Integral DOI Overview page

Proposal ID Title PI
0060002 OMC flat field #27 for rev 11 Public
0060004 Cygnus on-axis staring observation during COM-phase Public
0060006 Empty field 1 staring observation Public
0060012 OMC Cygnus PR full FOV image Public
0060007 Cygnus X-1 on-axis staring (Cal No 1) Public
0060008 Cygnus X-1 sequence of off-axis pointings (JEM-013) Public
0060009 Cygnus X-1 offset 2.67deg dither 5x5 (Cal No 2) Public
0060010 Cygnus X-1 onaxis hexagone dither (Cal No 5) Public
8860012 Cygnus X-1 offset 7.4 deg dither 5x5 (Cal No. 3) - public part after end of commissioning Public
8860006 Cygnus X-1 offset 9.65 dither 5x5 (Cal No 4) Public
8860007 Empty field 2 staring (obs1-3), empty backup A staring (obs4-6) (Cal No 8) Public
8860011 Om flatfield #8 calibration sequence Public
0199801 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 1 ISWT
0120214 Integral Spectroscopy of Radio Quiet QSOs Orr
0129700 Core observations for AO Amalgamated
0120023 The Physics of AGN: a Deep Understanding of the Quasar 3C 273 Courvoisier
0120133 Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in SN1006: Synchrotron Radiation and Nonthermal Bremsstrahlung in Hard X-Rays Reynolds
0120134 The Investigation of Non-Thermal Hard X-ray Emission in Coma Cluster Vikhlinin
0120112 Connections between Line Emission, Radio Jets and Spec- tral States in the Black Hole X-Ray Transient 4U 1630-47 Tomsick
8860013 Empty field observation for IBIS s/w patch upload Former Public
8860019 Crab onaxis staring observation (Cal#11) Former Public
8860015 Crab 9.6/90. degree offaxis staring observation (Cal#13) Former Public
8860016 Crab 9.6/180. degree offaxis staring observation (Cal#14) Former Public
8860017 Crab 9.6/270. degree offaxis staring observation (Cal#15) Former Public
8860018 Crab 9.6/0. degree offaxis staring observation (Cal#12) Former Public
8860021 Crab JEM-X offsets scans (Cal#19) Former Public
8860022 Crab 10.4/315. degree offaxis staring observation (Cal#16) Former Public
8860024 Crab on-axis hex-dither observation (Cal#18) Former Public
8860023 Crab on-axis 5x5 observations (Cal#17) Former Public
8860029 Crab offset 1 deg towards +z Former Public
8860028 Crab offset 0.5 deg towards +y Former Public
8860027 Crab offset 5 deg towards +y Former Public
8860026 Crab offset 7 deg towards +y Former Public
8860025 Crab offset 10 deg towards +y Former Public
8860030 Verfication of onboard JEM-X selection Public
0120118 Measuring the High Energy Emission of the Galactic Bulge Black Hole X-ray Novae in outburst Goldwurm
0199912 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 1 pattern 2 ISWT
0199913 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 1 pattern 3 ISWT
0199914 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 1 pattern 4 ISWT
0120252 The Many Faces of GRS 1915+105 Hannikainen
0120126 Broad Band Observations of Centaurus A with INTEGRAL/RXTE Rothschild
0120192 The Study of Evolution of Hard X-ray Emission from Aql X-1 During a Outburst Molkov
8860031 OMC FF #28 Public
0199911 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 1 pattern 1 ISWT
0120206 Hard X-ray emission from clusters of galaxies Hornstrup
0120105 An Integral Study of Galactic Black Hole States Lewin
0110010 INTEGRAL CP Observations of TOOs: Superluminal sources ISWT
0120014 Known Black Hole Candidates in Outburst Parmar
0199923 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 2 pattern 3 ISWT
0199924 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 2 pattern 4 ISWT
0199922 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 2 pattern 2 ISWT
0199921 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for cycle 2 pattern 1 ISWT
0120207 X to Gamma Ray deep observations of two X-ray Bursters. Bazzano
0120094 INTEGRAL observations of the reflection component in Seyfert Galaxies Fabian
0120281 Spectral observations of SS 433 Cherepashchuk
0120230 INTEGRAL Observation of the Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy Mrk 273 Dermer
8860034 OMC FF sequence Public
0120024 Buried Quasars in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies Mirabel
0120068 A hard X-ray investigation of Bright IR galaxies Della Ceca
0120195 Quest for the Origin of the Magnetic Field of Neutron Stars through the Search for Cyclotron Resonance Features Makishima
0120085 The Hard X-Ray and Correlated Multifrequency Properties of the Blazar 3C 279 Collmar
0120102 Cygnus X-1 in the hard state Malzac
0110009 INTEGRAL CP observations of the Vela Region ISWT
8860035 OMC FF sequence Public
0120039 Exposing the Binary Heart of eta-Carinae with Gamma-Rays Butt
0120187 Combined INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton spectroscopy of Seyfert Galaxies Barr
8860036 OMC FF sequence Public
0120212 INTEGRAL observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud Coe
0120121 Probing the BHXRB-AGN connection at high energies: the search for spectral cut-offs in high and low state AGN Uttley
0120244 A Search for Non-Thermal Hard X-ray Emission from Magnetically Active Stars Guedel
8860038 Empty field Backup A Public
0120284 The nature of the hard X-ray component in Sco X-1 Van der Klis
0120236 A multiwavelength study of Sco X-1 and its relativistic jets Stella
0120191 More INTEGRAL Observations of Nearby Supernovae Leising
0120036 INTEGRAL Observations of a 2.22 MeV Source Candidate McConnell
8860041 Crab off-axis 14/315 observation Public
8860039 Crab on-axis observations Public
8860040 Crab off-axis 12.5/0. observation Public
0120114 Probing the physics of high-energy spectra of NGC 4151 and IC 4329A with INTEGRAL Zdziarski
0120213 Ultra deep exposure of the Galactic Center region. Sunyaev
8860037 OMC FF sequence Public
0120016 Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters Hurley
8860042 OMC FF sequence Public
0120203 Observations of IC443 with INTEGRAL: A Supernova Remnant in a Molecular Cloud Bykov
0120248 Multiwavelength observations of galactic low-mass X-ray binaries: The high-energy tail - radio jet connection Mendez
8860045 Emty field observation post solar flare Public
8860043 OMC FF sequence Public
0120125 To the bottom of the explosion forming Cas A: Observing 44Ti and the hard X-ray emission Vink
8860046 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0299819 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 19 ISWT
0299820 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 20 ISWT
0120148 Probing core collapse: 44Ti and 60Co nucleosynthesis in SN 1987A Knodlseder
0299821 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 21 ISWT
0120157 The Cygnus X region: a nucleosynthesis laboratory for INTEGRAL Knodlseder
8860044 OMC FF sequence Public
0299822 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 22 ISWT
0299823 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 23 ISWT
0229700 Core observations for AO 02 Amalgamated
0299912 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 12 ISWT
0220007 INTEGRAL monitoring of the hard X-ray properties of IGR J16318-4848 simultaneously with XMM-Newton Kuulkers
0299824 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 24 ISWT
0220035 The disk/jet coupling in the black holes GX 339-4 and XTE J1550-564 during the low-hard X-ray state Corbel
0299911 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 11 ISWT
8860050 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0299913 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 13 ISWT
0299917 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 17 ISWT
0220140 Non-Thermal Hard X-Rays from Magnetically Active Stars Guedel
8860049 Crab calibration spring/04 IBIS Public
8860048 Crab calibration spring/04 SPI Public
0299914 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 14 ISWT
