FINAL Registration
Important dates:
February 15th, 2018 - Abstract submission and Pre-registration opens
March 31st, 2018 - Abstract submission and Pre-registration closes
end of May, 2018 - Notifications for contributed talks, posters, and registration status
June 1st, 2018 - Final Registration opens
June 30th, 2018 - Final Registration closes
In order to enable participation of researchers from all backgrounds, we will not charge a registration fee.
NOTE: Due to space limitations participants are required to pre-register by submitting an abstract. If you wish to participate but not give a presentation, pre-register and submit an empty abstract. After close of abstract submission and pre-registration and in the case of over-subscription preference will be given to participants who wish to present their work. Participants will be notified of their pre-registration status together with contributed talk/poster selection by the end of May. Final registration will then be opened up. Participants without pre-registration will only be considered in case the meeting is not oversubscribed. We strongly advise interested participants to not make any non-refundable travel arrangements prior to receiving a confirmation of their registration status.
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