Wilms |
1440024 | Hunting for the sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos with INTEGRAL | Santander |
1420021 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" | Sunyaev |
1470003 | Coordinated observations of GRS 1915+105 | Public |
1420029 | A new monitoring campaign on GRS 1915+105 over the electromagnetic spectrum | Rodriguez |
1420025 | INTEGRAL observations of supercritical accretion disk in SS433 seen edge-on | Cherepashchuk |
1420032 | INTEGRAL observations around the region (l, b) = (50,-3) | Lutovinov |
1420008 | Nucleosynthesis in supernovae and massive stars throughout the Galaxy | Diehl |
1420003 | The Ultra-Deep Field - an INTEGRAL legacy | Beckmann |
1470004 | Yearly Coordinated Calibration of 3C273 | Public |
1470005 | Coordinated observations of GX 301-2 | Obsolete Public |
1470006 | Coordinated observation of Her X-1 | Public |
1470007 | Hidden TOO on GW event at 41.07, -45.49 | Kuulkers |
1470009 | Hidden TOO on GW event at 176.8, -39.8 | Kuulkers |
1470008 | INTEGRAL observations of 4U 1543-624 | Ludlam |
8860348 | Crab Calibration 2017.2 (1856-57): IBIS/SPI | Public |
8860350 | SAS calibration in Rev 1859 | Public |
8860351 | OMC FF v2 #32 for rev 1859 | Public |
1470010 | New X-ray transient MAXI J1535-571 | Bozzo |
1440001 | A multi-wavelength campaign to observe a bright black hole transient in transition | Belloni |
1420030 | Joint radio and INTEGRAL observations of the repeating fast radio burst FRB 121102 | Gouiffes |
1420027 | Multiwavelenght monitoring of NGC 2110 | Panessa |
1470011 | TeV Emission form PSR J2032+4127 | Wilcox |
1520024 | Positron Annihilation in the Dwarf Satellite Galaxy Reticulum II | Siegert |
2018 | ||
1520035 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS5 | Bazzano |
1520030 | Massive Stars in the Perseus Region | Siegert |
1520033 | The cyclotron line in Her X-1: Is there a new turn-up - deviating from the 20 year long decay? | Staubert |
1520001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
1540008 | INTEGRAL prompt observations of magnetar outbursts | Gotz |
1520022 | Continued Observation of the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL | Wilms |
1520038 | Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-15 | Grebenev |
1520007 | Regular INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab | Kuulkers |
1570001 | Outside TAC TOO on Swift J1658.2-4242 | Ducci |
1570002 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of MAXI J1813-095 | Fuerst |
8860357 | Crab Calibration 2018.1 (1927-28): IBIS/SPI | Public |
8860358 | Crab Calibration 2018.1 (1927-28): JEM-X | Public |
1570003 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swift J1658.2-4242 | Public |
1570004 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of MAXI J1820+070 | Bozzo |
1540001 | A multi-wavelength campaign to observe a bright black hole transient in transition | Belloni |
1570005 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of IGR J17379-3747 | Bozzo |
1570006 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of MAXI J1820+070 | Sanchez-Fernandez |
1570007 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swift J1756.9-2508 | Bozzo |
1520011 | Massive Stars in the Orion Region | Diehl |
1520009 | Peering through accretion-ejections mechanisms with an INTEGRAL/multi-wavelength GRS 1915+1015 monitoring program | Rodriguez |
1570009 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of ASASSN-18fv | Public |
1570008 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of MAXI J1820+070 | Public |
1520004 | The Ultra-Deep Field - an INTEGRAL legacy | Beckmann |
1570010 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of AT2018cow/ATLAS18qqn | Public |
1570011 | Coordinated observation of 3C 273 | Public |
1520002 | Nucleosynthesis in supernovae, positron containment, and particle acceleration, in Cas A and Tycho SNRs | Diehl |
1520037 | Scoripius X-1 jet variabiility | Vincentelli |
1540022 | Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst | Tsygankov |
1540005 | High energy emission from Galactic black hole transients when the compact jet turns on | Kalemci |
1520026 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Bar II" | Lutovinov |
1520025 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Plane at L=58 deg" | Mereminskiy |
1520023 | Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 | Wilms |
2019 | ||
1670001 | Multiwavelength Observations of Vela X-1 during X-Calibur Flight | Grinberg |
1640006 | Studying Black Hole Transients in Outbursts from Radio to Gamma-rays | Rodriguez |
1640004 | A multi-wavelength campaign to observe a bright black hole transient in transition | Belloni |
1620001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
1620023 | Monitoring the Galactic Centre Region: An INTEGRAL Legacy | Wilms |
1620028 | Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-16 | Grebenev |
1660001 | INTEGRAL Crab monitoring | Public |
1620026 | Massive Stars in the Perseus Region | Siegert |
1620027 | Probing the disc-jet coupling in the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary Sco X-1 | Motta |
8860371 | Crab Calibration 2019.1 (2061-2062) | Public |