0220133 Galactic Center Field: Ultra Deep Exposure II Sunyaev
0299915 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 15 ISWT
0299916 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 16 ISWT
0270001 PSR B1259-63 Kretschmar
0220104 Deep observations of the Sagittarius Arm tangent (l$\sim$40, b$\sim$0) Cherepashchuk
0299825 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 25 ISWT
0220114 Understanding the High Energy Activity of the Galactic Nucleus with INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton Goldwurm
8860051 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0220112 Observations of IC 443 with INTEGRAL: a Supernova Remnant in a Molecular Cloud Bykov
0299826 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 26 ISWT
0299827 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 27 ISWT
0299828 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 28 ISWT
8860052 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0299829 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 29 ISWT
0299830 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 30 ISWT
0299831 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 31 ISWT
0299832 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 32 ISWT
0220119 Multiwavelength observations of galactic low-mass X-ray binaries: The high-energy tail - radio jet connection Mendez
8860053 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0220151 Spectral variability of NGC 5548 - pivoting or two components? McHardy
0270002 TOO observation of 3C 273 in low "mm" state Courvoisier
0220145 Simulraneous INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton onservations of Seyfert Galaxies Barr
0299833 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 33 ISWT
0299834 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 34 ISWT
8860054 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0299835 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 35 ISWT
0220089 Still More Integral Observations of Supernovae Leising
0220078 Measuring the high-energy spectrum in the Very High State of GX 339-4 Belloni
8860055 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0220010 Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters Hurley
0299836 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 36 ISWT
0299922 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 22 Cycle 2 ISWT
0299837 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 37 ISWT
0299921 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 21 Cycle 1 ISWT
0299838 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 38 ISWT
0299923 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 23 Cycle 3 ISWT
0299927 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 27 Cycle 7 ISWT
0299839 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 39 ISWT
0220094 Target of Opportunity Observation(s) of an Outburst in X0115+63 Santangelo
8860057 Crab - on-axis staring - IBIS rise-time selection Public
8860058 Crab - 5x5 - 40 arcmin spacing Public
8860056 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
8860059 Crab - 180 deg arc - 4 deg off-axis - 4 deg spacing along arc Public
8860060 Crab - 5x5 - 2 degrees Public
0299840 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 40 ISWT
0299924 Galactic Centre Deep Exposure for AO 02, Pattern 24 Cycle 4 ISWT
8860061 RWB operation Public
0299841 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 41 ISWT
0220028 New facets of GRS 1915+105 Rodriguez
0299842 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 42 ISWT
8860062 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0299843 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 43 ISWT
0220105 Simultaneous INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton Observations of Cyg X-1 Wilms
0220033 INTEGRAL Studies of borderline Compton thick Seyfert 2 Galaxies Dean
0299844 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 44 ISWT
0299845 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 45 ISWT
0220032 Understanding the Seyfert 1 Nucleus and its Local Environment Dean
0299846 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 46 ISWT
8860063 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0220123 Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst Falanga
0299847 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 47 ISWT
0299848 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 48 ISWT
0299849 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 49 ISWT
0299850 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 50 ISWT
0220146 High Energy Variability and Particle Acceleration in the Quasar 3C273 McHardy
0299851 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 51 ISWT
0270003 V0332+43 Public
8860064 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0220154 The investigation of Non-thermal Hard X-ray Emission in Coma Cluster Vikhlinin
0299852 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 52 ISWT
0220141 The soft gamma-ray timing and spectral characteristics of PSR B1509-58 Hermsen
0299801 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 01 ISWT
0299802 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 02 ISWT
0299803 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 02, Pattern 03 ISWT
8860066 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0320109 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
0320065 Early Rises of X-ray Novae Swank
0320045 Connecting Black Hole States and Accretion Flow Geometry Miller
0399801 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 01 ISWT
0399914 Galactic lattitude scan Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 1 ISWT
8860068 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
8860073 Crab at 14.5 deg spring/05 ISWT
8860071 Crab spring/05 SPI/IBIS 5*5 ISWT
8860069 Crab spring/05 IBIS 10 deg arc ISWT
0399802 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 02 ISWT
0399913 Norma arm Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 1 ISWT
0399803 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 03 ISWT
0320092 Galactic Center Field: Ultra Deep Exposure III Sunyaev
0399804 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 04 ISWT
0399912 Scutum arm Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 1 ISWT
8860074 OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards Public
0320038 The Gamma-ray characteristics of nearby AGN Dean
0399805 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 05 ISWT
0320108 All sky survey in the hard X-ray energy band Churazov
0399806 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 06 ISWT
0399807 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 07 ISWT
0399915 Deep extra galactic survey Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 1 ISWT
0320102 Deep observations of Crux spiral arm tangent Revnivtsev
8860075 OMC FF#26 for rev 322 Public
0399808 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 08 ISWT
0399809 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 09 ISWT
0399810 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 10 ISWT
0329700 Core observations for AO 032 Amalgamated
8860077 OMC FF#04 for rev 334 Public
0399811 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 11 ISWT
8860078 OMC FF#08 for rev 336 Public
0320110 An INTEGRAL Way to Solve the X-ray Background Problem Urry
0399812 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 12 ISWT
0320041 Probing the accretion on a magnetized neutron star by pulse profile and cyclotrone line studies in Her X-1 Shakura
0399813 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 13 ISWT
0320060 Positrons in AGN Jets: Search for Annihilation Line Radiation Marscher
0320042 New Black Hole X-Ray Novae in the Galactic Halo Cadolle Bel
