Euclid Q1 Contents - Euclid
Euclid Q1 Quick Data Release Contents
The Q1 data release contains the VIS and NIR data of one pass on each of the three Euclid deep fields (EDF-North, EDF-South, and EDF-Fornax), as well as data on Lynds Dark Nebula LDN1641 in the Orion star-formation region.
Euclid Q1 images are available as :
- Single, calibrated frames in multi-extension FITS files for VIS and NIR for each exposure.
- Merged (MER) mosaics, where all exposures intersecting a given tile on the sky have been stacked. Mosaics include ground-based imaging data.
An image cutout service is available in the web GUI of the Science Archive. Image cutouts can also be created in ESA Datalabs.
Euclid Q1 catalogues can be retrieved as FITS files but are also ingested in the Science Archive database and can be queried using the Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL):
- MER (merged product) catalogue in 3 tables.
- PHZ (photometric redshift) catalogue in 8 tables.
- SPE (spectroscropic) catalogue in 13 tables.
SIR spectra can be retrieved with the DataLink protocol fom the Science Archive. Please see the Archive User Guide for how to get going.