Euclid Calibration Working Group


The CalWG ensures that the Euclid Calibration Concepts as described in the Calibration Concept Documents (CalCDs) provide a feasible and consistent top level system performance budgeting and requirements flow down, which can meet the Euclid science objectives.

The calibration working group considers the top calibration requirements given in the CalCD part A and oversees the implied calibration procedures documented in the CalCD part B, which include operations (the set of observations) as well the processing activities. The calibration procedures may affect the Euclid Sky Survey, as a consequence the work by the group is closely linked to the ESSWG.




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The working group is co-chaired by the EC calibration lead scientist and the ESA Project Scientist. Other members of the WG come from the EC and ESA, and some are involved in other Working Groups such as the ESSWG, to ensure coordination.