0399923 Norma arm Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 2 ISWT
8860080 OMC FF#01 for rev 346 Public
0399814 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 14 ISWT
0320026 Search for the Hard X-ray Break in Centaurus A with AstroE2/INTEGRAL Rothschild
0320043 High-Energy Emission of Faint Galactic Bulge Black Hole X-Ray Novae in Outburst Goldoni
8860079 Misscellaneous Pointing Public
0320049 Target of Opportunity Observations of an Outburst in A 0535+26 Kretschmar
0399921 Galactic Centre proposal for AO-3, cycle 2 ISWT
0320032 Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst Falanga
0320020 Deciphering the inscrutable microquasar GRS 1915+105 Rodriguez
0399922 Scutum arm Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 2 ISWT
0399924 Galactic lattitude scan Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 2 ISWT
8860081 OMC FF#12 for rev 358 Public
0399934 Galactic lattitude scan Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 3 ISWT
8860082 Crab Staring for JEMX ISWT
8860083 Crab 5*5 pattern ISWT
0320086 INTEGRAL observation of primary eclipse in SS433 in precessional phase 0.5 Cherepashchuk
0370001 TOO observation of IGR J17269-4737 Turler
0320093 Study of the Role of Jet Emission in the Origin of Hard X-ray Components in Bright Low Mass X-ray Binaries Di Salvo
8860084 OMC FF#30 for rev 370 Public
0399816 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 16 ISWT
0399817 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 17 ISWT
8860085 OMC FF#28 for rev 382 Public
8860087 RWB operation Public
8860090 AOCS Calibration revolution 385 Public
0320056 Probing the nature of Cas A's and Tycho's supernova explosions. Vink
0399818 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 18 ISWT
0399819 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 19 ISWT
8860091 OMC FF#08 for rev 394 Public
0399820 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 20 ISWT
0320058 An INTEGRAL Observation of the Blazar 3C 279 in Optical 'High State' Collmar
0399821 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 21 ISWT
0399822 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 22 ISWT
0399823 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 23 ISWT
0399824 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 24 ISWT
8860092 Earth Observation 1 Public
8860093 Earth Observation 2 Public
8860094 Earth Observation 3 Public
8860095 Earth Observation 4 Public
0399825 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 25 ISWT
0310002 CP TOO follow-up observations of unknown X-ray novae ISWT
8860096 OMC FF#12 for rev 408 Public
0320013 Galactic positron annihilation radiation: discriminating bulge, halo, and disk components by mid-latitude observations Weidenspointner
0399826 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 26 ISWT
0399931 Galactic Centre proposal for AO-3, cycle 3 ISWT
0399827 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 27 ISWT
0399944 Galactic lattitude scan Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 4 ISWT
8860097 OMC FF#12 for rev 409 Public
0399828 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 28 ISWT
8860098 Crab 5*5 2006 Spring Public
8860101 Crab 0.5 deg arc 2006 Spring Public
8860104 AOCS Calibration revolution 0422 Public
8860102 Crab JEM-X/IBIS staring Public
8860100 Crab 1 deg arc 2006 Spring Public
0399829 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 29 ISWT
0320028 Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters Hurley
0399830 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 30 ISWT
8860105 OMC FF#12 for rev 430 Public
0399932 Scutum arm Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 3 ISWT
0399831 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 31 ISWT
0399832 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 32 ISWT
0320014 Target of Opportunity Observations of a Major Radio/Hard X-Ray Flare in the Relativistic Jet Source Cygnus X-3 McCollough
0320044 INTEGRAL identifies the Hard X-ray excess in Blazars' fields Wolter
0399833 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 33 ISWT
8860107 OMC FF#9 for rev 442 Public
0399925 Deep extra galactic survey Proposal for AO 03 Cycle 2 ISWT
0399835 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 35 ISWT
8860110 AOCS Calibration revolution 0446 Public
0320033 Dedicated observations of two INTEGRAL discovered AGN: IGR J21247+5058 and LEDA170194 Bassani
0399836 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 36 ISWT
0320076 Observations of Mrk 421 in its active state with INTEGRAL Lichti
0399837 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 37 ISWT
0370002 INTEGRAL ToO on 4U 0142+61 Den Hartog
0399838 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 38 ISWT
8860111 OMC FF#36 for rev 455 Public
0399839 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 39 ISWT
0399840 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 40 ISWT
0320068 Search for Isolated Stellar Mass Black Holes in Taurus GMC Grindlay
8860112 OMC FF#37 for rev 466 Public
0399841 Galactic Plane Survey for AO 03, Pattern 41 ISWT
0320081 Probing Compton-thick Absorption: Simultaneous INTEGRAL/Astro E2 Observations of IGR J16318-4848 Wilms
0420001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
0420104 Target of Opportunity Observation(s) of Known and Unknown X-ray Pulsating Transients in Outburst Santangelo
0410001 AO-4 CP: Deep obs. of Galactic Plane ISWT
0420034 A Hard X-ray monitoring of the ~900 square degrees centered on GRS 1915+105 Rodriguez
0430000 Key Programme AO-4 Key Programme
8860113 OMC FF#33 for rev 478 Public
0420008 Massive Stars of Orion OB1 and the ISM Diehl
8860114 Crab calibration autumn 2006 Public
0420021 Galactic positron annihilation radiation: proving the existence of halo emission by mid-latitude observations Weidenspointner
8860115 OMC FF#33 for rev 490 Public
0420024 A high-energy study of the enigmatic Blazar PKS 0537-286 Ajello
0420087 Thermonuclear Pathways in X-ray Bursts from GS 1826-24 Galloway
8860116 AOCS calibrations revolution 501 Public
8860117 AOCS calibrations revolution 502 Public
8860118 OMC FF#35 for rev 504 Public
0420003 Compton reflection in the Seyfert 1.9 galaxy MCG -05-23-016 Beckmann
8860119 OMC FF#35 for rev 513 Public
0420073 Dissecting the Milky Way: Stellar Ridge, Cosmic Rays, Annihilation Radiation, Nucleosynthesis Sunyaev
0420083 Studying the pre-periastron flare of GX 301-2 Kreykenbohm
0420102 A Study of the Warm Absorber in the Dipping LMXB 4U 1254-690 Using Broad-band Integral Observations Balman
0420077 Spectral variability of NGC 4151 Walter
0480001 Thruster calibration for rev 522 Public
8860120 Dummy pointing Public
0420056 Y A Deep Examination of Black Hole States with INTEGRAL Miller
0470001 ToO on Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 4U 0142+61 Den Hartog
0420030 INTEGRAL ToO observations of known transient X-ray sources, coordinated with XMM-Newton Sidoli
8860121 OMC FF#13 for rev 534 Public
8860127 Crab-2007 Spring: SPI 5x5 pattern Public
8860123 Crab-2007 Spring: JEM-X grey filter test Public
8860124 Crab-2007 Spring: JEM-X anode segments test Public
8860125 Crab-2007 Spring: JEM-X VC settings test Public
8860126 Crab-2007 Spring: IBIS on-axis staring Public
0420062 Another opportunity to observe X and gamma ray flares from the Galactic Nucleus with INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton Goldwurm
8860128 OMC FF#33 for rev 546 Public
0420016 Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters Hurley
0470002 ToO observations on Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937 Den Hartog
0420052 Revealingthe structure of hard X-ray eclipse in SS 433 by INTEGRAL Cherepashchuk
8860132 OMC FF#26 for rev 559 Public
8860133 AOCS calibration rev 562 Public
8860136 OMC FF#34 for rev 570 Public
