Registration - Euclid Photometric Calibration Workshop
online registration
You will need to register to attend the workshop. Please note, registration and abstract submission are separate processes, there is no need to register on order to submit an abstract of an oral or poster contribution through the abstract submission form. For applicable deadlines see Important Dates.
No workshop registration fee applies.
To register please use the online tool below. Registrations via e-mail are not accepted.
The Conference Dinner can be booked at a cost of TBC Euro (VAT included). Payment has to be done in person at ESAC to the Workshop Secretary before 12:00 on 21 September, only cash payment is accepted. You will receive an invoice upon payment.
Information on corporate hotel services and shuttle to ESAC from Madrid downtown, (and form ESAC to the airport on the closing day) can be found in "Location and Venue".
Questions regarding registration via the online systems, and eventual cancellations should be sent to the workshop dedicated e-mail address (please visit Contact information).
In case you cannot attend the workshop in person but you want to follow discussions and participate online then the LOC could provide virtual attendance options. Two-way communication with audio and video link will be available for external participants. Access details to the ESAC Webex or Polycom systems will be provided by the LOC to all registered participants. We request online participants to register in the workshop even if you cannot attend in person, please type "Online" in the Passport/Id field.
Registered participants
Last update: 19 September 2016
Jeremie Ansart CNES
Ruyman Azzollini MSSL
David Barrado Centro de Astrobiologia (INTA-CSIC)
Marc Betoule CNRS
Alexandre Boucaud IAS Orsay
Peter Capak IPAC/Caltech
Raymond Carlberg University of Toronto
Francisco Javier Castander Institut de Ciencies de l'Espai (IEEC-CSIC)
Chris Conselice U. Nottingham
Luca Conversi ESA/ESAC
Jean-Charles Cuillandre CEA-Saclay / Obs. de Paris
Susana Deustua Space Telescope Science Institute
Xavier Dupac ESA/ESAC
Anne Ealet CPPM
Benoit Epinat LAM
Audrey Galametz MPE Garching
Juan Garcia-Bellido Universidad Autonoma Madrid
William Gillard CPPM
Javier Gracia Carpio MPE
Holger Israel LMU Muenchen
Mher Kazandjian Leiden Observatory
Ralf Kohley ESA/ESAC
Bogna Kubik IPNL
Dustin Lang University of Toronto
René Laureijs ESA/ESTEC
Nicolas Lodieu IAC, Tenerife
Elisabetta Maiorano INAF-IASF Bologna (Italy)
Dida Markovic ICG Portsmouth
Eduardo Martin Centro de Astrobiologia
Mohammad Mirkazemi Univ. Munich
Joe Mohr LMU-Munich
Stephane Paltani University of Geneva
Will Percival University of Portsmouth
Marc Sauvage CEA/Irfu
David Schade National Research Council Canada
Marco Scodeggio INAF IASF-Milano
Vivien Scottez Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
Gert Sikkema Kapteyn Institute Groningen
Harry Teplitz IPAC/Caltech
Patrick Tisserand IAP
Jose Varela López CEFCA
Roland Vavrek ESA/ESAC
Gijs Verdoes Kleijn Kapteyn Astronomical Institute; University of Groningen
Stefanie Wachter MPIA