1620022 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" | Sunyaev |
1670002 | INTEGRAL TOO Observation of MAXI J1820+070 | Public |
1620008 | Peering through accretion-ejections mechanisms with an INTEGRAL/multi-wavelength GRS 1915+1015 monitoring program | Rodriguez |
1670003 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of PKS 1830-211 | Ciprini |
1670004 | Fast TOO Operational Test | Public |
1620015 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS6 | Bazzano |
1620021 | TIMELESS: The INTEGRAL Medium-Latitude Sky Survey | Bodaghee |
1670005 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of LIGO/Virgo S190425z | Public |
1620024 | Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 | Wilms |
1640027 | Multiwavelength Spectral Variability of Very-High-Energy Blazar Outbursts detected by FACT | Kreikenbohm |
1620006 | Monitoring the cyclotron line energy in Hercules X-1: is there a turn-up after the long decay? | Staubert |
1670006 | Coordinated observation of 3C 273 | Public |
1620016 | Nucleosynthesis in supernovae, positron containment, and particle acceleration, in Cas A and Tycho SNRs | Diehl |
1670007 | INTEGRAL/Spectr-RG coordinated observations of Cen X-3 | Lutovinov |
1640023 | Proposal for INTEGRAL ToO observations of IceCube neutrinos | Savchenko |
1640014 | ToO INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton observations of the repeating fast radio burst FRB 121102 | Gouiffes |
1620017 | Massive Stars in the Orion Region | Diehl |
8860380 | Crab Calibration 2019.2 (2133-2134) | Public |
1670008 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of AT2019pev | Public |
1670009 | INTEGRAL TOO observation of GRS 1915+105 | Motta |
1620029 | INTEGRAL synergy with Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma: a census of obscured AGN | Mereminskiy |
1670010 | INTEGRAL TOO observation of Cygnus X-3 | Rodriguez |
1670012 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of Eta Carinae | Corcoran |
2020 | ||
1720012 | 2.2 MeV Emission from a Highly Magnetised White Dwarf | Pleintinger |
1720015 | TIMELESS: The INTEGRAL Medium-Latitude Sky Survey | Bodaghee |
1770001 | INTEGRAL ToO observation of FRB 180916 | Panessa |
1720018 | Monitoring the Galactic Centre Region: An INTEGRAL Legacy | Wilms |
1720004 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS6 | Bazzano |
1760001 | INTEGRAL Crab monitoring | Public |
1720001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
1720022 | Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-17 | Grebenev |
1770002 | INTEGRAL ToO observation of repeating FRB 180916 | Panessa |
1740007 | INTEGRAL prompt observations of magnetar outbursts | Gotz |
1770003 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of the Rapid Burster | Van den Eijnden |
1770004 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of the Crab | MOLKOV |
1720007 | GRS 1915+105 INTEGRAL/Multi-Wavelength Monitoring Program: Clarifying Accretion-Ejection Mechanisms | Rodriguez |
1720011 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" | Sunyaev |
1770005 | INTEGRAL TOO observation of OJ287 | Pian |
1720026 | INTEGRAL synergy with SRG: counting up obscured AGN together | Mereminskiy |
1720013 | Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 | Wilms |
1770006 | INTEGRAL Observations of Vela X-1 | Public |
1770007 | INTEGRAL observations of SN 2018cow | Public |
1770008 | INTEGRAL observations of 3C 273 | Public |
1770009 | INTEGRAL observations of the region around ra,dec=(0,0,5.0) | Public |
1770010 | Z-flip observations for rev. 2255 | Public |
1770011 | INTEGRAL Observation of Sco X-1 | Public |
1720014 | Massive Stars in the Orion Region | Diehl |
1770012 | INTEGRAL Observation of Sco X-1 | Public |
1720024 | Monitoring the cyclotron line energy in Hercules X-1: search for a turn-up and securing the INTEGRAL calibration | Staubert |
1720025 | INTEGRAL synergy with Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma: a census of obscured AGN | Mereminskiy |
1770013 | INTEGRAL observations of Vela X-1 coordinated with radio observations | Kretschmar |
1770014 | INTEGRAL observations of SRGA J043520.9+552226 | Mereminskiy |
8860394 | SAS Calibration for rev. 2283 | Public |
1770015 | INTEGRAL TOO observartions of SGR 1935+2154 | Gotz |
1770016 | INTEGRAL observations of BL Lac | Pian |
1720027 | Mrk 421: Coordinated Multi-Mission High-Energy Study of a Remarkable Blazar | Dorner |
2021 | ||
1820008 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS7 | Bazzano |
1820010 | INTEGRAL observations to understand the origin of the periodicity from FRB 180916.J0158+65 | Panessa |
1870001 | INTEGRAL TOO Observation of Cen X-4 | Chenevez |
1820015 | Massive Stars in the Orion Region | Diehl |
1820021 | Monitoring the Galactic Centre Region: An INTEGRAL Legacy | Wilms |
1820004 | Exploring the Solar System with INTEGRAL | Siegert |
1820001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
1820023 | Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-18 | Grebenev |
1860001 | Crab monitoring | Public |
1870002 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of 4U 1728-34 | Van den Eijnden |
1820012 | M81 deep field: searching for obscured AGNs with INTEGRAL and SRG | Mereminskiy |