8860137 OMC FF#32 for rev 582 Public
0520001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
0510001 AO-5 CP: Deep obs. of Galactic Plane ISWT
0530000 AO-5 Key Programme 1: Galactic Centre Key Programme
8860138 OMC FF#32 for rev 594 Public
0520028 Fundamental physics in Hercules X-1: sub-Eddington accretion and neutron star free precession Staubert
8860139 Crab-2007 Fall: SPI 5x5 pattern Public
8860141 Crab-2007 Fall: JEM-X staring Public
8860140 Crab-2007 Fall: IBIS on-axis staring Public
0520005 Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters Hurley
0520071 Dissecting the Milky Way II: Stellar Ridge, Cosmic Rays, Annihilation Radiation, Nucleosynthesis Sunyaev
0520029 Revealing the structure of hard X-ray corona in SS433 by INTEGRAL Cherepashchuk
0520018 Monitoring the ~900 square degrees centred on GRS 1915+105 at hard X-rays Rodriguez
0520026 Determining the Galactic distribution of positron annihilation radiation by mid-latitude observations Weidenspointner
8860143 OMC FF#24 for rev 618 Public
0520031 INTEGRAL follow-up observations of AGILE-triggered gamma-ray flaring blazars Vercellone
0531000 AO-5 Key Programme 2: North Ecliptic Pole Key Programme
0532000 AO-5 Key Programme 3: Cygnus region Key Programme
8860144 OMC FF#35 for rev 630 Public
0529700 Core observations for AO 052 Amalgamated
0520037 Spectral variability of NGC 4151 Walter
0520008 Gamm-Ray Line Emission from the Superbubble Iyudin
0520047 The First INTEGRAL Image of M31 Kong
8860145 OMC FF#31 for rev 641 Public
0520056 Testing the external-radiation-Compton model for blazars. Moderski
0520032 A long look at X Per (4U 0352+309) Kreykenbohm
8860148 OMC FF#32 for rev 654 Public
0520068 Monitoring the next outburst of 4U0115+63 with INTEGRAL Wilms
8860149 Crab-2008 Spring: SPI 5x5 r665 Public
8860150 Crab-2008 Spring: SPI 5x5 r666 Public
8860151 Crab-2008 Spring: JEM-X/IBIS staring Public
8860152 OMC FF#33 for rev 667 Public
0520050 Observation of an X-ray burster with weak persistent emission in a bursting state Molkov
0520051 Observations of Mrk 421 in its active state with INTEGRAL Von Kienlin
8860158 OMC FF#22 for rev 680 Public
8860159 OMC FF#27 for rev 690 Public
0520048 A Complete AGN Census at High Energies with INTEGRAL Virani
8860160 OMC FF#32 for rev 702 Public
0620001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
0620052 Resolving the PKS 0208-512 sky region at hard X-rays by INTEGRAL Zhang
8860161 OMC FF#31 for rev 714 Public
0620014 Target of Opportunity Observations of Active Soft Gamma Repeaters Hurley
0620002 Compton reflection and plasma temperature in NGC 2110 Beckmann
0610001 AO-6 CP: Deep observations of the Perseus Arm ISWT
0620029 INTEGRAL study of hard X-ray corona eclipse in SS433 Cherepashchuk
0630000 AO-6 Key Programme 1: Galactic Centre Key Programme
0620021 "INTEGRAL-ly" monitoring GRS 1915+105 over the electromagnetic spectrum Rodriguez
8860164 OMC FF#33 for rev 726 Public
8860165 Crab-2008 Fall: SPI 5x5 r727 Public
8860166 Crab-2008 Fall: SPI 5x5 r728 Public
8860167 Crab-2008 Fall: JEM-X staring r728 Public
0620059 Dissecting the Milky Way III: Stellar Ridge, Cosmic Rays, Annihilation Radiation, Nucleosynthesis Sunyaev
0620034 INTEGRAL prompt observations magnetars' outbursts Gotz
0620041 A Multi-Wavelength Study of Black Hole States with INTEGRAL Miller
8860168 OMC FF#33 for rev 738 Public
0632000 AO-6 Key Programme 3: Cygnus region Key Programme
0634000 AO-6 Key Programme 5: SMC/47 Tuc Key Programme
0635000 AO-6 Key Programme 6: Virgo Cluster Key Programme
8860169 OMC FF#9 for rev 750 Public
0631000 AO-6 Key Programme 2: North Ecliptic Pole Key Programme
8860170 OMC FF#4 for rev 762 Public
0620015 A long INTEGRAL Observation of Centaurus A: Radio-Gamma-Ray SED Modeling of Nuclear Jet Models Rothschild
0620060 New Generation High-Energy Spectra of the Gamma-Ray Blazar 3C 279 with XMM-Newton, INTEGRAL and GLAST Collmar
0670001 1E1547.0-5408 in outburst Public
0620062 ToO observation of a non-INTEGRAL-detected Anomalous X-ray Pulsar Den Hartog
0620022 Gamma-ray emission from Eta Carinae Leyder
8860173 Crab-2009 Spring: 5x5 r774 Public
8860174 Crab-2009 Spring: mask corners r774 Public
8860175 OMC FF#31 for rev 774 Public
0633000 AO-6 Key Programme 4: Inner Galactic Disk Key Programme
8860176 OMC FF#33 for rev 786 Public
0620054 Monitoring 4U 1907+09 with INTEGRAL Pottschmidt
8860178 OMC FF#33 for rev 798 Public
0620007 Unveiling the Nature of the hard X-ray excess in the Coma cluster Eckert
0620065 A week in the "ordinary " life of the blazar 3C 454.3 Donnarumma
8860182 OMC FF# 9 for rev 810 Public
8860184 OMC FF# 37 for rev 822 Public
0620037 A 0535+26 observations in outburst Caballero
8860185 OMC FF# 31 for rev 834 Public
0629700 Core observations for AO 062 Amalgamated
8860187 Crab-2009 Aug: 5x5 wide r839 Public
0620061 Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst Falanga
8860188 OMC FF# 33 for rev 850 Public
0720009 Compton reflection and plasma temperature in NGC 2110 Beckmann
0720016 The first very broad-band monitoring, from optical/UV to $\gamma$-rays, of a Seyfert I galaxy on a month time scale Petrucci
0720001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
0720010 Hard X-ray spectroscopy of two ultraluminous X-ray sources and a low-luminosity AGN Sazonov
0720035 Broad Band Variability of Microquasars: Integral observations of Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105 Wilms
8860189 OMC FF#9 for rev 858 Public
0720015 Polarimetric Observations of the Vela Pulsar Dean
8860191 OMC FF#9 for rev 870 Public
0770002 3C 454.3 in an exceptionally high state Vercellone
0720026 Nucleosynthesis and positron annihilation in the Cygnus region Martin
0720006 Active Galactic Nuclei: jet composition, particle acceleration, high energy emission, and their population. Walter
8860192 OMC FF#36 for rev 882 Public
0720030 Explosive nucleosynthesis, annihilation emission and particle acceleration in Cassiopeia A and Tycho Martin
0720003 Probing relativistic electrons in the Galaxy and its halo Strong
0720011 Physics of the high energy tail of luminous accreting neutron stars - ultra deep observations of Sco X-1 Revnivtsev
8860193 OMC FF#2 for rev 894 Public
0720047 Hard X-ray spectro-imagery of RX J1713.7-3946 Terrier
0720018 Continuation of 06K0003: Confirming the Asymmetry of the Positron Annihilation Radiation from the Inner Galactic Disk Weidenspointner
8860194 Crab 2010, JEMX staring Public
8860195 Crab 2010, IBS/SPI 5x5 wide Public
0740001 Black Hole X-Ray Novae at High Energies Cadolle Bel
8860196 Crab 2010, mask calibration Public
8860197 OMC FF#33 for rev 906 Public
0720027 The stability of the new hard X-ray tail of AXP 1E 1547.0-5408 Den Hartog
0740013 Target of Opportunity Observation(s) of Known and Unknown X-ray Pulsating Transients in Outburst Santangelo
0740026 Constraining spectral breaks in Galactic black hole transients in the hard state Kalemci
8860199 OMC FF#38 for rev 918 Public
0720028 Deep Galactic Anticentre Survey : an INTEGRAL must Ubertini
8860200 OMC FF#38 for rev 924 Public
0720039 Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud and Supernova 1987A Grebenev
8860201 OMC FF#9 for rev 930 Public
0720017 Understanding the X-ray binary populations of the Magellanic Cloud Family - Large, Small & Bridge Coe
8860202 OMC FF#2 for rev 942 Public
0720012 Hercules X-1 -- the detailed study of cyclotron lines, magnetic field and accretion Shakura
0740009 INTEGRAL TOO observations of a Seyfert 2 galaxy during a period of high flux Williams
8860203 OMC FF#36 for rev 954 Public
0720049 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Outer Galaxy - I" Krivonos
8860209 Dummy Pointing Public
8860211 OMC FF#31 for rev 966 Public
8860215 Crab 2010 Fall: JEMX staring r966 Public
