Euclid Science Team Public Documents - Euclid
Euclid Science Team MEMO's
The table below lists Euclid related publications from the Euclid Science Team (EST).
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Ref | Title | Date | Comments |
EUCL-ESAC-CR-9-001 |
List of Data Products in the Euclid Science Archive | 2024-12-18 | List of data products which are supported within the Euclid Data Archive (as of Dec 2024). |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-015 |
Proprietary data sharing in the Euclid Science Collaboration |
2024-09-30 | Amended version of the memo, providing guidelines on data sharing. |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-018 |
EST memo: Q1 fields definition | 2024-07-04 | Detailed list of expected Q1 products. Amended on 16th October 2024. |
EUCL-EST-PL-8-005 | Roadmap for the Early Release Objects Program | 2023-02-02 | |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-016 | EST Memo: Access and usage of LE1 data products from spacecraft commissioning and performance verification phases | 2023-08-08 | Guidelines for the access and usage of Level 1 (LE1) science data of observations obtained before the start of the nominal mission |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-015 | EST Memo: Proprietary data sharing in the Euclid Science Collaboration | 2023-07-02 | Guideline for data sharing between the different parties mentioned in the Euclid Science Management Plan, before public release of the data |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-014 | EST Memo: Product definition for the Q1 data release | 2023-08-14 | Gives the list of SGS Q1 data release products as recommended by the Euclid Science Team (EST) |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-011 | EST Memo: Time Domain Studies with Euclid | 2023-01-09 | |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-010 | EST Memo: Euclid Early-Release Objects Outreach Programme | 2022-10-31 | |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-009 | EST Memo: Allocation of Euclid science time during the nominal mission | 2022-10-10 | Specification by the Euclid Science Team (EST) of the allocation of proprietary science time during the Euclid nominal mission, which is the 6-year period after the commissioning phase |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-007 | EST Memo: Q1: Euclid's first public data release - scope and content | 2022-10-06 | |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-007 | EST Memo: External data for Euclid | 2016-03-15 | |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-003 | EST Memo: VIS Short Exposure | 2014-04-11 | |
EUCL-EST-ME-8-002 | EST Memo: Recommended NISP grism configuration | 2014-03-07 | |
EUCL-ESAC-ME-8-003 | EST Memo: Euclid SAS - policy for the publication of LE1 data | 2023-05-09 | Policy for the publication of the level-1 (LE1) Euclid data products in the Euclid Science Archive System (SAS) for proprietary access by the members of the Euclid Consortium |
MoU_Rubin-Euclid_EDFS | Memorandum of Understanding: Memorandum of Understanding between the Euclid Consortium and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory concerning the sharing of data associated with the Euclid Deep Field South | 2023-01-31 | The memorandum considers that early sharing of the EDFS data with Rubin implies that these Euclid data shall become public to the whole astronomical community at the same time |
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