1820017 | Search for a second harmonic in the accreting X-ray pulsar 4U 1626-67 | D'Ai' |
1820020 | Positron Annihilation in Globular Clusters | Siegert |
1870003 | INTEGRAL observations of 3C 273 | Public |
1820018 | Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 | Wilms |
1870004 | INTEGRAL ToO Observations of FRB 180916.J0158+65 | Gouiffes |
1870005 | INTEGRAL TOO observattions of 4U1636-536 | Van den Eijnden |
1870006 | Joint INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton observations of GRS 1915+105 | Motta |
1870007 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of V4641 Sgr | Public |
1870008 | INTEGRAL ToO observations of V4641 Sgr | Motta |
1870009 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of 4U 1820-30 | Chenevez |
1870010 | INTEGRAL Observations of Cyg X-3 | Cangemi |
1870011 | Integral TOO observations of MAXI J0903-531 | Kajava |
2022 | ||
1970001 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of Mrk 501 | Pian |
1920005 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS7 | Bazzano |
1920011 | Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 | Wilms |
1920008 | Massive Stars in the Orion Region | Diehl |
1970002 | INTTEGRAL TOO observations of Mrk 501 | Pian |
1920014 | Monitoring the Galactic Centre Region: An INTEGRAL Legacy | Wilms |
1960001 | Crab monitoring | Public |
1920015 | M81 deep field: searching for obscured AGNs with INTEGRAL and SRG | Mereminskiy |
1920001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
1920020 | Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-19 | Grebenev |
1970003 | INTEGRAL DDT Observation of Sgr A* | Kuulkers |
1970004 | INTEGRAL DDT Observations of Mrk 501 | Kuulkers |
1970005 | INTEGRAL ToO Observation of GS 1826-24 | Kajava |
1970006 | INTEGRAL ToO observation of Cyg X-2 | Capitanio |
1920013 | Positron Annihilation in Globular Clusters | Siegert |
1970007 | INTEGRAL TOO observation of 3C 273 | Public |
1940011 | Proposal for INTEGRAL ToO observations of IceCube neutrinos | Savchenko |
1920010 | INTEGRAL observations to understand the origin of the periodicity from FRB 180916.J0158+65 | Panessa |
1970008 | End to end test of Fast TOO schedule | Public |
1970009 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of Mrk 501 | Pian |
1970010 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of SAX J1808.4-3658 | Public |
1940008 | Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst | Li |
1970011 | TOO observation of GX 339-4 | Rodriguez |
1970012 | TOO observation of XTE J1701-462 | Capitanio |
1940013 | Proposal for INTEGRAL ToO observations of exceptional GRBs | Savchenko |
1970013 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of GRB221009A | Savchenko |
1970014 | TOO Observation of Cyg X-3 | Veledina |
2023 | ||
2020006 | INTEGRAL Observations of the Andromeda Galaxy | Siegert |
2020020 | M81 deep field: INTEGRAL-SRG legacy AGN survey | Mereminskiy |
2020013 | Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS8 | Bazzano |
2070001 | TOO Observation of fast TOO tes | Public |
2020017 | Monitoring the Galactic Centre Region: An INTEGRAL Legacy | Wilms |
2070002 | INTEGRAL TOO Observations of RXS J044100.3 | Lutovinov |
2020001 | Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region | Kuulkers |
2020014 | Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" | Sunyaev |
2060001 | INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab | Public |
2020021 | Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-20 | Grebenev |
2040020 | Proposal for INTEGRAL ToO observations of exceptional GRBs | Savchenko |
2070005 | TOO observation of 4U 1630-47 | Public |
2070006 | TOO Observtion of GX 5-1 | Ferrigno |
2070008 | INTEGRAL TOO Observations of 4U 1630-47 | Bouchet |
2070007 | INTEGRAL DDT Observations of Sgr A* | Kuulkers |
2020005 | Positron Annihilation Observations in Globular Clusters | Siegert |
2070009 | TOO Observation of Cyg X-1 coord with IXPE | Parra |
2020016 | Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 | Wilms |
2070010 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swift J0243.6+6124 | Ferrigno |
2070011 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of FRB 20220912A | Panessa |
2070013 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swift 0 Swift J1727.8-1613 (AKA GRB 230824A) | Delaunay |
2070012 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of 4U 1630-47 in coordination with NICER | Bouchet |
2070014 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swikft J1727.8-1613 | Belloni |
2040001 | A multi-wavelength campaign to observe a bright black hole transient in transition | Motta |
2040023 | Study of the corona geometry and system inclinaton in BH LMXB. A coordinated IXPE/INTEGRAL ToO observation | Capitanio |
2020018 | INTEGRAL observations to understand the origin of the periodicity from FRB 180916.J0158+65 | Panessa |
2070015 | INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swift J1727.8-1613 | Sunyaev |
2040006 | Focussing onto the gamma-ray emission of Black Hole Transients in the bright hard state | Del Santo |
2070016 | INTEGRAL TOO observation of GX 339-4 | Petrucci |
2070017 | INTEGRAL observation of GRB 231115A | Public |