8860214 Crab 2010 Fall: IBIS/SPI 5x5 wide r967 Public
8860213 Crab 2010 Fall: IBIS mask r968 Public
0720025 Study of the hard X-ray orbital spectral evolution of LSI+61 303 MOLKOV
0770003 Crab TOO Rev 970 Public
0720044 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Outer Galaxy - II" Tsygankov
0770004 TOO Observations of MAXI J1659-152 Kuulkers
8860216 OMC FF#33 for rev 978 Public
0770005 TOO on PKS 1830-211 Tramacere
0720014 INTEGRAL searches for change in hard X-ray spectrum during primary eclipse of galactic superaccreting microquasar SS433 Cherepashchuk
8860219 OMC FF#35 for rev 990 Public
8860220 OMC FF#9 for rev 993 Public
8860222 OMC FF#36 for rev 1002 Public
0820014 Active Galactic Nuclei: jet composition, particle acceleration, high energy emission, and their population. Walter
0820004 The origin of X/gamma-ray emitting particles: cosmic-rays, antimatter and radioactivity in Cassiopeia A and Tycho Martin
0820002 Probing relativistic electrons in the Galaxy and its halo Strong
0820038 Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud and Supernova 1987A (part II) Grebenev
8860225 OMC FF#11 for rev 1014 Public
0820001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
8860226 Crab 2011: IBIS Mask Corner rev 1019 Public
8860227 Crab 2011: SPI/IBIS 5x5 wide rev 1019 Public
8860228 Crab 2011: JEM-X DV Voltage rev 1019 Public
8860229 Crab 2011: JEM-X Diagnostic Mode rev 1019 Public
0840017 INTEGRAL observations of A 0535+26 in outburst Caballero
0820037 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Inner Galaxy" Sunyaev
0820024 Determining the longitude distribution of the asymmetric positron annihilation radiation from the inner Galaxy Weidenspointner
0829700 Core observations for AO 082 Amalgamated
0820025 Broad Band Variability of Microquasars: Integral observations of Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105 Wilms
8860230 OMC FF#12 for rev 1026 Public
0820030 Hard X-ray spectroscopy of two ultraluminous X-ray sources and a low-luminosity AGN Sazonov
8860231 FSS-STR calibration for rev. 1030 Public
0870002 ToO on the new pulsar SXP 175 discovered in SMC Coe
0820029 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: Galactic latitude scans at l=55 deg. Lutovinov
8860232 OMC FF#38 for rev 1038 Public
0820036 INTEGRAL Observations of Extragalactic Jets from the TANAMI Sample Kadler
0820026 Probing the structure of superaccreting disk in microquasar SS433 from INTEGRAL observations Cherepashchuk
0820021 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - the return of the GPS Bazzano
0870003 TOO observations of SXP 85.4 Coe
8860233 OMC FF#9 for rev 1051 Public
0840021 Study of the evolution of the accretion column during bright transient events in X-Ray pulsars Tsygankov
8860234 OMC FF#9 for rev 1061 Public
0820033 Variability of the cyclotron line energy E_cyc in Hercules X-1 Staubert
8860235 OMC FF#12 for rev 1073 Public
0820022 Thermonuclear bursts of the Slow Burster Misanovic
0840006 Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars observed in Outburst Falanga
0820027 Hard X-ray spectro-imagery of RX J1713.7-3946 Terrier
0840007 Type Ia Supernovae Isern
8860238 Crab 2011: SPI/IBIS 5x5 wide rev 1089 Public
8860239 Crab 2011: JEM-X Staring rev 1086 Public
8860237 Crab 2011: IBIS Mask Corner rev 1086 Public
8860241 Crab 2011: IBIS Mask Corner rev 1096 Public
8860242 OMC FF#16 for rev 1096 Public
0870004 Observing SN2011fe with INTEGRAL Public
8860243 OMC FF#38 for rev 1101 Public
8860244 OMC FF#9 for rev 1108 Public
8860245 OMC FF#35 for rev 1120 Public
0920005 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - the return of the GPS Bazzano
0920012 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Carina arm region" Krivonos
0920022 Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud and Supernova 1987A (part III) Grebenev
0940023 Following the evolution of the X-ray emitting structure with luminosity in transient accreting pulsars. Klochkov
8860246 OMC FF#34 for rev 1132 Public
0920002 Probing relativistic electrons in the Galaxy and its halo Strong
0920015 INTEGRAL Monitoring of the Inner Spiral Arms Bodaghee
0920001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
8860247 OMC FF#12 for rev 1144 Public
0920008 Broad Band Variability of Microquasars: Integral observations of Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105 Wilms
0920025 Observing the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL Wilms
0920011 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" Sunyaev
0920021 Deep Galactic Anticentre Survey: an INTEGRAL must Ubertini
0920013 Continuation of 0820024 - Determining the longitude distribution of the asymmetric e+ radiation from the inner galaxy. Weidenspointner
8860249 FSS-STR calibration for rev. 1154 Public
0920009 Hercules X-1: Variability of the cyclotron line energy Ecyc and the question of NS free precession Staubert
8860248 OMC FF#16 for rev 1156 Public
8860250 Crab 2012: SPI/IBIS 5x5 wide rev 1159-1160 Public
8860251 Crab 2012: JEM-X Staring rev 1159 Public
0970001 INTEGRAL TOO on MAXI J1305-704 Sanchez-Fernandez
8860252 Earth Observation 2.1 Public
8860253 OMC FF#9 for rev 1169 Public
0920010 Active Galactic Nuclei: jet composition, particle acceleration, high energy emission, and their population. Walter
8860254 OMC FF#36 for rev 1189 Public
8860255 Earth Observation 2.2 Public
8860256 OMC FF#18 for rev 1201 Public
0920016 Probing the nature of the circumstellar environment around periastron in SFXTs Drave
8860257 Earth Observation 2.3 Public
8860261 OMC FF#12 for rev 1212 Public
0940005 A multi-wavelength campaign to observe a bright black hole transient in transition Belloni
8860258 Crab 2012: IBIS Mask Corner rev 1213-14 Public
8860262 Earth Observation 2.4 Public
8860259 Crab 2012: JEM-X Staring rev 1214 Public
8860260 Crab 2012: SPI/IBIS 5x5 wide rev 1214 Public
8860263 FSS-STR/SAS calibration for rev. 1224 Public
8860264 OMC FF#9 for rev 1225 Public
0920014 Hard X-ray spectroscopy of two ultraluminous X-ray sources and a low-luminosity AGN Sazonov
8860265 Earth Observation 2.5 Public
8860266 OMC FF#9 for rev 1237 Public
1020003 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - the return of the GPS2 Bazzano
1020029 Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud and Supernova 1987A (part III) Grebenev
8860267 OMC FF#34 for rev 1247 Public
1020030 INTEGRAL Spectra of X-ray Bright Compton-Thin Seyfert 2s Markowitz
1020027 The Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342: A rosetta stone for the jet/disk paradigm Tibolla
1020028 INTEGRAL observations of PKS 1127-145 Sanchez-Fernandez
1020004 Massive Stars in the Orion Region Diehl
8860268 OMC FF#31 for rev 1258 Public
1020001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
1040022 High energy emission from Galactic black hole transients when the compact jet turns on Kalemci
8860270 Crab 2013: SPI/IBIS 5x5 wide 1268-69 Public
8860271 Crab 2013: JEM-X Staring rev 1268 Public
1020005 Hard X-ray study of the ultra-compact X-ray binary 4U 0614+091 Chenevez
1020016 INTEGRAL study of jet nutation of SS433: looking into the supercritical disk funnel Cherepashchuk
8860272 OMC FF#12 for rev 1272 Public
8860273 SAS Calibration in rev 1274 Public
1020021 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" Krivonos
1020009 Probing the circumstellar environment during periastron passage in the SFXTs IGR J17354-3255 and IGR J18483-0311 Drave
8860274 Crab observations in 1278 Public
1040025 Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst Falanga
8860275 OMC FF#12 for rev 1283 Public
1020020 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Puppis Region" Tsygankov
1020006 Spectral states in the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 2992 Beckmann
8860276 OMC FF#7 for rev 1295 Public
8860277 OMC FF#34 for rev 1303 Public
1020011 Identifying & understanding the X-ray binary population of the Small Magellanic Cloud Coe
1070001 Coordinated TOO observation of NGC 5548 Paltani
8860278 Earth Observation 3.1 Public
1020019 INTEGRAL monitoring of NGC 4945 Malizia
1070002 Observations of Mkn 501 (ToO outside TAC) Pian
8860279 OMC FF#34 for rev 1315 Public
8860280 Crab 2013: SPI/IBIS 5x5 Public
8860281 Crab 2013: JEM-X Staring rev 1327 Public
8860282 OMC FF#12 for rev 1333 Public
1020010 Observing the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL Wilms
1020017 ISA: INTEGRAL Spiral Arms Monitoring Program Bodaghee
1020018 Helium-rich thermonuclear bursts from the Slow Burster Galloway
8860283 Crab observations in 1342 Public
8860284 OMC FF#12 for rev 1345 Public
1020008 Hard X-ray spectroscopy of two ultraluminous X-ray sources and a low-luminosity AGN Sazonov
8860285 SAS Cal in rev 1350 Public
8860286 OMC FF#9 for rev 1357 Public
8860287 Earth Observation 3.2 Public
1129700 Polarization of Cyg X-1 Amalgamated
1040030 INTEGRAL ToO follow up on Fermi Galactic gamma-ray Transients Den Hartog
1120030 Hunting the claimed high energy cyclotron line of GRO J1008-57 Kuhnel
1120015 INTEGRAL monitoring of Centaurus A Jourdain
8860288 OMC FF#36 for rev 1370 Public
1120003 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - the return of the GPS Bazzano
1120002 Identifying & understanding the X-ray binary population of the Small Magellanic Cloud Coe
1120011 The High Energy capabilities of INTEGRAL highlighted in a unique multi-wavelength campaign on NGC5548 Petrucci
1170001 Public Observations of SN2014J in M82 Public
1140011 Type Ia Supernovae Isern
8860289 OMC FF#36 for rev 1382 Public
1120001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
1120033 INTEGRAL Spiral Arms (ISA) Monitoring Program: Scutum and Sagittarius Arms Bodaghee
8860290 Crab Calibration 2014.1: Rev 1387 Public
1120032 INTEGRAL Spiral Arms (ISA) Monitoring Program: Inner Perseus and Norma Arms Bodaghee
1140005 ToO observations of the "Bursting Pulsar" during outburst with INTEGRAL Masetti
1170002 Russian observations of SN 2014J (M82) Sunyaev
8860291 OMC FF#16 for rev 1394 Public
8860292 SAS Calibration in Rev 1405 Public
8860293 OMC FF#16 for rev 1406 Public
1120004 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Puppis Region" Tsygankov
8860294 IBIS engineering operation in rev 1416 Public
8860295 OMC FF#9 for rev 1418 Public
1120026 Hard X-ray observation of PSR B1259-63 after 2014 periastron Li
1140029 Hard X-ray observation of PSR B1259-63 after 2014 periastron Li
1120009 Coordinated INTEGRAL, XMM and XRT observations of IGR J21247+5058 Molina
1120025 Massive Stars in the Orion Region Diehl
8860296 OMC FF#31 for rev 1442 Public
1120029 Regular INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab Kuulkers
1120034 Characterizing the periastron environment in the SFXT IGR J16328-4726 with INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton Fiocchi
1120027 Continued Observation of the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL Wilms
8860297 OMC FF#11 for rev 1452 Public
8860299 Crab Calibration 2014.2: Rev 1461 and 1462 Public
1120014 Probing the cirumstellar enviornment around periastron in the SFXTs IGR J18450-0435 and IGR J18483-0311 Drave
8860300 OMC FF#9 for rev 1466 Public
1120005 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" Krivonos
1120022 INTEGRAL study of supercritical accretion disk nutation in SS433 Cherepashchuk
8860301 SAS Calibration in Rev 1478 Public
8860302 OMC FF#9 for rev 1478 Public
8860303 OMC FF#36 for rev 1490 Public
1220024 Deeply X-raying the Local Universe with INTEGRAL Bottacini
1220035 26Al line shift from the closest massive star group Krause
1220037 Constraining the Spectral Energy Distribution of Per A/NGC 1275 with {INTEGRAL and Swift Eckert
1220011 Regular INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab Kuulkers
8860304 OMC FF#31 for rev 1508 Public
1220017 ISA: INTEGRAL Spiral Arms Monitoring Program Bodaghee
1220016 ISA: INTEGRAL Spiral Arms Monitoring Program Bodaghee
1220001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
1270001 TOO observations of SAX J1748.8-2021 Public
8860305 Crab Calibration 2015.1: Rev 1515-16 Public
1220009 Continued Observation of the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL Wilms
8860306 OMC FF#16 for rev 1524 Public
1240026 INTEGRAL prompt observations magnetar outbursts Gotz
1220044 INTEGRAL observations of Cygnus X-1 Public
1220043 Identifying & understanding the HMXB population of the Small Magellanic Cloud Public
1220042 INTEGRAL study of supercritical accretion disk nutation in SS433 Cherepashchuk
8860307 OMC FF#35 for rev 1542 Public
1270002 TOO on BHC V404 Cyg in outburst Public
1240027 Studying Black Hole Transients in Outbursts from Radio to Gamma-rays Rodriguez
8860308 OMC FF#35 for rev 1556 Public
1270003 Public TOO on BHC V404 Cyg in outburst Public
1270004 Public ToO observation of GS 1354-645 Public
1270005 TOO on V404 Cyg to overlap with HST Motta
1260001 Coordinated observations of 3C 273 Public
1270007 TOO on V0332+53 in bright state Ferrigno
1240014 Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst Falanga
1270009 INTEGRAL Follow-up Observations of V0332+53 Ferrigno
1220032 Hercules X-1: The decay of the cyclotron line energy E_cyc with time. Does it continue to decay further? Staubert
1220027 Catch Scorpius X-1 by the tail: high quality hard X-ray tail from monitoring observations of the brightest neutron star. Revnivtsev
1220022 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Norma Arm" Krivonos
1270008 Public ToO observation of GS 1354-645 Public
8860309 OMC FF#32 for rev 1576 Public
1220006 Massive Stars in the Orion Region Diehl
8860310 OMC FF#12 for rev 1590 Public
8860311 SAS Calibration in Rev 1593 Public
1270010 Public TOO on GS1826-24 Chenevez
1270011 Public TOO observations of V0332+53 Lutovinov
8860312 Crab Calibration 2015.2: Rev 1598-99 Public
1220014 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - the return of the GPS3 Bazzano
8860313 OMC FF#33 for rev 1604 Public
1220041 INTEGRAL observations of the Musca region Public
8860314 Earth Observation 4.1 Public
1220045 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Carina Arm" Grebenev
8860315 OMC FF#7 for rev 1619 Public
1240032 Multiwavelength spectral variability of Very-High-Energy Blazar Outbursts detected by FACT Kreikenbohm
1270012 INTEGRAL TOO observations of V404 Cyg in outburst Motta
1320004 Nucleosynthesis in supernovae, positron containment, and particle acceleration, in Cas A and Tycho SNRs Diehl
1320026 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Norma Arm" Krivonos
8860316 OMC FF#32 for rev 1635 Public
1320027 Long-term evolution of the magnetic field at the polar caps of accreting pulsars Klochkov
1320001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
1320005 Regular INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab Kuulkers
8860317 OMC FF#16 for rev 1652 Public
1320025 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" Sunyaev
8860319 Crab Calibration 2016.1 (1661-62): IBIS/SPI Public
8860318 Crab Calibration 2016.1 (1661-62): JEM-X Public
1320023 Continued Observation of the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL Wilms
8860320 OMC FF#12 for rev 1667 Public
8860321 Crab Calibration 2016.1 (1667): JEM-X repeat Public
1370001 TOO on MAXI J0911-655 Bozzo
1320015 Exploring multi frequency variability in the NLSy1 Mkn 110 Panessa
1320019 Nucleosynthesis in supernovae and massive stars throughout the Galaxy Diehl
8860325 Earth Observation 4.2 Public
1320024 Deeply X-raying the Local Universe with INTEGRAL Bottacini
1370002 Multi-wavelength campaign on Cyg X-1 Grinberg
1360001 Coordinated observations of 3C 273 Public
1320011 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS4 Bazzano
8860326 OMC FF#36 for rev 1699 Public
1370003 Prompt INTEGRAL follow-up of a neutrino event Public
8860327 OMC FF#11 for rev 1715 Public
8860328 Crab Calibration 2016.2 (1723-24): IBIS/SPI Public
8860329 Crab Calibration 2016.2 (1723-24): JEM-X Public
8860332 TEST new OMC FF Public
8860333 SAS Calibration in Rev 1728 Public
1340018 Broad band spectroscopy of GRS 1758-258 in its peculiar dim soft state: TOO Observations Hirsch
8860334 OMC FF#20 for rev 1732 Public
1320033 INTEGRAL observations of GRS 1915+105 Sunyaev
8860336 TEST #2 new OMC FF Public
8860337 OMC FF#38 for rev 1747 Public
8860338 OMC FF v2 #9 for rev 1763 Public
1420015 Nucleosynthesis in supernovae, positron containment, and particle acceleration, in Cas A and Tycho SNRs Diehl
1420013 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS5 Bazzano
1420022 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Norma Arm" Krivonos
8860339 OMC FF v2 #32 for rev 1779 Public
1470001 TOO observations of GRS 1716-249 Public
1420005 Regular INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab Kuulkers
1420016 Massive Stars in the Orion Region Diehl
1420001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
1420031 Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-14 Grebenev
8860342 Crab Calibration 2017.1 (1784-85): JEM-X Public
8860340 Crab Calibration 2017.1 (1784-85): IBIS/SPI Public
1470002 Transient follow-up Kuulkers
1420009 Continued Observation of the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL Wilms
1440024 Hunting for the sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos with INTEGRAL Santander
1420021 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" Sunyaev
1470003 Coordinated observations of GRS 1915+105 Public
1420029 A new monitoring campaign on GRS 1915+105 over the electromagnetic spectrum Rodriguez
1420025 INTEGRAL observations of supercritical accretion disk in SS433 seen edge-on Cherepashchuk
1420032 INTEGRAL observations around the region (l, b) = (50,-3) Lutovinov
1420008 Nucleosynthesis in supernovae and massive stars throughout the Galaxy Diehl
1420003 The Ultra-Deep Field - an INTEGRAL legacy Beckmann
1470004 Yearly Coordinated Calibration of 3C273 Public
1470005 Coordinated observations of GX 301-2 Obsolete Public
1470006 Coordinated observation of Her X-1 Public
1470007 Hidden TOO on GW event at 41.07, -45.49 Kuulkers
1470009 Hidden TOO on GW event at 176.8, -39.8 Kuulkers
1470008 INTEGRAL observations of 4U 1543-624 Ludlam
8860348 Crab Calibration 2017.2 (1856-57): IBIS/SPI Public
8860350 SAS calibration in Rev 1859 Public
8860351 OMC FF v2 #32 for rev 1859 Public
1470010 New X-ray transient MAXI J1535-571 Bozzo
1440001 A multi-wavelength campaign to observe a bright black hole transient in transition Belloni
1420030 Joint radio and INTEGRAL observations of the repeating fast radio burst FRB 121102 Gouiffes
1420027 Multiwavelenght monitoring of NGC 2110 Panessa
1470011 TeV Emission form PSR J2032+4127 Wilcox
1520024 Positron Annihilation in the Dwarf Satellite Galaxy Reticulum II Siegert
1520035 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS5 Bazzano
1520030 Massive Stars in the Perseus Region Siegert
1520033 The cyclotron line in Her X-1: Is there a new turn-up - deviating from the 20 year long decay? Staubert
1520001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
1540008 INTEGRAL prompt observations of magnetar outbursts Gotz
1520022 Continued Observation of the Galactic Center Region with INTEGRAL Wilms
1520038 Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-15 Grebenev
1520007 Regular INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab Kuulkers
1570001 Outside TAC TOO on Swift J1658.2-4242 Ducci
1570002 INTEGRAL TOO observations of MAXI J1813-095 Fuerst
8860357 Crab Calibration 2018.1 (1927-28): IBIS/SPI Public
8860358 Crab Calibration 2018.1 (1927-28): JEM-X Public
1570003 INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swift J1658.2-4242 Public
1570004 INTEGRAL TOO observations of MAXI J1820+070 Bozzo
1540001 A multi-wavelength campaign to observe a bright black hole transient in transition Belloni
1570005 INTEGRAL TOO observations of IGR J17379-3747 Bozzo
1570006 INTEGRAL TOO observations of MAXI J1820+070 Sanchez-Fernandez
1570007 INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swift J1756.9-2508 Bozzo
1520011 Massive Stars in the Orion Region Diehl
1520009 Peering through accretion-ejections mechanisms with an INTEGRAL/multi-wavelength GRS 1915+1015 monitoring program Rodriguez
1570009 INTEGRAL TOO observations of ASASSN-18fv Public
1570008 INTEGRAL TOO observations of MAXI J1820+070 Public
1520004 The Ultra-Deep Field - an INTEGRAL legacy Beckmann
1570010 INTEGRAL TOO observations of AT2018cow/ATLAS18qqn Public
1570011 Coordinated observation of 3C 273 Public
1520002 Nucleosynthesis in supernovae, positron containment, and particle acceleration, in Cas A and Tycho SNRs Diehl
1520037 Scoripius X-1 jet variabiility Vincentelli
1540022 Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst Tsygankov
1540005 High energy emission from Galactic black hole transients when the compact jet turns on Kalemci
1520026 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Bar II" Lutovinov
1520025 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Plane at L=58 deg" Mereminskiy
1520023 Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 Wilms
1670001 Multiwavelength Observations of Vela X-1 during X-Calibur Flight Grinberg
1640006 Studying Black Hole Transients in Outbursts from Radio to Gamma-rays Rodriguez
1640004 A multi-wavelength campaign to observe a bright black hole transient in transition Belloni
1620001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
1620023 Monitoring the Galactic Centre Region: An INTEGRAL Legacy Wilms
1620028 Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-16 Grebenev
1660001 INTEGRAL Crab monitoring Public
1620026 Massive Stars in the Perseus Region Siegert
1620027 Probing the disc-jet coupling in the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary Sco X-1 Motta
8860371 Crab Calibration 2019.1 (2061-2062) Public
1620022 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" Sunyaev
1670002 INTEGRAL TOO Observation of MAXI J1820+070 Public
1620008 Peering through accretion-ejections mechanisms with an INTEGRAL/multi-wavelength GRS 1915+1015 monitoring program Rodriguez
1670003 INTEGRAL TOO observations of PKS 1830-211 Ciprini
1670004 Fast TOO Operational Test Public
1620015 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS6 Bazzano
1620021 TIMELESS: The INTEGRAL Medium-Latitude Sky Survey Bodaghee
1670005 INTEGRAL TOO observations of LIGO/Virgo S190425z Public
1620024 Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 Wilms
1640027 Multiwavelength Spectral Variability of Very-High-Energy Blazar Outbursts detected by FACT Kreikenbohm
1620006 Monitoring the cyclotron line energy in Hercules X-1: is there a turn-up after the long decay? Staubert
1670006 Coordinated observation of 3C 273 Public
1620016 Nucleosynthesis in supernovae, positron containment, and particle acceleration, in Cas A and Tycho SNRs Diehl
1670007 INTEGRAL/Spectr-RG coordinated observations of Cen X-3 Lutovinov
1640023 Proposal for INTEGRAL ToO observations of IceCube neutrinos Savchenko
1640014 ToO INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton observations of the repeating fast radio burst FRB 121102 Gouiffes
1620017 Massive Stars in the Orion Region Diehl
8860380 Crab Calibration 2019.2 (2133-2134) Public
1670008 INTEGRAL TOO observations of AT2019pev Public
1670009 INTEGRAL TOO observation of GRS 1915+105 Motta
1620029 INTEGRAL synergy with Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma: a census of obscured AGN Mereminskiy
1670010 INTEGRAL TOO observation of Cygnus X-3 Rodriguez
1670012 INTEGRAL TOO observations of Eta Carinae Corcoran
1720012 2.2 MeV Emission from a Highly Magnetised White Dwarf Pleintinger
1720015 TIMELESS: The INTEGRAL Medium-Latitude Sky Survey Bodaghee
1770001 INTEGRAL ToO observation of FRB 180916 Panessa
1720018 Monitoring the Galactic Centre Region: An INTEGRAL Legacy Wilms
1720004 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS6 Bazzano
1760001 INTEGRAL Crab monitoring Public
1720001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
1720022 Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-17 Grebenev
1770002 INTEGRAL ToO observation of repeating FRB 180916 Panessa
1740007 INTEGRAL prompt observations of magnetar outbursts Gotz
1770003 INTEGRAL TOO observations of the Rapid Burster Van den Eijnden
1770004 INTEGRAL TOO observations of the Crab MOLKOV
1720007 GRS 1915+105 INTEGRAL/Multi-Wavelength Monitoring Program: Clarifying Accretion-Ejection Mechanisms Rodriguez
1720011 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" Sunyaev
1770005 INTEGRAL TOO observation of OJ287 Pian
1720026 INTEGRAL synergy with SRG: counting up obscured AGN together Mereminskiy
1720013 Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 Wilms
1770006 INTEGRAL Observations of Vela X-1 Public
1770007 INTEGRAL observations of SN 2018cow Public
1770008 INTEGRAL observations of 3C 273 Public
1770009 INTEGRAL observations of the region around ra,dec=(0,0,5.0) Public
1770010 Z-flip observations for rev. 2255 Public
1770011 INTEGRAL Observation of Sco X-1 Public
1720014 Massive Stars in the Orion Region Diehl
1770012 INTEGRAL Observation of Sco X-1 Public
1720024 Monitoring the cyclotron line energy in Hercules X-1: search for a turn-up and securing the INTEGRAL calibration Staubert
1720025 INTEGRAL synergy with Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma: a census of obscured AGN Mereminskiy
1770013 INTEGRAL observations of Vela X-1 coordinated with radio observations Kretschmar
1770014 INTEGRAL observations of SRGA J043520.9+552226 Mereminskiy
8860394 SAS Calibration for rev. 2283 Public
1770015 INTEGRAL TOO observartions of SGR 1935+2154 Gotz
1770016 INTEGRAL observations of BL Lac Pian
1720027 Mrk 421: Coordinated Multi-Mission High-Energy Study of a Remarkable Blazar Dorner
1820008 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS7 Bazzano
1820010 INTEGRAL observations to understand the origin of the periodicity from FRB 180916.J0158+65 Panessa
1870001 INTEGRAL TOO Observation of Cen X-4 Chenevez
1820015 Massive Stars in the Orion Region Diehl
1820021 Monitoring the Galactic Centre Region: An INTEGRAL Legacy Wilms
1820004 Exploring the Solar System with INTEGRAL Siegert
1820001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
1820023 Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-18 Grebenev
1860001 Crab monitoring Public
1870002 INTEGRAL TOO observations of 4U 1728-34 Van den Eijnden
1820012 M81 deep field: searching for obscured AGNs with INTEGRAL and SRG Mereminskiy
1820017 Search for a second harmonic in the accreting X-ray pulsar 4U 1626-67 D'Ai'
1820020 Positron Annihilation in Globular Clusters Siegert
1870003 INTEGRAL observations of 3C 273 Public
1820018 Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 Wilms
1870004 INTEGRAL ToO Observations of FRB 180916.J0158+65 Gouiffes
1870005 INTEGRAL TOO observattions of 4U1636-536 Van den Eijnden
1870006 Joint INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton observations of GRS 1915+105 Motta
1870007 INTEGRAL TOO observations of V4641 Sgr Public
1870008 INTEGRAL ToO observations of V4641 Sgr Motta
1870009 INTEGRAL TOO observations of 4U 1820-30 Chenevez
1870010 INTEGRAL Observations of Cyg X-3 Cangemi
1870011 Integral TOO observations of MAXI J0903-531 Kajava
1970001 INTEGRAL TOO observations of Mrk 501 Pian
1920005 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS7 Bazzano
1920011 Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 Wilms
1920008 Massive Stars in the Orion Region Diehl
1970002 INTTEGRAL TOO observations of Mrk 501 Pian
1920014 Monitoring the Galactic Centre Region: An INTEGRAL Legacy Wilms
1960001 Crab monitoring Public
1920015 M81 deep field: searching for obscured AGNs with INTEGRAL and SRG Mereminskiy
1920001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
1920020 Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-19 Grebenev
1970003 INTEGRAL DDT Observation of Sgr A* Kuulkers
1970004 INTEGRAL DDT Observations of Mrk 501 Kuulkers
1970005 INTEGRAL ToO Observation of GS 1826-24 Kajava
1970006 INTEGRAL ToO observation of Cyg X-2 Capitanio
1920013 Positron Annihilation in Globular Clusters Siegert
1970007 INTEGRAL TOO observation of 3C 273 Public
1940011 Proposal for INTEGRAL ToO observations of IceCube neutrinos Savchenko
1920010 INTEGRAL observations to understand the origin of the periodicity from FRB 180916.J0158+65 Panessa
1970008 End to end test of Fast TOO schedule Public
1970009 INTEGRAL TOO observations of Mrk 501 Pian
1970010 INTEGRAL TOO observations of SAX J1808.4-3658 Public
1940008 Measuring the High Energy Emission of Millisecond X-Ray Pulsars in Outburst Li
1970011 TOO observation of GX 339-4 Rodriguez
1970012 TOO observation of XTE J1701-462 Capitanio
1940013 Proposal for INTEGRAL ToO observations of exceptional GRBs Savchenko
1970013 INTEGRAL TOO observations of GRB221009A Savchenko
1970014 TOO Observation of Cyg X-3 Veledina
2020006 INTEGRAL Observations of the Andromeda Galaxy Siegert
2020020 M81 deep field: INTEGRAL-SRG legacy AGN survey Mereminskiy
2020013 Keeping watch over our Galaxy - GPS8 Bazzano
2070001 TOO Observation of fast TOO tes Public
2020017 Monitoring the Galactic Centre Region: An INTEGRAL Legacy Wilms
2070002 INTEGRAL TOO Observations of RXS J044100.3 Lutovinov
2020001 Regular and frequent INTEGRAL monitoring of the Galactic Bulge region Kuulkers
2020014 Broad view on high energy Galactic background: "Galactic Center" Sunyaev
2060001 INTEGRAL monitoring of the Crab Public
2020021 Galactic Center Field: Deep Exposure in AO-20 Grebenev
2040020 Proposal for INTEGRAL ToO observations of exceptional GRBs Savchenko
2070005 TOO observation of 4U 1630-47 Public
2070006 TOO Observtion of GX 5-1 Ferrigno
2070008 INTEGRAL TOO Observations of 4U 1630-47 Bouchet
2070007 INTEGRAL DDT Observations of Sgr A* Kuulkers
2020005 Positron Annihilation Observations in Globular Clusters Siegert
2070009 TOO Observation of Cyg X-1 coord with IXPE Parra
2020016 Continued Monitoring of the Polarization of Cygnus X-1 Wilms
2070010 INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swift J0243.6+6124 Ferrigno
2070011 INTEGRAL TOO observations of FRB 20220912A Panessa
2070013 INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swift 0 Swift J1727.8-1613 (AKA GRB 230824A) Delaunay
2070012 INTEGRAL TOO observations of 4U 1630-47 in coordination with NICER Bouchet
2070014 INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swikft J1727.8-1613 Belloni
2040001 A multi-wavelength campaign to observe a bright black hole transient in transition Motta
2040023 Study of the corona geometry and system inclinaton in BH LMXB. A coordinated IXPE/INTEGRAL ToO observation Capitanio
2020018 INTEGRAL observations to understand the origin of the periodicity from FRB 180916.J0158+65 Panessa
2070015 INTEGRAL TOO observations of Swift J1727.8-1613 Sunyaev
2040006 Focussing onto the gamma-ray emission of Black Hole Transients in the bright hard state Del Santo
2070016 INTEGRAL TOO observation of GX 339-4 Petrucci
2070017 INTEGRAL observation of GRB 231115A Public